Azure Machine Learning Studio for The Non-Data Scientist: Learn how to create experiments, operationalize them using Excel and Angular .Net Core ... programs to improve predictive results.

Michael Washington



Creating predictive models is no longer relegated to data scientists when you use tools such as the Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio.

Azure Machine Learning Studio is a web browser-based application that allows you to create and deploy predictive models as web services that can be consumed by custom applications and other tools such as Microsoft Excel.

With this book, you will learn how to create predictive experiments, operationalize them using Excel and Angular .Net Core applications, and create retraining programs to improve predictive results.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The Author is Not a Data Scientist
  • Why Do We Need Predictive Modeling?
  • An Introduction to Get You Started
Chapter 2: An End-To-End Azure Machine Learning Studio Application
  • Create an Azure Machine Learning Workspace
  • Create An Experiment
  • Select Columns
  • Split Data
  • Train The Model
  • Score The Model
  • Evaluate The Model
  • Create A Predictive Web Service
  • Consume The Model Using Excel
Chapter 3: An Angular 2 .Net Core Application Consuming an Azure Machine Learning Model
  • The Application
  • Creating The Application
  • Create The .Net Core Application
  • Add PrimeNG
  • Add The Database
  • Create Code To Call Azure Machine Learning Web Service
  • Create The Angular Application
  • Saving Data
  • Viewing Data
Chapter 4: Retraining an Azure Machine Learning Application
  • The Retraining Process
  • Prepare The Training Data
  • Set-up An Azure Storage Account
  • Create The Batch Retraining Program
  • Get Required Values
  • Add A New Endpoint And Patch It
  • Consume The New Endpoint


當您使用Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio等工具時,創建預測模型不再僅限於數據科學家。

Azure Machine Learning Studio是一個基於網頁瀏覽器的應用程序,允許您創建和部署預測模型作為Web服務,這些Web服務可以被自定義應用程序和其他工具(如Microsoft Excel)使用。

通過本書,您將學習如何創建預測實驗,使用Excel和Angular .Net Core應用程序將其操作化,並創建重新訓練程序以改善預測結果。


- 為什麼我們需要預測建模?
- 入門介紹

第2章:一個完整的Azure Machine Learning Studio應用程序
- 創建Azure Machine Learning工作區
- 創建實驗
- 選擇列
- 拆分數據
- 訓練模型
- 評估模型
- 創建預測Web服務
- 使用Excel消費模型

第3章:使用Azure Machine Learning模型的Angular 2 .Net Core應用程序
- 應用程序
- 創建應用程序
- 創建.Net Core應用程序
- 添加PrimeNG
- 添加數據庫
- 創建調用Azure Machine Learning Web服務的代碼
- 創建Angular應用程序
- 保存數據
- 查看數據

第4章:重新訓練Azure Machine Learning應用程序
- 重新訓練過程
- 準備訓練數據
- 設置Azure存儲賬戶
- 創建批量重新訓練程序
- 獲取所需值
- 添加新的端點並進行修補
- 消費新的端點