Beginning C++ Game Programming: Learn to program with C++ by building fun games, 2/e (Paperback)

Horton, John



The second edition of Beginning C++ Game Programming is updated and improved to include the latest features of Visual Studio 2019, SFML, and modern C++ programming techniques. With this book, you’ll get a fun introduction to game programming by building five fully playable games of increasing complexity. You’ll learn to build clones of popular games such as Timberman, Pong, a Zombie survival shooter, a coop puzzle platformer and Space Invaders. The book starts by covering the basics of programming. You’ll study key C++ topics, such as object-oriented programming (OOP) and C++ pointers, and get acquainted with the Standard Template Library (STL). The book helps you learn about collision detection techniques and game physics by building a Pong game. As you build games, you’ll also learn exciting game programming concepts such as particle effects, directional sound (spatialization), OpenGL programmable shaders, spawning objects, and much more. Finally, you’ll explore game design patterns to enhance your C++ game programming skills. By the end of the book, you’ll have gained the knowledge you need to build your own games with exciting features from scratch

Set up your game development project in Visual Studio 2019 and explore C++ libraries such as SFML Explore C++ OOP by building a Pong game Understand core game concepts such as game animation, game physics, collision detection, scorekeeping, and game sound Use classes, inheritance, and references to spawn and control thousands of enemies and shoot rapid-fire machine guns Add advanced features to your game using pointers, references, and the STL Scale and reuse your game code by learning modern game programming design patterns


《Beginning C++ Game Programming》第二版已經更新和改進,包括Visual Studio 2019、SFML和現代C++編程技術的最新功能。通過這本書,您將通過構建五個越來越複雜的完全可玩遊戲,獲得有趣的遊戲編程入門。您將學習構建流行遊戲的克隆版本,如Timberman、Pong、一個殭屍生存射擊遊戲、一個合作解謎平台遊戲和Space Invaders。本書首先介紹了編程的基礎知識。您將學習關鍵的C++主題,如面向對象編程(OOP)和C++指針,並熟悉標準模板庫(STL)。本書通過構建一個Pong遊戲來幫助您學習碰撞檢測技術和遊戲物理學。在構建遊戲的過程中,您還將學習令人興奮的遊戲編程概念,如粒子效果、定向聲音(空間化)、OpenGL可編程着色器、生成物體等等。最後,您將探索遊戲設計模式,以提升您的C++遊戲編程技能。通過閱讀本書,您將獲得從頭開始構建具有令人興奮功能的遊戲所需的知識。

在Visual Studio 2019中設置您的遊戲開發項目,並探索C++庫,如SFML。通過構建一個Pong遊戲,了解C++面向對象編程的核心概念,如遊戲動畫、遊戲物理學、碰撞檢測、計分和遊戲音效。使用類、繼承和引用來生成和控制數千個敵人並射擊快速連發機槍。使用指針、引用和STL來為您的遊戲添加高級功能。通過學習現代遊戲編程設計模式,對您的遊戲代碼進行擴展和重用。