CCNP Official Exam Certification Library, 5/e
暫譯: CCNP 官方考試認證圖書館,第5版
Brent Stewart, David Hucaby, Brian Morgan, Neil Lovering, Amir Ranjbar
- 出版商: Cisco Press
- 出版日期: 2007-08-11
- 定價: $5,580
- 售價: 8.0 折 $4,464
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 2400
- 裝訂: Hardcover
- ISBN: 158720178X
- ISBN-13: 9781587201783
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CCNP Official Exam Certification Library
Fifth Edition
CCNP Certification Library is a comprehensive review and practice package for the four Cisco® CCNP® exams: BSCI, BCMSN, ISCW, and ONT. The four books contained in this package, CCNP BSCI Official Exam Certification Guide, Fourth Edition, CCNP BCMSN Official Exam Certification Guide, Fourth Edition, CCNP ISCW Official Exam Certification Guide, and CCNP ONT Official Exam Certification Guide, present complete reviews and ample opportunities to test your knowledge of CCNP exam topics. These authorized Cisco CCNP study guides are written by CCIE® certified individuals and certified Cisco instructors, bringing years of teaching and consulting experience together in an ideal test preparation format.
CCNP BSCI Official Exam Certification Guide, Fourth Edition, helps you evaluate your ability to use advanced IP addressing and routing in implementing scalability for Cisco integrated services routers (ISRs) connected to LANs and WANs. This book covers all the topics on the CCNP BSCI exam 642-901. CCNP BCMSN Official Exam Certification Guide, Fourth Edition, covers all the topics on the CCNP BCMSN exam 642-812 and helps you understand how to implement scalable multilayer switched networks. CCNP ISCW Official Exam Certification Guide covers all the topics on the CCNP ISCW exam 642-825 and tests your ability to secure and expand the reach of an enterprise network to teleworkers and remote sites with a focus on securing remote access and VPN client configuration. CCNP ONT Official Exam Certification Guide covers all the topics on the CCNP ONT exam 642-845 and examines your ability to optimize and apply effective quality of service (QoS) techniques for converged networks.
Every chapter in each Cisco Press Official Exam Certification Guide focuses your study and tests your knowledge of the subject through specially designed assessment features. “Do I Know This Already?” quizzes assess your knowledge and help you decide how much time you need to spend on each section. The detailed Foundation Topics sections review the exam topics you will need to master. Each chapter includes a Foundation Summary section full of tables and concise reviews for quick reference. Challenging chapter-ending review questions and scenario-based exercises test your knowledge of the subject matter, reinforce key concepts, and ensure that you understand how all the technologies work together in a real-world environment. Finally, each book’s companion CD-ROM has a robust, customizable test engine that allows you to take practice exams that mimic the real testing environment. You can take a full sample exam, focus on particular topic areas, randomize answers for reusability, track your progress, examine your strengths and weaknesses, and refer to an electronic version of the book to review concepts.
CCNP Certification Library, Fifth Edition, is part of a recommended learning path from Cisco that can include simulation and hands-on training from authorized Cisco Learning Partners and self-study products from Cisco Press. To find out more about instructor-led, e-learning, and hands-on instruction offered by authorized Cisco Learning Partners, please visit
Coverage of all four CCNP exams enables you to identify and fill your knowledge gap before the exam date.
- Prepare for the BSCI 642-901, BCMSN 642-812, ISCW 642-825, and ONT 642-845
- CCNP BCSI Official Exam Certification Guide, Fourth Edition, coverage includes essential routing principles for designing and managing scalable network; EIGRP, OSPF, and IS-IS functions and operations; basic BGP configuration; multicast routing; Cisco IOS routing features, including redistribution, route filtering, and DHCP; and IPv6 addressing and the transition from IPv4 to IPv6
- CCNP BCMSN Official Exam Certification Guide, Fourth Edition, coverage includes Spanning Tree Protocol concepts; virtual LAN (VLAN), VLAN trunking, and inter-VLAN routing; gateway redundancy technologies and protocols; wireless LAN topologies, components, connectivity, and standards; implementing a Cisco Unified Wireless Network; wireless client access; access layer voice concepts; and preventing and mitigating attacks against switched network security
- CCNP ISCW Official Exam Certification Guide coverage includes the Cisco hierarchical network model as it pertains to the WAN; teleworker configuration and access with broadband technologies; Frame mode MPLS; IPsec VPN implementations; Cisco device hardening; Cisco IOS® Firewall features; and Cisco IOS Intrusion Prevention System(IPS) features
- CCNP ONT Official Exam Certification Guide coverage includes implementing a voice-over-IP (VoIP) network; implementing QoS on converged networks; specific IP QoS mechanisms for implementing the DiffServ QoS model; AutoQoS; wireless security; and basic wireless management
4 Companion CD-ROMs
The four companion CD-ROMs contain test banks with a total of more than 800 practice questions, including simulation-based questions, and the full text in electronic format.
