Internet QoS : Architectures and Mechanisms for Quality of Service (Hardcover)
暫譯: 網際網路品質服務:品質服務的架構與機制 (精裝版)

Zheng Wang

  • 出版商: Morgan Kaufmann
  • 出版日期: 2001-03-05
  • 售價: $1,176
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 240
  • 裝訂: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 1558606084
  • ISBN-13: 9781558606081
  • 已絕版



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"What I really like about this book is that it cuts through the vast amount of noise about QoS in the Internet, and pulls out the core ideas (integrated and differentiated services, MPLS, and traffic engineering) in plain and simple technical prose. Internet QoS presents a balanced view of the various technologies and relates them to their practical use. It's up to date, but unlikely to go out of date quickly either, so should prove useful to engineers and students alike."

--Jon Crowcroft, University College London

Guaranteeing performance and prioritizing data across the Internet may seem nearly impossible because of an increasing number of variables that can affect and undermine service. But if you're involved in developing and implementing streaming video or voice, or other time-sensitive Internet applications, you understand exactly what's at stake in establishing Quality of Service (QoS) and recognize the benefits it will bring to your company.

What you need is a reliable guide to the latest QoS techniques that addresses the Internet's special challenges. Internet QoS is it-the first book to dig deep into the issues that affect your ability to provide performance and prioritization guarantees to your customers and users! This book gives a comprehensive view of key technologies and discusses various analytical techniques to help you get the most out of network resources as you strive to make, and adhere to, meaningful QoS guarantees.


  • Includes valuable insights from a Bell Labs engineer with 14 years of experience in data networking and Internet protocol design.
  • Details the enhancements to current Internet architectures and discusses new mechanisms and network management capabilities that QoS will require.
  • Focuses on the four main areas of Internet QoS: integrated services, differentiated services, MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching), and traffic engineering.


Zheng Wang has been involved in Internet-related research and development for the last 14 years. He is currently with Bell Labs Lucent Technologies, working on high-speed routers and optical transport systems. He has been published in many journals and magazines, and holds patents in IP routing, QoS mechanisms, differentiated services, MPLS, traffic engineering, and optical networking.

Table of Contents:

1 The Big Picture

2 Integrated Services

3 Differentiated Services

4 Multiprotocol Label Switching

5 Internet Traffic Engineering

Sample Chapter

Related Titles:

Computer & Communication Networks


訂購本書 | 作者 | 內容 | 相關書籍

「我真正喜歡這本書的是,它能夠穿透有關網際網路 QoS 的大量噪音,並以簡單明瞭的技術文筆提煉出核心概念(整合服務、差異化服務、MPLS 和流量工程)。《Internet QoS》對各種技術提供了平衡的觀點,並將它們與實際應用聯繫起來。這本書是最新的,但不太可能很快過時,因此對工程師和學生都應該會有幫助。」
—— Jon Crowcroft,倫敦大學學院


您需要的是一本可靠的指南,介紹最新的 QoS 技術,並針對網際網路的特殊挑戰。《Internet QoS》就是這本書——它深入探討影響您向客戶和用戶提供性能和優先處理保證的問題!這本書全面介紹了關鍵技術,並討論各種分析技術,幫助您充分利用網絡資源,努力制定並遵守有意義的 QoS 保證。

- 包含來自擁有 14 年數據網絡和網際網路協議設計經驗的貝爾實驗室工程師的寶貴見解。
- 詳細說明當前網際網路架構的增強,並討論 QoS 所需的新機制和網絡管理能力。
- 專注於網際網路 QoS 的四個主要領域:整合服務、差異化服務、MPLS(多協議標籤交換)和流量工程。

Zheng Wang 參與了與網際網路相關的研究和開發已有 14 年。他目前在貝爾實驗室盧森特科技工作,專注於高速路由器和光傳輸系統。他在許多期刊和雜誌上發表過文章,並在 IP 路由、QoS 機制、差異化服務、MPLS、流量工程和光網絡方面擁有專利。

1 大局觀
2 整合服務
3 差異化服務
4 多協議標籤交換
5 網際網路流量工程

第 1 章:大局觀 (386K)
