Autodesk Fusion 360: A Power Guide for Beginners and Intermediate Users

CADArtifex, John Willis, Sandeep Dogra



Autodesk Fusion 360: A Power Guide for Beginners and Intermediate Users textbook has been designed for instructor-led courses as well as for self-paced learning. It is intended to help engineers and designers interested in learning Fusion 360 for creating 3D mechanical designs. This textbook is a great help for new Fusion 360 users and a great teaching aid in a classroom setting. This textbook consists of 14 chapters, total 720 pages covering major workspaces of Fusion 360: MODEL, ANIMATION, and DRAWING. This textbook teaches you how to use the Fusion 360 mechanical design software to build parametric 3D solid components and assemblies as well as how to create animations and 2D drawings. This textbook has been developed using software version: 2.0.4126.

This textbook not only focuses on the usages of the tools/commands of Fusion 360 but also on the concept of design. Every chapter of this textbook contains tutorials that instruct users step-by-step how to create mechanical designs and drawings with ease. Moreover, every chapter ends with hands-on test drives that allow users to experience themselves the ease-of-use and powerful capabilities of Fusion 360.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1. Introducing Fusion 360
Chapter 2. Drawing Sketches with Autodesk Fusion 360
Chapter 3. Editing and Modifying Sketches
Chapter 4. Applying Constraints and Dimensions
Chapter 5. Creating Base Feature of Solid Models
Chapter 6. Creating Construction Geometries
Chapter 7. Advanced Modeling - I
Chapter 8. Advanced Modeling - II
Chapter 9. Patterning and Mirroring
Chapter 10. Editing and Modifying 3D Models
Chapter 11. Working with Assemblies - I
Chapter 12. Working with Assemblies - II
Chapter 13. Creating Animation of a Design
Chapter 14. Working with Drawings

Main Features of the Textbook

  • Comprehensive coverage of tools
  • Step-by-step real-world tutorials with every chapter
  • Hands-on test drives to enhance the skills at the end of every chapter
  • Additional notes and tips
  • Customized content for faculty (PowerPoint Presentations)
  • Free learning resources for faculty and students
  • Additional student and faculty projects
  • Technical support for the book by contacting


《Autodesk Fusion 360: 初學者和中級使用者的強大指南》教材旨在為教師主導的課程以及自主學習提供幫助。它旨在幫助對學習Fusion 360以創建3D機械設計感興趣的工程師和設計師。這本教材對於新的Fusion 360用戶來說是一個很好的幫助,也是課堂教學的一個很好的輔助工具。本教材共有14章,總共720頁,涵蓋了Fusion 360的主要工作區:MODEL(建模)、ANIMATION(動畫)和DRAWING(繪圖)。本教材教導您如何使用Fusion 360機械設計軟件來建立參數化的3D實體組件和組裝,以及如何創建動畫和2D繪圖。本教材是使用軟件版本:2.0.4126 開發的。

本教材不僅關注Fusion 360工具/命令的使用,還關注設計概念。本教材的每一章都包含教學,逐步指導用戶如何輕鬆創建機械設計和繪圖。此外,每一章結束時都有實際操作的測試,讓用戶自己體驗Fusion 360的易用性和強大功能。

第1章:介紹Fusion 360
第2章:使用Autodesk Fusion 360繪製草圖

- 全面涵蓋工具
- 每章附有逐步實際教學
- 每章結束時有實際操作的測試,以提升技能
- 附加註解和提示
- 教師定制內容(PowerPoint演示文稿)
- 教師和學生的免費學習資源
- 額外的學生和教師項目
- 通過聯繫info@cadartifex.com獲得的教材技術支持