JavaServer Faces in Action
暫譯: JavaServer Faces 實戰解析

Kito Mann

  • 出版商: Manning
  • 出版日期: 2004-11-01
  • 售價: $1,910
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,815
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 702
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1932394125
  • ISBN-13: 9781932394122
  • 已過版




JavaServer Faces helps streamline your web development through the use of UI components and events (instead of HTTP requests and responses). JSF components—buttons, text boxes, checkboxes, data grids, etc.—live between user requests, which eliminates the hassle of maintaining state. JSF also synchronizes user input with application objects, automating another tedious aspect of web development.

JavaServer Faces in Action is an introduction, a tutorial, and a handy reference. With the help of many examples, the book explains what JSF is, how it works, and how it relates to other frameworks and technologies like Struts, Servlets, Portlets, JSP, and JSTL. It provides detailed coverage of standard components, renderers, converters, and validators, and how to use them to create solid applications. This book will help you start building JSF solutions today.



Table of Contents:

foreword xxvii
preface xxix
acknowledgments xxxi
about this book xxxiii
about the title and cover xxxix

Part 1  Exploring JavaServer Faces   1

1  Introducing JavaServer Faces   3
1.1 It's a RAD-ical world 4
So, what is JavaServer Faces 5
Industry support 10
1.2 The technology under the hood 10
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) 11
Servlets 12
Portlets 13
JavaBeans 14
JSP and other display technologies 15
1.3 Frameworks, frameworks, frameworks 16
Why do we need frameworks 16
She's a Model 2 17
JSF, Struts, and other frameworks 18
1.4 Components everywhere 19
1.5 Hello, world! 22
Dissecting hello.jsp 24
Dissecting goodbye.jsp 31
Examining the HelloBean class 32
Configuration with faces-config.xml 34
Configuration with web.xml 36
1.6 Summary 37
2  JSF fundamentals   38
2.1 The key pieces of the pie 39
User interface components 41
Renderers 43
Validators 44
Backing beans 45
Converters 48
Events and listeners 49
Messages 55
Navigation 56
2.2 The Request Processing Lifecycle 57
Phase 1: Restore View 61
Phase 2: Apply Request Values 63
Phase 3: Process Validations 65
Phase 4: Update Model Values 66
Phase 5: Invoke Application 66
Phase 6: Render Response 68
2.3 Understanding component and client identifiers 69
Naming containers 72
Referencing identifiers 73
2.4 Exploring the JSF expression language 76
Understanding scoped variables 80
Using implicit variables 81
Using the EL with components 83
2.5 Summary 86
3  Warming up: getting around JSF   88
3.1 Setting up your JSF environment 89
Basic requirements 89
Choosing a JSF implementation 89
Directory structure 90
Configuration 92
3.2 The role of JSP 102
Using JSP includes 103
Using JSF with JSTL and other JSP custom tags 104
3.3 Creating and initializing beans 110
Declaring managed beans 113
Declaring Lists and Maps as managed beans 123
Setting values with value-binding expressions 125
3.4 Navigating the sea of pages 129
3.5 Summary 136
4  Getting started with the standard components   137
4.1 It's all in the components 138
Using HTML attributes 142
Understanding facets 143
The power of tools 145
The render kit behind the scenes 148
4.2 Common component properties 148
4.3 Controlling the page with UIViewRoot 149
4.4 Setting component parameters with UIParameter 151
4.5 Displaying data with the Output components 153
Displaying ordinary text with HtmlOutputText 153
Using UIOutput with the tag 155
Creating input labels with HtmlOutputLabel 158
Using HtmlOutputFormat for parameterized text 160
Displaying hyperlinks with HtmlOutputLink 165
4.6 Displaying images with HtmlGraphicImage 167
4.7 Displaying component messages with HtmlMessage 169
4.8 Displaying application messages with HtmlMessages 172
4.9 Grouping and layout with the Panel components 176
Grouping components with HtmlPanelGroup 176
Creating tables with HtmlPanelGrid 178
3.10 Summary 184
5  Using the input and data table components   185
5.1 Registering event listeners 186
Declaring value-change listeners 187
Declaring action listeners 187
5.2 Common component properties 189
5.3 Handling forms with HtmlForm 190
5.4 Handling basic user input 192
Declaring basic text fields with HtmlInputText 193
Using HtmlInputTextarea for memo fields 194
Displaying password fields with HtmlInputSecret 195
Declaring hidden fields with HtmlInputHidden 197
5.5 Using HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox for checkboxes 198
5.6 Defining item lists 199
Using UISelectItem for single items 200
Using UISelectItems for multiple items 203
5.7 Handling multiple-item selections 205
Using HtmlSelectManyCheckbox for checkbox groups 205
Displaying listboxes with HtmlSelectManyListbox 208
Using HtmlSelectManyMenu for single-item listboxes 210
5.8 Handling single-item selections 212
Using HtmlSelectOneRadio for radio button groups 212
Using single-select listboxes with HtmlSelectOneListbox 215
Declaring combo boxes with HtmlSelectOneMenu 217
5.9 Executing application commands 219
Declaring buttons with HtmlCommandButton 219
Creating an action link with HtmlCommandLink 221
5.10 Displaying data sets with HtmlDataTable 223
5.11 Summary 233
6  Internationalization, validators, and converters   234
6.1 Internationalization and localization 235
Looking into locales 236
Creating resource bundles 238
Using resource bundles with components 241
Internationalizing text from back-end code 244
6.2 Input validation 245
Using validator methods 245
Using validators 246
Using the standard validators 247
Combining different validators 251
6.3 Type conversion and formatting 251
Using converters 254
Working with the standard converters 255
6.4 Customizing application messages 269
6.5 Summary 273

