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Developers initially welcomed Microsofts Managed C++ for .NET, but the twisted syntax made it difficult to use. Its much-improved replacement, C++/CLI, now provides an effective bridge between the native and managed programming worlds. Using this technology, developers can combine existing C++ programs and .NET applications with little or no refactoring. Accessing .NET libraries like Windows Forms, WPF, and WCF from standard C++ is equally easy.
C++/CLI in Action is a practical guide that will help you breathe new life into your legacy C++ programs. The book begins with a concise C++/CLI tutorial. It then quickly moves to the key themes of native/managed code interop and mixed-mode programming. Youll learn to take advantage of GUI frameworks like Windows Forms and WPF while keeping your native C++ business logic. The book also covers methods for accessing C# or VB.NET components and libraries. Written for readers with a working knowledge of C++.
- Call C++ libraries from C# or VB.NET
- C++ for WPF and WCF
- Mixed-mode programming techniques
- Move from Managed C++ to C++/CLI
Table of Contents
preface xv
acknowledgments xvii
about this book xix
- Part 1 The C++/CLI Language 1
- 1 Introduction to C++/CLI 3
- 1.1 The role of C++/CLI 4
- What C++/CLI can do for you 6
- The rationale behind the new syntax 8
- 1.2 Hello World in C++/CLI 13
- The /clr compiler option 15
- Using VC++ 2005 to create a /clr application 16
- 1.3 Declaring CLR types 18
- Class modifiers 20
- CLI types and inheritance 22
- 1.4 Handles: the CLI equivalent to pointers 24
- Syntax for using handles 24
- Tracking references 26
- 1.5 Instantiating CLI classes 28
- The gcnew operator 28
- Constructors 31
- Copy constructors 33
- Assignment operators 36
- 1.6 Boxing and unboxing 38
- Implicit boxing in the new syntax 38
- Boxing and type-safety 40
- Implementation at the MSIL level 41
- Assigning null to a boxed value type 43
- 1.7 Summary 45
- 2 Getting into the CLI: properties, delegates and arrays 46
- 2.1 Properties 47
- Scalar Properties 48
- Indexed properties 55
- 2.2 Delegates and events 58
- Delegates 59
- Events 64
- 2.3 CLI Arrays 68
- Basic CLI array concepts 69
- Single-dimensional arrays 70
- Multidimensional arrays 71
- Jagged arrays 72
- Arrays as function arguments 74
- Returning arrays from functions 75
- Parameter arrays 76
- Using System::Array methods 77
- Array covariance 80
- Arrays of non-CLI objects 81
- Directly accessing CLI arrays using native pointers 83
- 2.4 Summary 84
- 3 More C++/CLI: stack semantics, function overriding, and generic programming 86
- 3.1 Stack semantics and deterministic destruction 87
- The new destructor and finalizer syntaxes 88
- Stack semantics 96
- Guidelines for using destructors and stack semantics 101
- 3.2 Function overriding 102
- Explicit overriding 103
- Renamed overriding 104
- Multiple overriding 105
- Sealed and abstract functions 106
- 3.3 Generics and managed templates 108
- Why have parameterized types? 108
- Generics syntax for classes and functions 110
- Constraint mechanism 113
- Issues with the constraint mechanism and simple types 116
- Comparison with templates 120
- Managed templates 124
- 3.4 Summary 129
- Part 2 Mixing managed and native code 131
- 4 Introduction to mixed-mode programming 133
- 4.1 Using interior and pinning pointers 135
- Interior pointers 136
- Pinning pointers 141
- 4.2 Working with interop mechanisms 147
- Accessing a managed library from native code 148
- Accessing a native library from managed code 156
- 4.3 Using mixed types 162
- Native types with managed members 162
- Managed types with native members 166
- 4.4 Function pointers and delegates: bridging the gap 173
- Using GetFunctionPointerForDelegate 173
- Using GetDelegateForFunctionPointer 175
- 4.5 Summary 177
- 5 Interoping with native libraries from managed applications 179
- 5.1 Converting between managed and native types 181
- Marshalling native strings 181
- Marshalling arrays 184
- Simulating a native static array with managed code 185
- 5.2 Double thunking in mixed-mode function calls 186
- 5.3 Wrapping a native API and exposing a CLI interface 190
- Overview of the native API 191
- Writing the CLI wrapper 193
- 5.4 Exposing an MFC extension DLL to .NET 206
