Write Great Code, Volume 3: Engineering Software (Paperback)

Hyde, Randall




Learn how to write code that everybody thinks is great. This book covers topics relevant to writing great code at a personal level: craftsmanship, art, and pride in your workmanship. This third volume in the Write Great Code series addresses the issues of creating readable and maintainable code that will generate awe from fellow programmers.

Volumes I & II of the Write Great Code series address an important attribute, efficiency, that is often ignored in modern software development. But no matter how efficient your code is, if it isn't readable and maintainable by others, then it's not great code. Great code must have a great design and must adhere to good coding standards. In this book, you'll learn things like coding styles, commenting, code layout, and other crucial coding tasks.





Randall Hyde is the author of The Art of Assembly Language, one of the most highly recommended resources on assembly, and Write Great Code, Volumes I & II. He is also the co-author of The Waite Group's MASM 6.0 Bible. He has written for Dr. Dobb's Journal and Byte, as well as professional journals. His website is available here.


Randall Hyde是《組合語言藝術》的作者,這是一本在組合語言領域中被高度推薦的資源之一,他還撰寫了《寫出優秀的程式碼》第一卷和第二卷。他也是《Waite Group的MASM 6.0聖經》的合著者。他曾為Dr. Dobb's Journal和Byte等專業期刊撰寫文章。他的網站可以在這裡找到。