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Premiere Pro 1.5
More than a button-pushing manual, this editing workshop delivers practical insight into the art and technique of editing. You develop a working knowledge of the principles and techniques of editing that enable you to shape your raw footage into a coherent, compelling, original story. Thirteen lessons cover each and every essential, including:
- Nuances of system set-up to ensure smooth operation
- Customizing Premiere Pro and inter-application workflow
- Starting a project in Premier Pro
- Capturing and Importing
- Building a rough cut with multipoint editing
- Trimming to polish your sequences
- Adding effects and transitions with nesting and keyframing
- Compositing to enhance your projects
- Color Correction to restore or achieve shot-to-shot consistency
- Using Motion to animate
- Working with audio, including audio effects and mixing
- Styling your titles; using graphics, rolls and crawls
- Outputting to your choice of media
Put your new-found skills to the test with an extended tutorial supplied on the companion DVD. Analyze how a professional team edited and produced a public service announcement spot — then recreate the edit with your voice. Complete project source files are provided for this tutorial in addition to media provided for use throughout the lessons.
USER LEVEL: Novice to Intermediate
**Premiere Pro 1.5**
- 系統設置的細微差別,以確保平穩運行
- 自訂 Premiere Pro 和應用程式間的工作流程
- 在 Premiere Pro 中啟動專案
- 捕捉和導入
- 使用多點編輯建立粗剪
- 修剪以潤飾您的序列
- 使用嵌套和關鍵幀添加效果和轉場
- 合成以增強您的專案
- 色彩校正以恢復或實現鏡頭之間的一致性
- 使用運動來動畫化
- 處理音頻,包括音頻效果和混音
- 美化您的標題;使用圖形、滾動和爬行
- 輸出到您選擇的媒體
利用隨附 DVD 提供的擴展教程來檢驗您新學到的技能。分析專業團隊如何編輯和製作公共服務公告廣告,然後用您的聲音重現編輯。此教程提供完整的專案源文件,並附有在課程中使用的媒體。