- Overview of the MFC extension DLL 207
- Writing the managed regular MFC DLL wrapper 208
- 5.5 Accessing a COM object via a custom RCW 212
- The COM object to interop with 212
- Writing the custom RCW 215
- Using the custom RCW 218
- 5.6 Writing a single mixed-mode DLL for both managed and native clients 218
- Wrapping the System::Object class 220
- Writing derived class wrappers 223
- 5.7 Summary 227
- Part 3 Using managed frameworks from native applications 229
- 6 Interoping Windows Forms with MFC 231
- 6.1 A simple Windows Forms application 233
- 6.2 Hosting a Windows Forms control in an MFC dialog 235
- 6.3 Hosting a Windows Forms control as an MFC view 239
- 6.4 Giving your MFC apps an Office 2003 style UI 249
- 6.5 Using a Windows Forms control as an MFC dialog 261
- 6.6 Using an MFC control in a Windows Forms form 267
- The custom MFC control 268
- Hosting the MFC control from WinForms 271
- Using the wrapped control from a WinForms app 273
- 6.7 Summary 274
- 7 Using C++/CLI to target Windows Presentation Foundation applications 276
- 7.1 What is WPF? 278
- Overview of XAML 280
- Anatomy of a simple WPF application 283
- 7.2 Using C++/CLI to write a WPF application 288
- Creating a new C++/CLI Avalon project 289
- Using procedural code 289
- Dynamically loading XAML 294
- Deriving from a class in a C# DLL 297
- 7.3 A brief look at some WPF Graphics features 300
- Using brushes and shapes 300
- Transformations 304
- 7.4 Hosting a WPF control in a native C++ application 310
- Using a mixed-mode extension DLL 310
- Using a mixed-mode application 319
- 7.5 Hosting a native control in a WPF application 326
- 7.6 Summary 331
- 8 Accessing the Windows Communication Foundation with C++/CLI 332
- 8.1 Hello World with the Windows Communication Foundation 334
- 8.2 Duplex communication in WCF 338
- Creating the service 340
- Creating the client 342
- 8.3 Migrating a native DCOM application to WCF 344
- The example DCOM server 346
- The native MFC client 348
- Writing a WCF proxy service 351
- Modifying the MFC client to use WCF 356
- Writing a pure WCF service 359
- Comparison of the two migration methods 362
- 8.4 Hosting a WCF service in an IIS server 362
- 8.5 Summary 366
- Appendix A concise introduction to the .NET Framework 368
index 385
開發者最初對 Microsoft 的 Managed C++ for .NET 表示歡迎,但其扭曲的語法使得使用變得困難。其改進版 C++/CLI 現在提供了一個有效的橋樑,連接原生和管理編程世界。使用這項技術,開發者可以在幾乎不需要重構的情況下,將現有的 C++ 程式和 .NET 應用程式結合起來。從標準 C++ 訪問 .NET 庫,如 Windows Forms、WPF 和 WCF 也同樣簡單。
《C++/CLI 實戰》是一本實用指南,將幫助您為舊有的 C++ 程式注入新生命。本書以簡明的 C++/CLI 教程開始,然後迅速轉向原生/管理代碼互操作和混合模式編程的關鍵主題。您將學會如何利用 GUI 框架,如 Windows Forms 和 WPF,同時保留您的原生 C++ 業務邏輯。本書還涵蓋了訪問 C# 或 VB.NET 組件和庫的方法。適合具備 C++ 基礎知識的讀者。
- 從 C# 或 VB.NET 調用 C++ 庫
- 用於 WPF 和 WCF 的 C++
- 混合模式編程技術
- 從 Managed C++ 遷移到 C++/CLI
前言 xv
致謝 xvii
關於本書 xix
**第一部分 C++/CLI 語言 1**
1. C++/CLI 簡介 3
1.1 C++/CLI 的角色 4
- C++/CLI 能為您做什麼 6
- 新語法背後的理由 8
1.2 C++/CLI 的 Hello World 13
- /clr 編譯器選項 15
- 使用 VC++ 2005 創建 /clr 應用程式 16
1.3 宣告 CLR 類型 18
- 類修飾符 20
- CLI 類型和繼承 22
1.4 處理器:CLI 中指針的等價物 24
- 使用處理器的語法 24
- 追蹤引用 26
1.5 實例化 CLI 類 28
- gcnew 運算子 28
- 建構函數 31
- 複製建構函數 33
- 指派運算子 36
1.6 裝箱和拆箱 38
- 新語法中的隱式裝箱 38
- 裝箱和類型安全 40
- 在 MSIL 層級的實現 41
- 將 null 指派給裝箱的值類型 43
1.7 總結 45
2. 進入 CLI:屬性、委託和數組 46
2.1 屬性 47
- 標量屬性 48
- 索引屬性 55
2.2 委託和事件 58
- 委託 59
- 事件 64
2.3 CLI 數組 68
- 基本 CLI 數組概念 69
- 一維數組 70
- 多維數組 71
- 鋸齒狀數組 72
- 數組作為函數參數 74
- 從函數返回數組 75
- 參數數組 76
- 使用 System::Array 方法 77
- 數組協變 80
- 非 CLI 對象的數組 81
- 使用原生指針直接訪問 CLI 數組 83
2.4 總結 84
3. 更多 C++/CLI:堆疊語義、函數重寫和泛型編程 86
3.1 堆疊語義和確定性銷毀 87
- 新的解構函數和終結器語法 88
- 堆疊語義 96
- 使用解構函數和堆疊語義的指導方針 101
3.2 函數重寫 102
- 明確重寫 103
- 重命名重寫 104
- 多重重寫 105
- 封閉和抽象函數 106
3.3 泛型和管理模板 108
- 為什麼需要參數化類型? 108
- 類和函數的泛型語法 110
- 約束機制 113
- 約束機制和簡單類型的問題 116
- 與模板的比較 120
- 管理模板 124
3.4 總結 129
**第二部分 混合管理和原生代碼 131**
4. 混合模式編程簡介 133
4.1 使用內部指針和固定指針 135
- 內部指針 136
- 固定指針 141
4.2 使用互操作機制 147
- 從原生代碼訪問管理庫 148
- 從管理代碼訪問原生庫 156
4.3 使用混合類型 162
- 具有管理成員的原生類型 162
- 具有原生成員的管理類型 166
4.4 函數指針和委託:彌合差距 173
- 使用 GetFunctionPointerForDelegate 173
- 使用 GetDelegateForFunctionPointer 175
4.5 總結 177
5. 從管理應用程式與原生庫互操作 179
5.1 在管理和原生類型之間轉換 181
- 原生字符串的編組 181
- 數組的編組 184
- 使用管理代碼模擬原生靜態數組 185
5.2 混合模式函數調用中的雙重 thunking 186
5.3 封裝原生 API 並暴露 CLI 接口 190
- 原生 API 概述 191
- 編寫 CLI 包裝器 193
5.4 將 MFC 擴展 DLL 暴露給 .NET 206
- MFC 擴展 DLL 概述 207
- 編寫管理的常規 MFC DLL 包裝器 208