DarkBASIC Programming for the Absolute Beginner (Paperback)
暫譯: 絕對初學者的 DarkBASIC 程式設計

Jr. Jerry Lee Ford



Looking for an inexpensive way to learn the fundamentals of game programming? Look no further! DarkBASIC Programming for the Absolute Beginner will provide you with a fun, gentle learning curve for learning DarkBASIC-- no prior programming experience required! DarkBASIC is an inexpensive programming language that supports the development of desktop applications, but is especially useful for game creation. DarkBASIC Programming for the Absolute Beginner will touch on all aspects of DarkBASIC's capabilities, but emphasis is placed on using it in game development. A different programming concept is taught in every chapter walking you through the creation of a simple game to illustrate the concept. This "learn by doing" approach not only provides a sense of accomplishment, but it's also a fun way to learn. By the end of the book, you'll have a fundamental understanding of programming in DarkBASIC and an excellent foundation of knowledge for future forays into the exciting worlds of game development and computer programming.


尋找一種經濟實惠的方式來學習遊戲程式設計的基本原理嗎?不必再找了!《DarkBASIC 程式設計入門》將為您提供一個有趣且輕鬆的學習曲線來學習 DarkBASIC——不需要任何先前的程式設計經驗!DarkBASIC 是一種經濟實惠的程式語言,支持桌面應用程式的開發,但對於遊戲創作特別有用。《DarkBASIC 程式設計入門》將涵蓋 DarkBASIC 的所有功能,但重點放在遊戲開發上。每一章都會教授一個不同的程式設計概念,並引導您創建一個簡單的遊戲來說明該概念。這種「實作學習」的方法不僅提供了成就感,還是一種有趣的學習方式。到書的結尾,您將對 DarkBASIC 的程式設計有基本的理解,並為未來進入遊戲開發和電腦程式設計的激動人心的世界打下良好的知識基礎。