JavaScript at Scale

Adam Boduch


Build web applications that last, with scaling insights from the front-line of JavaScript development

About This Book

  • Design and implement JavaScript application architectures that scale from a number of perspectives, such as addressability, configurability, and performance
  • Understand common JavaScript scaling pitfalls and how to tackle them through practical, real-world, solutions and strategies
  • Learn techniques to deliver reusable architectures that stand the test of time

Who This Book Is For

Have you ever come up against an application that felt like it was built on sand? Maybe you've been tasked with creating an application that needs to last longer than a year before a complete re-write? If so, JavaScript at Scale is your missing documentation for maintaining scalable architectures.

There's no prerequisite framework knowledge required for this book, however, most concepts presented throughout are adaptations of components found in frameworks such as Backbone, AngularJS, or Ember.

All code examples are presented using ECMAScript 6 syntax, to make sure your applications are ready for next generation browsers.

What You Will Learn

  • Identify and evaluate the external scaling influencers of your application
  • Build out component composition in large-scale JavaScript applications
  • Design for inter-component communication that scale
  • Understand the importance of addressable resources in JavaScript applications, and approaches to scaling addressability
  • Customize and configure components to meet scaling demands
  • Ensure a highly-performant user experience, despite the size and complexity of your application
  • Design a portable and testable application that's not constrained to one environment
  • Make architectural trade-offs by removing or refactoring components
  • Design components that fail in a scalable way

In Detail

JavaScript applications of today look a lot different from their predecessors of just five years ago. Because of this rapid growth in sophistication and capabilities, we've seen an explosion in JavaScript frameworks; the JavaScript development landscape is a fragmented one. To build large-scale JavaScript applications, we need more than just tools – we need scalable architectures. We create scalable JavaScript architectures by looking at what aspects of our application need to scale and why. Only then can we apply the best patterns and components to our architecture, scaling it into the future.

JavaScript at Scale will show you how to deal with scalability from a number of perspectives; addressability, testability and component composition.

The book begins by defining ‘scale' from a JavaScript point of view, and dives into the influencers of scale, as well as scalable component composition and communication. We will also look at how large-scale architectures need the ability to scale down, and recover from failing components, as well as scale up and manage new features or a large user base.

Filled with real-world JavaScript scaling scenarios, and code-first examples, JavaScript at Scale is your guide to building out applications that last. Each topic is covered in a way that it can be applied to your own unique scenarios; by understanding the fundamentals of a scaling issue, you'll be able to use that knowledge to tackle even the most difficult of situations.

The code examples follow the same approach, using ECMAScript 6 syntax that can be translated to the framework of choice.



- 從多個角度(如可訪問性、可配置性和性能)設計和實現可擴展的JavaScript應用程式架構
- 了解常見的JavaScript擴展陷阱,以及如何通過實用的實際解決方案和策略來解決它們
- 學習提供經得起時間考驗的可重用架構的技術

- 您是否曾經遇到過一個感覺像是建立在沙子上的應用程式?也許您被指派創建一個需要在完全重寫之前持續存在一年以上的應用程式?如果是這樣,那麼《JavaScript at Scale》就是您維護可擴展架構所缺少的文件。

- 本書不需要先備的框架知識,然而,其中大部分概念是基於Backbone、AngularJS或Ember等框架中的組件進行調整的。

- 所有的程式碼示例都使用ECMAScript 6語法呈現,以確保您的應用程式準備好迎接下一代瀏覽器。

- 確定和評估應用程式的外部擴展影響因素
- 在大型JavaScript應用程式中構建組件組合
- 設計可擴展的組件間通信
- 了解JavaScript應用程式中可訪問資源的重要性,以及擴展可訪問性的方法
- 自定義和配置組件以滿足擴展需求
- 確保儘管應用程式的大小和複雜性,用戶體驗仍具有高性能
- 設計可移植且可測試的應用程式,不受限於一個環境
- 通過刪除或重構組件進行架構權衡
- 設計以可擴展方式失敗的組件

- 今天的JavaScript應用程式與僅僅五年前的前身大不相同。由於這種迅速增長的複雜性和功能,我們看到了JavaScript框架的爆炸式增長;JavaScript開發領域變得分散。要構建大型JavaScript應用程式,我們需要的不僅僅是工具,還需要可擴展的架構。我們通過查看應用程式需要擴展的方面以及原因來創建可擴展的JavaScript架構。只有這樣,我們才能將最佳模式和組件應用於我們的架構,使其擴展到未來。

- 《JavaScript at Scale》將向您展示如何從多個角度處理可擴展性,包括可訪問性、可測試性和組件組合。

- 本書首先從JavaScript的角度定義“擴展”,並深入探討擴展的影響因素,以及可擴展的組件組合和通信。我們還將研究大型架構需要具備的能力,包括縮小規模、從失敗的組件中恢復,以及擴展和管理新功能或大量用戶。

- 《JavaScript at Scale》充滿了真實世界的JavaScript擴展場景和以代碼為先的示例,是您構建持久應用程式的指南。每個主題都以一種可以應用於您自己獨特情況的方式進行介紹;通過了解擴展問題的基本原理,您將能夠利用這些知識應對最困難的情況。

- 代碼示例遵循相同的方法,使用ECMAScript 6語法,可以轉換為所選框架的語法。