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$505UML 和模式應用 (原書第3版)
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Build professional-grade full-stack web applications using C# and ASP.NET Core.
ASP.NET Core in Action, Third Edition is a comprehensive guide to creating web applications with ASP.NET Core 7.0. In it, Microsoft MVP Andrew Lock teaches you how you can use your C# and .NET skills to build amazing cross-platform web applications, and you'll quickly progress from HTTP concepts to advanced framework customization.
Illustrations and annotated code make learning visual and easy, while hands-on examples demonstrate logins, dependency injection, security, and more. This updated edition covers the latest features and new paradigms of ASP.NET Core 7, such as minimal APIs and minimal hosting.
Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications.
使用C#和ASP.NET Core建立專業級全端網路應用程式。
《ASP.NET Core in Action, 第三版》是一本全面指南,教導如何使用ASP.NET Core 7.0建立網路應用程式。在這本書中,微軟MVP Andrew Lock教導讀者如何運用C#和.NET技能建立令人驚艷的跨平台網路應用程式,從HTTP概念到進階框架自訂,讓你快速進步。
圖解和註解的程式碼使學習更直觀、容易理解,而實際範例則演示了登入、相依性注入、安全性等功能。這本更新的第三版涵蓋了ASP.NET Core 7的最新功能和新範式,例如最小API和最小主機。
購買印刷版書籍還包含Manning Publications提供的PDF、Kindle和ePub格式的免費電子書。
Andrew Lock is a Microsoft MVP who has worked with ASP.NET Core since before its first release.
Andrew Lock 是一位微軟 MVP,他在 ASP.NET Core 首次發布之前就開始使用該技術。