Ultra Wide Band Radio Propagation Channel

Pascal Pagani, Friedman Tchoffo Talom, Patrice Pajusco, Bernard Uguen



Ultra Wide Band (UWB) technology consists of transmitting radio signals over frequency bandwidths from 500 MHz to several GHz. Its unique characteristics may be exploited for the design of high data rate wireless communication systems, as well as localization and imaging applications. The development and optimization of such systems require a precise knowledge of the radio transmission medium. This book examines all aspects of the propagation channel for UWB systems. UWB technology is first presented, with a particular emphasis being placed on its applications, spectrum regulation issues, and the different communication techniques. The authors introduce the theoretical bases of radioelectric propagation and give an overview of the channel sounding techniques adapted for UWB signals. The two main principles of UWB channel modeling are finally exposed and illustrated: deterministic channel modeling, based on the simulation of the propagation phenomena in a given environment, and statistical channel modeling, which relies on the experimental analysis of the main channel characteristics.


超寬頻(Ultra Wide Band,UWB)技術是指在500 MHz至數GHz的頻寬上傳輸無線電信號。其獨特的特性可用於設計高數據速率的無線通信系統,以及定位和成像應用。開發和優化此類系統需要對無線傳輸介質有精確的了解。本書探討了UWB系統的傳播通道的所有方面。首先介紹了UWB技術,特別強調其應用、頻譜規範問題和不同的通信技術。作者介紹了無線電傳播的理論基礎,並概述了適用於UWB信號的通道探測技術。最後,介紹並說明了UWB通道建模的兩個主要原則:基於在特定環境中模擬傳播現象的確定性通道建模,以及基於對主要通道特性的實驗分析的統計通道建模。