Part 2  Building user interfaces   275

7  Introducing ProjectTrack   277
7.1 Requirements 278
7.2 The conceptual model 281
7.3 User interface 283
7.4 Development team 284
7.5 Summary 286
8  Developing a user interface without Java code: the Login page   287
8.1 Getting started 289
Setting up web.xml 289
Setting up faces-config.xml 290
8.2 Creating the Login page 291
Starting with HtmlGraphicImage and HtmlOutputText components 292
Adding a form 295
8.3 Sprucing things up 300
Using an image for the button 301
Integrating with JavaScript 301
Adding Cascading Style Sheets 303
8.4 Adding validators 304
Customizing validation messages 307
8.5 Improving layout with HtmlPanelGrid 308
8.6 Summary 314
9  Developing a user interface without Java code: the other pages   316
9.1 Building the header with a custom component 317
Using a custom toolbar component 321
Configuring the navigation rule 323
9.2 Prototyping data tables with panels 324
The Inbox page 325
Configuring the navigation rule 329
The Show All page 330
Configuring the navigation rule 330
9.3 Creating input forms 331
The Approve a Project page 331
Configuring the navigation rule 337
The Reject a Project page 338
Configuring the navigation rule 341
The Create a Project page 341
Configuring the navigation rule 347
9.4 The Project Details page 347
Configuring the navigation rule 351
9.5 Summary 353
10  Integrating application functionality   354
10.1 Understanding JSF development approaches 355
10.2 Exploring the application environment 357
10.3 Reorganizing pages for security 360
10.4 The Login page 360
Updating the navigation rule 364
10.5 The header 365
Updating the navigation rule 369
10.6 Integrating data grids 370
The Inbox page 370
The Show All page 378
10.7 Integrating input forms 379
Updating the includes 379
The Approve a Project page 382
The Reject a Project page 385
The Create a Project page 386
10.8 The Project Details page 390
Updating the navigation rule 395
10.9 Adding an error page 396
Updating web.xml 397
Updating the navigation rule 397
10.10 Internationalizing and localizing the UI 398
Externalizing text into the resource bundle 398
Internationalizing the header 400
Localizing for Russian 402
10.11 Summary 404

Part 3  Developing application logic   407

11  The JSF environment   409
11.1 From servlets to JSF 410
11.2 The application foundation 413
Application 413
Evaluation expressions 417
11.3 It's all in the context 419
FacesContext 420
FacesMessage 422
ExternalContext 424
11.4 Event handling 428
FacesEvent 430
Handling action events 432
Handling value-change events 434
Handling phase events 435
11.5 Components revisited 438
UIComponent 442
UIViewRoot 446
ValueHolder 449
EditableValueHolder 451
SelectItem and SelectItemGroup model beans 453
11.6 Summary 455
12  Building an application: design issues and foundation classes   456
12.1 Layers of the pie 457
12.2 Roasting the beans 460
The importance of toString 461
Serialization for breakfast 462
It's all in the properties 462
Exposing beans 472
12.3 Exploring the business layer and data layers 473
12.4 Developing the application layer 476
Handling constants 478
Organizing utility methods 480
Initializing singletons 482
Adapting business objects 484
12.5 Writing a visit object for session state 491
12.6 Developing a base backing bean class 494
12.7 Summary 498
13  Building an application: backing beans, security, and internationalization   499
13.1 Writing backing beans 500
Thread safety 501
Handling errors 501
Performing authentication 505
Listing projects with UIData and parameterizing listeners 511
Updating projects 522
Creating new projects 528
Paging through the project history with UIData 534
Working with JDBC ResultSets and UIData 540
13.2 Adding security 545
Container-based vs. custom security 546
Using custom security 547
13.3 Supporting internationalization in code 551
Internationalizing text with resource bundles 552
Internationalizing messages 557
13.4 Design consequences and alternatives 562
Accessing the business layer 562
Organizing beans by function 563
Action methods implemented by backing beans 564
Initializing backing bean properties with the Managed Bean Creation facility 565
13.5 Summary 566
14  Integrating JSF with Struts and existing applications   568
14.1 What integration means 569
14.2 When to use JSF with other frameworks 569
14.3 The many faces of requests and responses 571
14.4 Integrating JSF with Struts applications 572
First steps 575
Migrating Struts JSP tags 577
Using JSF action methods and managed beans 597
Who's controlling whom 599
14.5 Integrating JSF with non-Struts applications 600
14.6 Summary 601

