Getting Started with 3D Printing: A Hands-on Guide to the Hardware, Software, and Services Behind the New Manufacturing Revolution

Liza Wallach Kloski, Nick Kloski


Make: Getting Started with 3D Printing is a practical, informative, and inspiring book that guides readers step-by-step through understanding how this new technology will empower them to take full advantage of all it has to offer. The book includes fundamental topics such as a short history of 3D printing, the best hardware and software choices for consumers, hands-on tutorial exercises the reader can practice for free at home, and how to apply 3D printing in the readers' life and profession. For every maker or would-be maker who is interested, or is confused, or who wants to get started in 3D printing today, this book offers methodical information that can be read, digested, and put into practice immediately!


《Make: Getting Started with 3D Printing》是一本實用、資訊豐富且具啟發性的書籍,逐步引導讀者了解這項新技術如何使他們能夠充分利用其所提供的一切。本書包含基本主題,如3D列印的簡史、消費者最佳硬體和軟體選擇、讀者可以在家免費練習的實作教學練習,以及如何將3D列印應用於讀者的生活和職業中。對於每一位對3D列印感興趣、或感到困惑、或想要立即開始3D列印的製造者或潛在製造者,本書提供了有系統的資訊,可以立即閱讀、消化並付諸實踐!