The Art of the Data Center: A Look Inside the World's Most Innovative and Compelling Computing Environments (Paperback)

Douglas Alger




Today, data centers are the beating hearts of the companies they serve. Data centers process billions of Internet transactions every day. It's therefore critical for companies and IT organizations to understand the state-of-the-art in data center design. Narrow aspects - such as cooling, wiring, or power usage - are often the subject of technical documents. But it's rare to find a holistic view of how a great data center was designed - until now. In The Art of the Data Center, Cisco's Douglas Alger takes you behind the scenes at eighteen of the world's most innovative data centers. Through interviews with their designers, Alger reveals why key decisions were made, and shows how construction and other challenges were overcome. He goes behind the scenes with pioneering companies like Cisco, eBay, Facebook, and Yahoo! presenting design lessons that can be applied in widely diverse environments.

Readers will encounter amazing data centers like these:
  • A data center built into a 1920s chapel
  • A data center built in an underground military bunker, with artificial daylight, manmade waterfalls, and submarine engines providing standby power
  • A data center inspired by a chicken coop
  • The world's first all solar data center
Data center professionals directly involved in planning, design, or operations will find this book remarkably useful - and a much broader audience of IT executives and practitioners will find it utterly fascinating.

Do you have a Safari Books Online account? Have a look and a listen, too! The Safari edition of this book includes 8 audio recordings from the author describing lessons learned, industry trends and general insights as well as more detailed explanations of certain Data Center topics raised within the profiles. Links to these recordings appear throughout the book, wherever the topic is discussed.


如今,數據中心是企業的核心。數據中心每天處理數十億個互聯網交易。因此,企業和IT組織了解數據中心設計的最新技術非常重要。狹義的方面,如冷卻、布線或電力使用,通常是技術文件的主題。但是,很少能找到一個全面的觀點,闡述一個優秀數據中心的設計 - 直到現在。在《數據中心的藝術》一書中,思科的道格拉斯·阿爾格帶您走進世界上最具創新性的十八個數據中心的幕後。通過與設計師的訪談,阿爾格揭示了為什麼做出關鍵決策,並展示了如何克服建設和其他挑戰。他與思科、eBay、Facebook和Yahoo等開創性公司走進幕後,提供了可以應用於各種環境的設計教訓。

- 一個建在1920年代教堂內的數據中心
- 一個建在地下軍事掩體內的數據中心,具有人工日光、人造瀑布和潛艇引擎提供備用電力
- 一個受雞舍啟發的數據中心
- 世界上第一個全太陽能數據中心


您有Safari Books Online帳戶嗎?也可以聽聽看!這本書的Safari版本包括8個作者的音頻錄音,描述了所學到的教訓、行業趨勢和一般見解,以及對書中提到的某些數據中心主題的更詳細解釋。這些錄音的鏈接出現在書中的相關話題處。