Part 4  Writing custom components, renderers, validators, and converters   603

15  The JSF environment: a component developer's perspective   605
15.1 Three steps to UI extension nirvana 606
15.2 Developing UI components 607
Deciding when to write a UI component 608
Classes and interfaces 610
Event handling with method bindings 623
Registration 624
JSP integration 627
15.3 Developing renderers 636
Deciding when to write a renderer 640
Renderer 641
RenderKit 643
Registration 644
JSP integration 647
15.4 Developing validators 648
Validator 649
Registration 650
JSP integration 652
15.5 Developing converters 654
Converter 654
Registration 657
JSP integration 658
15.6 Handling internationalization 660
15.7 Packaging UI extensions 660
15.8 Summary 661

A   Using JSF without JSP     665

references 675

index 679

Online Extension

The online extension consists of five chapters in part 5 as well as four appendixes that are not included in the print edition. They are available to owners of the book for free download from the book's web site at This is the table of contents for the online extension.

Part 5   Writing custom components, renderers, validators, and converters: examples     703

16   UIInputDate: a simple input component   705
16.1 Writing the UIInputDate class 708
Encoding 709
Decoding 715
Implementing StateHolder methods 717
16.2 Registering the component 718
16.3 JSP integration 718
Writing the JSP custom tag 718
Validating the tag 721
Adding the tag to the tag library 722
16.4 Using the component 724
16.5 Summary 725
17   RolloverButton renderer: a renderer with JavaScript support   727
17.1 Writing the RolloverButtonRenderer class 729
Encoding 731
Decoding 735
Registering the renderer 736
17.2 JSP Integration 737
Writing the HtmlBaseTag class 738
Writing the JSP custom tag 741
Validating the tag 744
Adding the tag to the tag library 745
17.3 Using the renderer 748
17.4 Wrapping an existing renderer 750
Developing the RolloverButtonDecoratorRenderer class 750
17.5 Summary 754
18   UIHeadlineViewer: a composite, data-aware component   756
18.1 RSS and the Informa API 758
18.2 Using UIData with Informa 763
18.3 Subclassing DataModel 765
18.4 Writing the UIHeadlineViewer class 768
18.5 Registering the component 780
18.6 JSP integration 781
Writing the JSP custom tag 781
Adding the tag to the tag library 787
18.7 Using the component 789
18.8 Summary 793
19   UINavigator: a model-driven toolbar componen   794
19.1 Writing the model classes 796
19.2 Writing the UINavigator class 801
Implementing ActionSource methods 803
Overriding UIComponentBase methods 806
Implementing StateHolder methods 807
Developing NavigatorActionListener: a custom ActionListener 809
19.3 Registering the component 810
19.4 Writing the ToolbarRenderer class 811
Encoding 811
Decoding 820
19.5 Registering the renderer 821
19.6 JSP integration 822
Writing the Navigator_ToolbarTag component tag 822
Writing the NavigatorItemTag tag handler 826
Adding the tags to the tag library 831
19.7 Using the component 834
19.8 Summary 838
20   Validator and converter examples   839
20.1 Validator methods vs. validator classes 840
20.2 Developing a validator 840
Writing the RegularExpressionValidator class 842
Registering the validator 847
Integrating with JSP 847
Using the validator 852
20.3 When custom converters are necessary 854
20.4 Developing a converter 854
Writing the UserConverter class 856
Registering the converter 865
JSP integration 866
Using the converter 870
20.5 Summary 872

B   A survey of JSF IDEs and implementations     873
C   Extending the core JSF classes     935
D   JSF configuration     958
E   Time zone, country, language, and currency codes     976

references 1011

index 1015


JavaServer Faces 透過使用 UI 元件和事件(而非 HTTP 請求和回應)來簡化您的網頁開發。JSF 元件——按鈕、文本框、複選框、數據網格等——存在於用戶請求之間,這消除了維護狀態的麻煩。JSF 還將用戶輸入與應用程序對象同步,自動化了網頁開發中的另一個繁瑣方面。

