Alien Daughters Walk Into the Sun: An Almanac of Extreme Girlhood

Wang, Jackie

  • 出版商: Semiotext(e)
  • 出版日期: 2023-11-21
  • 售價: $800
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$760
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 408
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 1635901928
  • ISBN-13: 9781635901924
  • 下單後立即進貨 (約1週~2週)


The early writings of renowned poet and critical theorist Jackie Wang, drawn from her early zines, indie-lit crit, and prolific early 2000s blog.

Compiled as a field guide, travelogue, essay collection, and weather report, Alien Daughters Walk into the Sun traces Jackie Wang's trajectory from hard femme to Harvard, from dumpster dives and highway bike rides to dropping out of an MFA program, becoming a National Book Award finalist, and writing her trenchant book Carceral Capitalism. Aliens Daughters charts the dream-seeking misadventures of an "odd girl" from Florida who emerged from punk houses and early Tumblr to become the powerful writer she is today. Anarchic and beautifully personal, Alien Daughters is a strange intellectual autobiography that demonstrates Wang's singular self-education: an early life lived where every day and every written word began like the Tarot's Fool, with a leap of faith.


著名詩人及批評理論家Jackie Wang的早期著作,摘自她早期的zine、獨立文學評論及2000年代初期的豐富部落格內容。

《外星女兒走進陽光》彙編成為一部實地指南、旅行記、散文集及天氣報告,追溯Jackie Wang的歷程,從堅強女性到哈佛,從翻垃圾桶和公路騎行到輟學於MFA課程,成為全國圖書獎的入圍者,並撰寫她尖銳的著作《監禁資本主義》。 《外星女兒》描繪了一位來自佛羅里達的「奇特女孩」追尋夢想的冒險故事,她從龐克音樂的聚會和早期的Tumblr中走出,成為今天這位強大的作家。 這本書充滿無政府主義色彩且極具個人特色,是一部奇特的知識分子自傳,展現了Wang獨特的自我教育:她的早年生活中,每一天和每一個書寫的字句都如同塔羅牌中的愚者,充滿了信念的跳躍。


Jackie Wang is a poet, scholar, multimedia artist, and Assistant Professor of American Studies and Ethnicity at the University of Southern California. She is the author of the poetry collection The Sunflower Cast a Spell to Save Us from the Void (2021), which was a finalist for the National Book Award; the critical essay collection Carceral Capitalism (Semiotext(e), 2018); and the chapbooks The Twitter Hive Mind Is Dreaming (2018) and Tiny Spelunker of the Oneiro-Womb (2016). Her research is on racial capitalism, surveillance technology, and the political economy of prisons and police.


Jackie Wang 是一位詩人、學者、多媒體藝術家,並擔任南加州大學美國研究與族裔學的助理教授。她是詩集《The Sunflower Cast a Spell to Save Us from the Void》(2021)的作者,該書曾入圍全國圖書獎;她還著有批評性散文集《Carceral Capitalism》(Semiotext(e),2018);以及小冊子《The Twitter Hive Mind Is Dreaming》(2018)和《Tiny Spelunker of the Oneiro-Womb》(2016)。她的研究領域包括種族資本主義、監控技術,以及監獄和警察的政治經濟學。
