Machine Learning System Design Interview (Paperback)

Ali Aminian, Alex Xu



Machine learning system design interviews are the most difficult to tackle of all technical interview questions. This book provides a reliable strategy and knowledge base for approaching a broad range of ML system design questions. It provides a step-by-step framework for tackling an ML system design question. It includes many real-world examples to illustrate the systematic approach, with detailed steps you can follow.

This book is an essential resource for anyone interested in ML system design, whether they are beginners or experienced engineers. Meanwhile, if you need to prepare for an ML interview, this book is specifically written for you.

What’s inside?
- An insider’s take on what interviewers really look for and why.
- A 7-step framework for solving any ML system design interview question.
- 10 real ML system design interview questions with detailed solutions.
- 211 diagrams that visually explain how various systems work.




- 內部人士對面試官真正關注的事情及原因的深入解析。
- 解決任何機器學習系統設計面試問題的7步框架。
- 10個真實的機器學習系統設計面試問題,並提供詳細解答。
- 211個圖表,直觀解釋各種系統的運作方式。


Chapter 1 Introduction and Overview
Chapter 2 Visual Search System
Chapter 3 Google Street View Blurring System
Chapter 4 YouTube Video Search
Chapter 5 Harmful Content Detection
Chapter 6 Video Recommendation System
Chapter 7 Event Recommendation System
Chapter 8 Ad Click Prediction on Social Platforms
Chapter 9 Similar Listings on Vacation Rental Platforms
Chapter 10 Personalized News Feed
Chapter 11 People You May Know


第1章 簡介與概述
第2章 視覺搜尋系統
第3章 Google 街景模糊系統
第4章 YouTube 影片搜尋
第5章 有害內容偵測
第6章 影片推薦系統
第7章 活動推薦系統
第8章 社交平台廣告點擊預測
第9章 假日租屋平台相似房源
第10章 個人化新聞訂閱
第11章 你可能認識的人