《JavaServer Faces in Action》是一本介紹、教程和實用參考書。透過許多範例,本書解釋了什麼是 JSF、它是如何運作的,以及它如何與其他框架和技術(如 Struts、Servlets、Portlets、JSP 和 JSTL)相關聯。它詳細介紹了標準元件、渲染器、轉換器和驗證器,以及如何使用它們來創建穩健的應用程序。本書將幫助您今天開始構建 JSF 解決方案。

前言 xxvii
序言 xxix
致謝 xxxi
關於本書 xxxiii
關於書名和封面 xxxix

第一部分 探索 JavaServer Faces 1
1 介紹 JavaServer Faces 3
1.1 這是一個 RAD-ical 的世界 4
那麼,什麼是 JavaServer Faces 5
行業支持 10
1.2 技術背後的運作 10
超文本傳輸協議 (HTTP) 11
Servlets 12
Portlets 13
JavaBeans 14
JSP 和其他顯示技術 15
1.3 框架、框架、框架 16
為什麼我們需要框架 16
她是一個 Model 2 17
JSF、Struts 和其他框架 18
1.4 到處都是元件 19
1.5 你好,世界! 22
剖析 hello.jsp 24
剖析 goodbye.jsp 31
檢查 HelloBean 類 32
使用 faces-config.xml 進行配置 34
使用 web.xml 進行配置 36
1.6 總結 37
2 JSF 基礎 38
2.1 餡餅的關鍵部分 39
用戶界面元件 41
渲染器 43
驗證器 44
Backing beans 45
轉換器 48
事件和監聽器 49
消息 55
導航 56
2.2 請求處理生命週期 57
階段 1:恢復視圖 61
階段 2:應用請求值 63
階段 3:處理驗證 65
階段 4:更新模型值 66
階段 5:調用應用程序 66
階段 6:渲染回應 68
2.3 理解元件和客戶端標識符 69
命名容器 72
引用標識符 73
2.4 探索 JSF 表達式語言 76
理解範圍變數 80
使用隱式變數 81
在元件中使用 EL 83
2.5 總結 86
3 熱身:熟悉 JSF 88
3.1 設置您的 JSF 環境 89
基本要求 89
選擇 JSF 實現 89
目錄結構 90
配置 92
3.2 JSP 的角色 102
使用 JSP 包含 103
將 JSF 與 JSTL 和其他 JSP 自定義標籤一起使用 104
3.3 創建和初始化 beans 110
聲明受管 beans 113
將 Lists 和 Maps 聲明為受管 beans 123
使用值綁定表達式設置值 125
3.4 在頁面海洋中導航 129
3.5 總結 136
4 開始使用標準元件 137
4.1 一切都在元件中 138
使用 HTML 屬性 142
理解面 143
工具的力量 145
幕後的渲染工具包 148
4.2 常見元件屬性 148
4.3 使用 UIViewRoot 控制頁面 149
4.4 使用 UIParameter 設置元件參數 151
4.5 使用輸出元件顯示數據 153
使用 HtmlOutputText 顯示普通文本 153
使用 UIOutput 與 155 標籤 155
使用 HtmlOutputLabel 創建輸入標籤 158
使用 HtmlOutputFormat 顯示參數化文本 160
使用 HtmlOutputLink 顯示超鏈接 165
4.6 使用 HtmlGraphicImage 顯示圖像 167
4.7 使用 HtmlMessage 顯示元件消息 169
4.8 使用 HtmlMessages 顯示應用程序消息 172
4.9 使用 Panel 元件進行分組和佈局 176
使用 HtmlPanelGroup 分組元件 176
使用 HtmlPanelGrid 創建表格 178
3.10 總結 184
5 使用輸入和數據表格元件 185
5.1 註冊事件監聽器 186
聲明值變更監聽器 187
聲明動作監聽器 187
5.2 常見元件屬性 189
5.3 使用 HtmlForm 處理表單 190
5.4 處理基本用戶輸入 192
聲明基本文本字段使用 HtmlInputText 193
使用 HtmlInputTextarea 處理備忘錄字段 194
使用 HtmlInputSecret 顯示密碼字段 195
聲明隱藏字段使用 HtmlInputHidden 197
5.5 使用 HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox 處理複選框 198
5.6 定義項目列表 199
使用 UISelectItem 處理單個項目 200
使用 UISelectItems 處理多個項目 203
5.7 處理多項選擇 205
使用 HtmlSelectManyCheckbox 處理複選框組 205
使用 HtmlSelectManyListbox 顯示列表框 208
使用 HtmlSelectManyMenu 處理單項列表框 210
5.8 處理單項選擇 212
使用 HtmlSelectOneRadio 處理單選按鈕組 212
使用 HtmlSelectOneListbox 處理單選列表框 215
聲明組合框使用 HtmlSelectOneMenu 217