Metasploit: The Penetration Tester's Guide (Paperback)
暫譯: Metasploit:滲透測試者指南(平裝本)

David Kennedy, Jim O'Gorman, Devon Kearns, Mati Aharoni




"The best guide to the Metasploit Framework." —HD Moore, Founder of the Metasploit Project

The Metasploit Framework makes discovering, exploiting, and sharing vulnerabilities quick and relatively painless. But while Metasploit is used by security professionals everywhere, the tool can be hard to grasp for first-time users. Metasploit: The Penetration Tester's Guide fills this gap by teaching you how to harness the Framework and interact with the vibrant community of Metasploit contributors.

Once you've built your foundation for penetration testing, you'll learn the Framework's conventions, interfaces, and module system as you launch simulated attacks. You'll move on to advanced penetration testing techniques, including network reconnaissance and enumeration, client-side attacks, wireless attacks, and targeted social-engineering attacks.

Learn how to:

  • Find and exploit unmaintained, misconfigured, and unpatched systems
  • Perform reconnaissance and find valuable information about your target
  • Bypass anti-virus technologies and circumvent security controls
  • Integrate Nmap, NeXpose, and Nessus with Metasploit to automate discovery
  • Use the Meterpreter shell to launch further attacks from inside the network
  • Harness standalone Metasploit utilities, third-party tools, and plug-ins
  • Learn how to write your own Meterpreter post exploitation modules and scripts

You'll even touch on exploit discovery for zero-day research, write a fuzzer, port existing exploits into the Framework, and learn how to cover your tracks. Whether your goal is to secure your own networks or to put someone else's to the test, Metasploit: The Penetration Tester's Guide will take you there and beyond.


《Metasploit Framework 的最佳指南。》 — **HD Moore, Metasploit Project 創始人**

Metasploit Framework 使得發現、利用和分享漏洞變得快速且相對簡單。然而,儘管 Metasploit 被全球的安全專業人士使用,對於第一次使用的用戶來說,這個工具可能難以掌握。《Metasploit: The Penetration Tester's Guide》填補了這一空白,教你如何利用這個框架並與活躍的 Metasploit 貢獻者社群互動。



- 找到並利用未維護、配置錯誤和未修補的系統
- 執行偵查並找到有價值的目標資訊
- 繞過防病毒技術並規避安全控制
- 將 Nmap、NeXpose 和 Nessus 與 Metasploit 整合以自動化發現
- 使用 Meterpreter shell 從內部網路發起進一步攻擊
- 利用獨立的 Metasploit 工具、第三方工具和插件
- 學習如何編寫自己的 Meterpreter 後利用模組和腳本

你甚至會接觸到零日研究的漏洞發現,編寫模糊測試器,將現有的漏洞移植到框架中,並學習如何掩蓋你的行蹤。無論你的目標是保護自己的網路還是測試他人的網路,《Metasploit: The Penetration Tester's Guide》將帶你到達並超越這些目標。