Instant Vegas Movie Studio +DVD
暫譯: 即時 Vegas Movie Studio +DVD

Douglas Spotted Eagle

  • 出版商: CMP Books
  • 出版日期: 2005-06-15
  • 定價: $850
  • 售價: 3.5$299
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 240
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 157820271X
  • ISBN-13: 9781578202713
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=1)





Get to work fast with carefully detailed screenshots and step-by-step directions that illustrate the most-used features of Vegas Movie Studio software in a concise, time-efficient way. Learn how to navigate the interface and perform the essential tasks, from editing video and audio to compositing and outputting.

As a learning tool or a handy reference--this guide is packed with useful, accessible information for novice and experienced users alike. Beginners get a no-fluff introduction to the intelligent use of Vegas Movie Studio, while more experienced users get real-world examples and creative suggestions for producing better projects. VEG files related to projects found in this book may be downloaded from the VASST Web site (

Douglas Spotted Eagle is an award-winning performer, music producer, and videographer. He is the author of Vegas 6 Editing Workshop among many books, and the host of two web sites for users of Vegas and related products.

John J. Rofrano is a musician, vocalist, songwriter, videographer and software architect. He is the author of the Instant ACID book, tutorials on Sony Vegas, and moderates the ACID and Sony Scripting forum at Digital Media Network site ( More information can be found at his web site.



快速開始工作,透過詳細的截圖和逐步指導,簡潔且高效地展示 Vegas Movie Studio 軟體中最常用的功能。學習如何導航介面並執行基本任務,從編輯視頻和音頻到合成和輸出。

作為學習工具或方便的參考資料,這本指南為新手和經驗豐富的用戶提供了豐富且易於理解的信息。初學者將獲得對 Vegas Movie Studio 智能使用的簡明介紹,而更有經驗的用戶則能獲得實際範例和創意建議,以製作更好的項目。本書中提到的 VEG 檔案可從 VASST 網站下載(。


**Douglas Spotted Eagle** 是一位獲獎的表演者、音樂製作人和攝影師。他是《Vegas 6 Editing Workshop》等多本書籍的作者,並且是兩個針對 Vegas 及相關產品用戶的網站主持人。

**John J. Rofrano** 是一位音樂家、歌手、詞曲創作人、攝影師和軟體架構師。他是《Instant ACID》一書的作者,並撰寫有關 Sony Vegas 的教程,還在數位媒體網絡網站(上主持 ACID 和 Sony Scripting 論壇。更多信息可在他的網站上找到。