jQuery Design Patterns(Paperback)
暫譯: jQuery 設計模式(平裝本)

Thodoris Greasidis

  • 出版商: Packt Publishing
  • 出版日期: 2016-02-23
  • 售價: $1,830
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,739
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 246
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1785888684
  • ISBN-13: 9781785888687
  • 相關分類: jQueryDesign Pattern
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


Key Features

  • Learn about the observer pattern and the deferred observer pattern, two of the most popular design patterns that handle custom events
  • Advance your jQuery skills by learning about patterns such as divide and conquer, facade, and builder and factory to handle complex results
  • This step-by-step guide to applying micro-patterns and optimizing jQuery applications will help you get the best performance in a production environment

Book Description

jQuery is a feature-rich JavaScript library that makes HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a variety of browsers. With a combination of versatility and extensibility, jQuery has changed the way that millions of people write JavaScript.

jQuery solves the problems of DOM manipulation, event detection, AJAX calls, element selection and document queries, element attribute and data management, as well as object management utilities. This book addresses these problems and shows you how to make the best of jQuery through the various design patterns available.

The book starts off with a refresher to jQuery and will then take you through the different design patterns such as facade, observer, publisher/subscriber, and so on. We will also go into client-side templating techniques and libraries, as well as some plugin development patterns. Finally, we will look into some best practices that you can use to make the best of jQuery.

What you will learn

  • Respond to user actions
  • Achieve greater flexibility and code decoupling
  • Have a central point for emitting and receiving application level events
  • Structure the application into small independent modules
  • Abstract complex APIs
  • Isolate the procedure of generating complex parts of the application
  • Efficiently orchestrate asynchronous procedures using jQuery Deferred and Promises
  • Utilize the most widely-used client-side templating libraries for more complex use cases

About the Author

Thodoris Greasidis is a senior web engineer from Greece. He graduated with honors from the University of Thessaly, holds a polytechnic diploma in computer, networking, and communications engineering, and a master's degree in computer science. He is a full-stack developer, responsible for implementing large-scale web applications with intuitive interfaces and high-availability web services.

Thodoris is part of the Angular-UI team and has made many open source contributions, with a special interest in Mozilla projects. He is also an active member of the Athens AngularJS Meetup and a technical reviewer of Mastering jQuery UI, Packt Publishing.

He is a JavaScript enthusiast and loves bitwise operations. His interests also include NodeJS, Python, project scaffolding, automation, and artificial intelligence, especially multi-agent systems.

Table of Contents

  1. A Refresher on jQuery and the Composite Pattern
  2. The Observer Pattern
  3. The Publish/Subscribe Pattern
  4. Divide and Conquer with the Module Pattern
  5. The Facade Pattern
  6. The Builder and Factory Patterns
  7. Asynchronous Control Flow Patterns
  8. Mock Object Pattern
  9. Client-side Templating
  10. Plugin and Widget Development Patterns
  11. Optimization Patterns


- 了解觀察者模式和延遲觀察者模式,這兩種處理自定義事件的最受歡迎設計模式
- 通過學習如分而治之、外觀、建造者和工廠等模式來提升您的 jQuery 技能,以處理複雜的結果
- 這本逐步指南將幫助您應用微模式並優化 jQuery 應用程序,以在生產環境中獲得最佳性能

jQuery 是一個功能豐富的 JavaScript 庫,通過易於使用的 API,使 HTML 文檔的遍歷和操作、事件處理、動畫和 Ajax 變得更加簡單,並且能夠在各種瀏覽器中運行。憑藉其多功能性和可擴展性,jQuery 改變了數百萬人編寫 JavaScript 的方式。

jQuery 解決了 DOM 操作、事件檢測、AJAX 調用、元素選擇和文檔查詢、元素屬性和數據管理以及對象管理工具等問題。本書針對這些問題,並展示如何通過各種可用的設計模式充分利用 jQuery。

本書首先對 jQuery 進行回顧,然後帶您了解不同的設計模式,如外觀、觀察者、發布/訂閱等。我們還將深入探討客戶端模板技術和庫,以及一些插件開發模式。最後,我們將研究一些最佳實踐,以幫助您充分利用 jQuery。

- 回應用戶行為
- 實現更大的靈活性和代碼解耦
- 擁有一個中央點來發出和接收應用程序級別的事件
- 將應用程序結構化為小型獨立模塊
- 抽象複雜的 API
- 隔離生成應用程序複雜部分的過程
- 使用 jQuery Deferred 和 Promises 高效協調異步過程
- 利用最廣泛使用的客戶端模板庫來處理更複雜的用例

**Thodoris Greasidis** 是來自希臘的資深網頁工程師。他以優異的成績畢業於塞薩利大學,擁有計算機、網絡和通信工程的多技術文憑,以及計算機科學的碩士學位。他是一名全棧開發人員,負責實施具有直觀界面和高可用性網絡服務的大型網頁應用程序。

Thodoris 是 Angular-UI 團隊的一員,並做出了許多開源貢獻,特別對 Mozilla 項目有濃厚興趣。他還是雅典 AngularJS Meetup 的活躍成員,以及 Packt Publishing 的《Mastering jQuery UI》的技術審稿人。

他是一位 JavaScript 愛好者,喜歡位元運算。他的興趣還包括 NodeJS、Python、項目搭建、自動化和人工智慧,特別是多代理系統。

1. jQuery 和組合模式回顧
2. 觀察者模式
3. 發布/訂閱模式
4. 使用模塊模式的分而治之
5. 外觀模式
6. 建造者和工廠模式
7. 異步控制流模式
8. 模擬對象模式
9. 客戶端模板
10. 插件和小部件開發模式
11. 優化模式