Treasury and Risk Management with SAP S/4hana: The Comprehensive Guide
暫譯: SAP S/4HANA 財務與風險管理:全面指南
Carlson, Luke, Carlson, Andrew, Lasecki, Jeffrey
Decipher the complex world of TRM! With this all-in-one guide to SAP S/4HANA Finance for treasury and risk management, you'll get the detailed, expert help you need to run your operations smoothly. Set up your core configuration elements for debts and investments, foreign exchange, derivatives, and securities. Then expand your scope with exposure management, cash flow hedging, and balance sheet hedging. With information on correspondence forms, analyzers, reports, and integration, this book is your one-stop shop for TRM!
Highlights Include:
1) Master data
2) Debts and investments
3) Foreign exchange
4) Derivatives
5) Securities
6) Contracts
7) Exposure management
8) Cash flow hedging
9) Balance sheet hedging
10) Correspondence
11) Reporting
12) Integration
解碼複雜的 TRM 世界!這本針對 SAP S/4HANA 財務的全方位指南,專為財務和風險管理而設,將為您提供詳細的專業幫助,讓您的業務運作順利。設置您的核心配置元素,包括債務和投資、外匯、衍生品和證券。然後擴展您的範圍,涵蓋風險敞口管理、現金流對沖和資產負債表對沖。這本書提供有關對應表單、分析工具、報告和整合的信息,是您獲取 TRM 所需的全方位資源!
1) 主數據
2) 債務和投資
3) 外匯
4) 衍生品
5) 證券
6) 合約
7) 風險敞口管理
8) 現金流對沖
9) 資產負債表對沖
10) 對應
11) 報告
12) 整合