Universal Principles of Design: 100 Ways to Enhance Usability, Influence Perception, Increase Appeal, Make Better Design Decisions, and Teach Through Design

William Lidwell, Kritina Holden, Jill Butler





Whether a marketing campaign or a museum exhibit, a video game or a complex control system, the design we see is the culmination of many concepts and practices brought together from a variety of disciplines. Because no one can be an expert on everything, designers have always had to scramble to find the information and know-how required to make a design work--until now. "Universal Principles of Design is the first comprehensive, cross-disciplinary reference of design. Richly illustrated and easy to navigate, it pairs clear explanations of every design concept with visual examples of the concepts applied in practice. From the "80/20" rule to chunking, from baby-face bias to Occam's razor, and from self-similarity to storytelling, every major design concept is defined and illustrated for readers to expand their knowledge. This landmark reference will become the standard for designers, engineers, architects, and students who seek to broaden and improve their design expertise.

Table of Contents

  10 (2)
 80/20 Rule
  12 (2)
  14 (2)
 Advance Organizer
  16 (2)
 Aesthetic-Usability Effect
  18 (2)
  20 (2)
  22 (2)
  24 (2)
 Attractiveness Bias
  26 (2)
 Baby-Face Bias
  28 (2)
  30 (2)
 Classical Conditioning
  32 (2)
  34 (2)
 Cognitive Dissonance
  36 (2)
  38 (2)
 Common Fate
  40 (2)
  42 (2)
  44 (2)
  46 (2)
  48 (2)
  50 (2)
  52 (2)
  54 (2)
  56 (2)
 Defensible Space
  58 (2)
 Depth of Processing
  60 (2)
 Development Cycle
  62 (2)
 Entry Point
  64 (2)
  66 (2)
 Expectation Effect
  68 (2)
 Exposure Effect
  70 (2)
 Face-ism Ratio
  72 (2)
 Factor of Safety
  74 (2)
 Feedback Loop
  76 (2)
 Fibonacci Sequence
  78 (2)
 Figure-Ground Relationship
  80 (2)
 Fitts' Law
  82 (2)
 Five Hat Racks
  84 (2)
 Flexibility-Usability Tradeoff
  86 (2)
  88 (2)
 Form Follows Function
  90 (2)
  92 (2)
 Garbage In-Garbage Out
  94 (2)
 Golden Ratio
  96 (2)
 Good Continuation
  98 (2)
 Gutenberg Diagram
  100 (2)
 Hick's Law
  102 (2)
  104 (2)
 Hierarchy of Needs
  106 (2)
  108 (2)
 Iconic Representation
  110 (2)
  112 (2)
 Interference Effects
  114 (2)
 Inverted Pyramid
  116 (2)
  118 (2)
 Law of Pragnanz
  120 (2)
  122 (2)
  124 (2)
 Life Cycle
  126 (2)
  128 (2)
 Mental Model
  130 (2)
  132 (2)
 Mnemonic Device
  134 (2)
  136 (2)
 Most Average Facial Appearance Effect
  138 (2)
 Normal Distribution
  140 (2)
 Ockham's Razor
  142 (2)
 Operant Conditioning
  144 (2)
 Orientation Sensitivity
  146 (2)
 Performance Load
  148 (2)
 Performance Versus Preference
  150 (2)
 Picture Superiority Effect
  152 (2)
 Progressive Disclosure
  154 (2)
  156 (2)
  158 (2)
  160 (2)
  162 (2)
 Recognition Over Recall
  164 (2)
  166 (2)
 Rule of Thirds
  168 (2)
  170 (2)
 Savanna Preference
  172 (2)
 Scaling Fallacy
  174 (2)
  176 (2)
 Serial Position Effects
  178 (2)
  180 (2)
 Signal-to-Noise Ratio
  182 (2)
  184 (2)
  186 (2)
 Structural Forms
  188 (2)
  190 (2)
 Threat Detection
  192 (2)
 Three-Dimensional Projection
  194 (2)
 Top-Down Lighting Bias
  196 (2)
 Uncertainty Principle
  198 (2)
 Uniform Connectedness
  200 (2)
  202 (2)
 von Restorff Effect
  204 (2)
 Waist-to-Hip Ratio
  206 (2)
  208 (2)
 Weakest Link
  210 (2)
Index  212 (2)
Credits  214 (1)
Acknowledgments  215 (1)
About the Authors  216