Using the R Commander: A Point-and-Click Interface for R (Chapman & Hall/CRC The R Series)

John Fox




This book provides a general introduction to the R Commander graphical user interface (GUI) to R for readers who are unfamiliar with R. It is suitable for use as a supplementary text in a basic or intermediate-level statistics course. It is not intended to replace a basic or other statistics text but rather to complement it, although it does promote sound statistical practice in the examples. The book should also be useful to individual casual or occasional users of R for whom the standard command-line interface is an obstacle.


本書為不熟悉 R 語言的讀者提供了對 R Commander 圖形使用者介面(GUI)的一般介紹。它適用於基礎或中級統計課程的補充教材。它並不意圖取代基礎或其他統計教材,而是作為其補充,儘管在示例中它確實提倡良好的統計實踐。對於個別偶爾使用 R 的非正式用戶來說,本書也應該是有用的,因為標準的命令行介面對他們來說是一個障礙。