This volume is part of the Exam Certification Guide Series from Cisco Press®. Books in this series provide officially developed exam preparation materials that offer assessment, review, and practice to help Cisco Career Certification candidates identify weaknesses, concentrate their study efforts, and enhance their confidence as exam day nears.
CCNP 官方考試認證圖書館
CCNP 認證圖書館是一個全面的複習和練習套件,涵蓋四個 Cisco® CCNP® 考試:BSCI、BCMSN、ISCW 和 ONT。本套件包含的四本書,分別是 CCNP BSCI 官方考試認證指南(第四版)、CCNP BCMSN 官方考試認證指南(第四版)、CCNP ISCW 官方考試認證指南,以及 CCNP ONT 官方考試認證指南,提供完整的複習和充分的機會來測試您對 CCNP 考試主題的知識。這些經授權的 Cisco CCNP 學習指南由 CCIE® 認證專業人士和認證的 Cisco 講師撰寫,結合了多年的教學和諮詢經驗,以理想的考試準備格式呈現。
CCNP BSCI 官方考試認證指南(第四版)幫助您評估使用先進 IP 位址和路由來實現 Cisco 整合服務路由器(ISR)連接到 LAN 和 WAN 的可擴展性的能力。本書涵蓋 CCNP BSCI 考試 642-901 的所有主題。CCNP BCMSN 官方考試認證指南(第四版)涵蓋 CCNP BCMSN 考試 642-812 的所有主題,幫助您了解如何實現可擴展的多層交換網路。CCNP ISCW 官方考試認證指南涵蓋 CCNP ISCW 考試 642-825 的所有主題,測試您保護和擴展企業網路到遠端工作者和遠端站點的能力,重點在於保護遠端存取和 VPN 客戶端配置。CCNP ONT 官方考試認證指南涵蓋 CCNP ONT 考試 642-845 的所有主題,檢視您優化和應用有效的服務品質(QoS)技術於融合網路的能力。
每本 Cisco Press 官方考試認證指南中的每一章都專注於您的學習,並通過特別設計的評估功能測試您對主題的知識。“我已經知道這個了嗎?”測驗評估您的知識,幫助您決定每個部分需要花多少時間。詳細的基礎主題部分回顧您需要掌握的考試主題。每章包括一個基礎摘要部分,內含表格和簡明的回顧,便於快速參考。具有挑戰性的章末回顧問題和情境練習測試您對主題的知識,加強關鍵概念,並確保您了解所有技術如何在實際環境中協同工作。最後,每本書的隨附 CD-ROM 擁有強大的可自訂測試引擎,讓您可以進行模擬真實測試環境的練習考試。您可以進行完整的樣本考試,專注於特定主題區域,隨機化答案以便重複使用,追蹤您的進度,檢視您的優勢和劣勢,並參考電子版書籍以回顧概念。
CCNP 認證圖書館,第五版,是 Cisco 推薦的學習路徑的一部分,該路徑可以包括來自授權 Cisco 學習夥伴的模擬和實作訓練,以及來自 Cisco Press 的自學產品。要了解更多有關授權 Cisco 學習夥伴提供的講師主導、電子學習和實作教學的資訊,請訪問。
涵蓋所有四個 CCNP 考試使您能夠在考試日期之前識別並填補知識空白。
- 準備 BSCI 642-901、BCMSN 642-812、ISCW 642-825 和 ONT 642-845
- CCNP BSCI 官方考試認證指南(第四版)涵蓋設計和管理可擴展網路的基本路由原則;EIGRP、OSPF 和 IS-IS 的功能和操作;基本 BGP 配置;多播路由;Cisco IOS 路由功能,包括重分發、路由過濾和 DHCP;以及 IPv6 位址和從 IPv4 過渡到 IPv6
- CCNP BCMSN 官方考試認證指南(第四版)涵蓋生成樹協定概念;虛擬區域網(VLAN)、VLAN 樹幹和 VLAN 之間的路由;閘道冗餘技術和協定;無線區域網拓撲、組件、連接性和標準;實施 Cisco 統一無線網路;無線客戶端存取;接入層語音概念;以及防止和減輕對交換網路安全的攻擊
- CCNP ISCW 官方考試認證指南涵蓋 Cisco 分層網路模型在 WAN 中的應用;使用寬頻技術的遠端工作者配置和存取;幀模式 MPLS;IPsec VPN 實作;Cisco 設備加固;Cisco IOS® 防火牆功能;以及 Cisco IOS 入侵防護系統(IPS)功能
- CCNP ONT 官方考試認證指南涵蓋實施語音傳輸網路(VoIP);在融合網路上實施 QoS;實施 DiffServ QoS 模型的特定 IP QoS 機制;AutoQoS;無線安全;以及基本無線管理
四個隨附 CD-ROM
這四個隨附 CD-ROM 包含測試庫,總共超過 800 道練習題,包括基於模擬的問題,以及電子格式的完整文本。
本卷是 Cisco Press® 的考試認證指南系列的一部分。該系列的書籍提供官方開發的考試準備材料,提供評估、回顧和練習,幫助 Cisco 職業認證候選人識別弱點,集中學習精力,並在考試日臨近時增強信心。