Beginning Fedora: From Novice to Professional guides you through the tasks most new Linux users desire to perform while explaining potentially confusing concepts along the way. It will steer you through system customization opportunities and common tasks like listening to audio CDs and MP3s, watching movies, and performing office- and Internet-related jobs. A large part of the book is dedicated to advanced command-line techniques necessary to maintain your system and become a true Linux master!
Highlights of this title include the following:
- Provides an illustrated, step-by-step guide to Fedora installation and hardware configuration.
- Includes a DVD consisting of the latest Fedora operating system. Just place the disk into your drive and begin!
- Eases the transition from the Windows to the Linux desktop by focusing on key everyday tasks such as file management, peripheral configuration, MP3/video playback, and office tasks.
《Beginning Fedora: From Novice to Professional》將引導您完成大多數新Linux使用者希望執行的任務,同時解釋過程中可能令人困惑的概念。它將指導您進行系統自訂的機會以及常見任務,例如播放音頻CD和MP3、觀看電影以及執行與辦公室和互聯網相關的工作。本書的大部分內容專注於維護系統所需的高級命令行技術,幫助您成為真正的Linux大師!
- 提供插圖的逐步指南,介紹Fedora的安裝和硬體配置。
- 附贈一張包含最新Fedora作業系統的DVD。只需將光碟放入您的光碟機並開始使用!
- 通過專注於日常關鍵任務,如檔案管理、外圍設備配置、MP3/視頻播放和辦公任務,簡化從Windows到Linux桌面的過渡。