Parametric Modeling with Autodesk Inventor 2022
暫譯: 使用 Autodesk Inventor 2022 的參數化建模
Shih, Randy H., Jumper, Luke
Parametric Modeling with Autodesk Inventor 2022 contains a series of seventeen tutorial style lessons designed to introduce Autodesk Inventor, solid modeling, and parametric modeling. It uses a hands-on, exercise-intensive approach to all the important parametric modeling techniques and concepts.
The lessons guide the user from constructing basic shapes to building intelligent mechanical designs, to creating multi-view drawings and assembly models. Other featured topics include sheet metal design, motion analysis, 2D design reuse, collision and contact, stress analysis, 3D printing and the Autodesk Inventor 2022 Certified User Examination.
Video Training
Included with every new copy of this book is access to extensive video training. There are forty-seven videos that total nearly six hours of training in total. This video training parallels the exercises found in the text. However, the videos do more than just provide you with click by click instructions. Author Luke Jumper also includes a brief discussion of each tool, as well as rich insight into why and how the tools are used. Luke isn't just telling you what to do, he's showing and explaining to you how to go through the exercises while providing clear descriptions of the entire process. It's like having him there guiding you through the book.
These videos will provide you with a wealth of information and brings the text to life. They are also an invaluable resource for people who learn best through a visual experience. These videos deliver a comprehensive overview of the tools found in Autodesk Inventor and perfectly complement and reinforce the exercises in the book.
《Parametric Modeling with Autodesk Inventor 2022》包含一系列十七個教學風格的課程,旨在介紹 Autodesk Inventor、實體建模和參數化建模。它採用實作為主、練習密集的方式來涵蓋所有重要的參數化建模技術和概念。
這些課程指導使用者從構建基本形狀開始,逐步建立智能機械設計,並創建多視圖圖紙和組裝模型。其他主題包括板金設計、運動分析、2D 設計重用、碰撞與接觸、應力分析、3D 列印以及 Autodesk Inventor 2022 認證使用者考試。
每本新書附帶的還有廣泛的視頻訓練。總共有四十七個視頻,總時長接近六小時。這些視頻訓練與書中的練習相輔相成。然而,這些視頻不僅僅提供逐步的操作指導。作者 Luke Jumper 還包括了每個工具的簡要討論,以及對於為什麼和如何使用這些工具的深入見解。Luke 不僅告訴你該做什麼,他還向你展示和解釋如何完成這些練習,同時提供整個過程的清晰描述。就像有他在旁指導你閱讀這本書。
這些視頻將為你提供豐富的信息,並使文本生動起來。對於那些通過視覺體驗學習效果最佳的人來說,這些視頻也是一個無價的資源。這些視頻提供了 Autodesk Inventor 中工具的全面概述,並完美地補充和強化書中的練習。