Oracle Data Warehouse Tuning for 10g
暫譯: Oracle 10g 數據倉儲調優

Gavin JT Powell

  • 出版商: Digital press
  • 出版日期: 2005-09-01
  • 定價: $3,600
  • 售價: 8.0$2,880
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 504
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1555583350
  • ISBN-13: 9781555583354
  • 相關分類: Oracle
  • 立即出貨 (庫存=1)




“This book should satisfy those who want a different perspective than the official Oracle documentation. It will cover all important aspects of a data warehouse while giving the necessary examples to make the reading a lively experience.”
- Tim Donar, Author and Systems Architect
for Enterprise Data Warehouses

Tuning a data warehouse database focuses on large
transactions, mostly requiring what is known as throughput. Throughput is the passing of large amounts of information through a server, network
and Internet environment, backwards and forwards, constantly! The ultimate objective of a data warehouse is the production of meaningful and useful reporting, from historical and archived data. The trick is to make the reports print within an acceptable time frame.

A data model contains tables and relationships between tables. Tuning a data model involves Normalization and Denormalization. Different approaches are required depending on the application, such as OLTP or a Data Warehouse. Inappropriate database design can make SQL code impossible to tune. Poor data modeling can have a most profound effect on database performance since all SQL code is constructed from the data model.


Table of Contents:

Contents at a Glance

Chapter 1. Introduction to Data Warehousing
Chapter 2. Data Warehouse Data Modeling
Chapter 3. Making Hardware and I/O Perform in a Data Warehouse
Chapter 4. Data Warehouse Physical Architecture
Chapter 5. Effective Data Warehouse Indexing
Chapter 6. Constraints and Integrity in Data Warehouses
Chapter 7. Using Partitioning and Tuning Parallel Processing
Chapter 8. Materialized Views and Query Rewrites
Chapter 9. Oracle Dimension Objects
Chapter 10. Data Loading: Extraction and Transportation
Chapter 11. Data Loading: Loading and Transformation
Chapter 12. SQL Aggregation Using GROUP BY Clause Extensions
Chapter 13. Analysis Reporting Using Special SQL Functions
Chapter 14. SQL and the MODEL Clause
Chapter 15. OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) and Mining the Redo Logs with Data Miner


“這本書應該能滿足那些希望獲得與官方 Oracle 文檔不同視角的讀者。它將涵蓋數據倉庫的所有重要方面,同時提供必要的範例,使閱讀變得生動有趣。”
- Tim Donar,企業數據倉庫的作者和系統架構師


數據模型包含表格及其之間的關係。調整數據模型涉及正規化和反正規化。根據應用的不同,例如 OLTP 或數據倉庫,需要不同的方法。不當的數據庫設計可能使 SQL 代碼無法調整。糟糕的數據建模對數據庫性能的影響可能非常深遠,因為所有 SQL 代碼都是從數據模型構建的。


第 1 章 數據倉庫簡介
第 2 章 數據倉庫數據建模
第 3 章 在數據倉庫中提升硬體和 I/O 性能
第 4 章 數據倉庫的物理架構
第 5 章 有效的數據倉庫索引
第 6 章 數據倉庫中的約束和完整性
第 7 章 使用分區和調整並行處理
第 8 章 物化視圖和查詢重寫
第 9 章 Oracle 維度對象
第 10 章 數據加載:提取和傳輸
第 11 章 數據加載:加載和轉換
第 12 章 使用 GROUP BY 子句擴展的 SQL 聚合
第 13 章 使用特殊 SQL 函數的分析報告
第 14 章 SQL 和 MODEL 子句
第 15 章 OLAP(在線分析處理)及使用數據挖掘器挖掘重做日誌