Designing with JavaScript, 2/e (Paperback)
暫譯: 使用 JavaScript 設計, 第 2 版 (平裝本)
Nick Heinle, Bill Pena
- 出版商: O'Reilly
- 出版日期: 2002-01-11
- 定價: $1,180
- 售價: 2.5 折 $299
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 240
- 裝訂: Paperback
- ISBN: 156592360X
- ISBN-13: 9781565923607
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JavaScript is one of the core technologies of the Web. Using JavaScript, you can create dynamic, interactive web pages that include image rollovers, pop-up windows, auto-scrolling frames, intelligent forms, and sophisticated Dynamic HTML effects. Even better, you don't have to be a programming ace to learn enough JavaScript to incorporate these elements into your web pages.
Designing with JavaScript shows you how to create the effects you want, without forcing you to wade through pages of dry programmer-speak about variables, operators, and functions. Each chapter demonstrates common JavaScript techniques and explains how to customize them for your own use. Along the way, it introduces basic JavaScript concepts, teaching the language in the context of real-world examples. By the time you finish this book, you'll have a solid foundation of JavaScript knowledge that you can apply to your own web pages.
With Designing with JavaScript, you will learn to:
- Use JavaScript to produce visual effects, such as image rollovers and rotating billboards
- Launch new browser windows, control frames, and validate form data
- Customize your site by using JavaScript to detect browsers, platforms, and plug-ins
- Use cookies to keep track of visitors, so you can welcome new users while offering customized pages to returning users
- Create a tabbed folder interface, drop-down menus, and a scrolling headline ticker, using the basics of Dynamic HTML
The first edition of Designing with JavaScript taught tens of thousands of web designers how to enliven their pages with JavaScript. This new edition has been updated to cover the latest JavaScript techniques supported by current web browsers. If you are ready to start incorporating JavaScript into your designs, this is the book for you.
Table of Contents
1. Diving into JavaScript
Adding descriptive links
Night and day
2. Doing Windows
Window basics
Launching new windows
Remote control
3. Controlling Frames
The toolbar design
Rotating pages
QuickTime VR on a budget
4. Forms and Validation
Getting to know that form
Stop that form!
Is that really your email?
Validate this!
5. Getting in Line with Arrays
The array concept
Being unpredictable
Doing the date right
Jumpin' jive
6. Too Many Browsers? Not Really
What browser is that knocking at my door?
Different browsers, different needs
Style differences
Checking for plug-ins
Beyond the browser
7. Dynamic Images
Image basics
Image rollovers
Multiple rollovers
An image billboard
8. Customizing a Site with Cookies
What's a cookie?
Basic cookie operations
A welcome for new visitors
Forms that remember
Customized pages
9. Dynamic HTML
What is DHTML?
The Document Object Model
Dynamic Cascading Style Sheets
Getting acquainted with layers
Browser detection
10. Interactive DHTML Techniques
Drop-down menus
Sliding tabs
Scrolling layers with clipping
11. Advanced Applications
Object-oriented scripting
The quiz: testing your readers
Relational menus
A cross-browser style object
Moving on
A. Common JavaScript Objects
B. Event Handlers
C. Style Properties
D. JavaScript Syntax
JavaScript 是網路的核心技術之一。使用 JavaScript,您可以創建動態、互動的網頁,這些網頁可以包含圖片懸停、彈出視窗、自動滾動框架、智能表單以及複雜的動態 HTML 效果。更棒的是,您不必成為編程高手,就能學會足夠的 JavaScript 來將這些元素整合到您的網頁中。
《Designing with JavaScript》將教您如何創建所需的效果,而不必讓您在關於變數、運算符和函數的枯燥程序員術語中掙扎。每一章都展示了常見的 JavaScript 技術,並解釋如何根據自己的需求進行自定義。在此過程中,它介紹了基本的 JavaScript 概念,並在現實世界的範例中教授這門語言。當您完成本書時,您將擁有堅實的 JavaScript 知識基礎,可以應用於自己的網頁。
通過《Designing with JavaScript》,您將學會:
- 使用 JavaScript 產生視覺效果,例如圖片懸停和旋轉廣告牌
- 啟動新的瀏覽器視窗、控制框架和驗證表單數據
- 通過使用 JavaScript 偵測瀏覽器、平台和插件來自定義您的網站
- 使用 cookies 追蹤訪客,以便在歡迎新用戶的同時為回訪用戶提供自定義頁面
- 使用動態 HTML 的基本知識創建選項卡式文件夾介面、下拉菜單和滾動標題跑馬燈
《Designing with JavaScript》的第一版教會了數萬名網頁設計師如何用 JavaScript 使他們的頁面生動起來。這一新版已更新,以涵蓋當前網頁瀏覽器所支持的最新 JavaScript 技術。如果您準備開始將 JavaScript 融入您的設計,這本書就是為您而寫的。
1. 深入 JavaScript
- 添加描述性連結
- 日夜
2. 操作視窗
- 視窗基礎
- 啟動新視窗
- 遙控
3. 控制框架
- 工具列設計
- 旋轉頁面
- 預算內的 QuickTime VR
4. 表單與驗證
- 了解該表單
- Madlibs
- 停止那個表單!
- 那真的是您的電子郵件嗎?
- 驗證這個!
5. 與陣列排隊
- 陣列概念
- 不可預測
- 正確處理日期
- 跳舞的節奏
6. 瀏覽器太多了?其實不然
- 哪個瀏覽器在敲我的門?
- 不同瀏覽器,不同需求
- 樣式差異
- 檢查插件
- 超越瀏覽器
7. 動態圖片
- 圖片基礎
- 圖片懸停
- 多重懸停
- 一個圖片廣告牌
8. 使用 Cookies 自定義網站
- 什麼是 cookie?
- 基本的 cookie 操作
- 歡迎新訪客
- 記住的表單
- 自定義頁面
9. 動態 HTML
- 什麼是 DHTML?
- 文件物件模型
- 動態層疊樣式表
- 認識層
- 瀏覽器偵測
10. 互動式 DHTML 技術
- 下拉菜單
- 滑動選項卡
- 帶剪裁的滾動層
11. 進階應用
- 物件導向腳本
- 測驗:測試您的讀者
- 關聯菜單
- 跨瀏覽器樣式物件
- 繼續前進
A. 常見的 JavaScript 物件
B. 事件處理器
C. 樣式屬性
D. JavaScript 語法