The role of jazz as a catalyst in rock, pop, funk, new wave, hip-hop, and techno. From music writer Alex Coles, Fusion! From Alice Coltrane to Moor Mother traces the origins and legacy of fusion by focusing on twelve collaborations that pursue it as a creative process. From Alice Coltrane working with Carlos Santana in 1974 to Moor Mother sharing the mic with Wolf Weston in 2022, each collaboration generates a tension essential to fusion. With sonic fusion being premised on cultural fusion, the tension in the collaborations Coles features finds musicians using the fusion of genres to explore fusions of generations, eras, philosophies, sensibilities, idioms, histories, and even continents. This tension is heightened when the musicians hail from contrasting musical genres, typified by free jazz trumpeter Don Cherry recording with Lou Reed and Kendrick Lamar cutting tracks with saxophonist Kamasi Washington. Fusion! pushes the music of overlooked musicians--such as post-punk singer and saxophone player Lora Logic and Japanese vocalist Kimiko Kasai--to the fore while emphasizing overlooked aspects of the oeuvres of better-known figures such as Joni Mitchell and Neneh Cherry. Each of the examples Coles selects are driven by a dynamic sonic or compositional principle coined by the musicians themselves, characterizing their unique approach to fusion.
來自音樂作家 Alex Coles 的《Fusion! From Alice Coltrane to Moor Mother》追溯了融合音樂的起源和遺產,專注於十二個合作案例,將其視為一種創作過程。從 1974 年 Alice Coltrane 與 Carlos Santana 的合作,到 2022 年 Moor Mother 與 Wolf Weston 共同演出,每一個合作都產生了對於融合至關重要的緊張感。
由於聲音融合以文化融合為前提,Coles 所介紹的合作中的緊張感使音樂家們利用流派的融合來探索世代、時代、哲學、感性、成語、歷史甚至大陸的融合。當音樂家來自對比鮮明的音樂流派時,這種緊張感會加劇,例如自由爵士小號手 Don Cherry 與 Lou Reed 的錄音,以及 Kendrick Lamar 與薩克斯風演奏家 Kamasi Washington 的合作。
《Fusion!》將被忽視的音樂家的音樂推向前台,例如後朋克歌手兼薩克斯風演奏家 Lora Logic 和日本歌手 Kimiko Kasai,同時強調了更知名人物如 Joni Mitchell 和 Neneh Cherry 的作品中被忽視的方面。Coles 選擇的每一個例子都由音樂家們自己創造的動態聲音或作曲原則驅動,特徵是他們對融合的獨特詮釋。
Alex Coles is a critic. He is author of Crooner (2023), Tainted Love: From Nina Simone to Kendrick Lamar (Sternberg Press, 2023) and DesignArt (2005).
亞歷克斯·科爾斯(Alex Coles)是一位評論家。他是《Crooner》(2023)、《Tainted Love: From Nina Simone to Kendrick Lamar》(Sternberg Press, 2023)和《DesignArt》(2005)的作者。