PostGIS in Action (Paperback)
暫譯: PostGIS 實戰 (平裝本)

Regina Obe, Leo Hsu



Whether you're canvassing a congressional district, managing a sales region, mapping city bus schedules, or analyzing local cancer rates, thinking spatially opens up limitless possibilities for database users. PostGIS, a freely available open-source spatial database extender, can help you answer questions that you could not answer using a mere relational database. Its feature set equals or surpasses proprietary alternatives, allowing you to create location-aware queries and features with just a few lines of SQL code.

PostGIS in Action is the first book devoted entirely to PostGIS. It will help both new and experienced users write spatial queries to solve real-world problems. For those with experience in more traditional relational databases, this book provides a background in vector-based GIS so you can quickly move to analyzing, viewing, and mapping data. Advanced users will learn how to optimize queries for maximum speed, simplify geometries for greater efficiency, and create custom functions suited specifically to their applications. It also discusses the new features available in PostgreSQL 8.4 and provides tutorials on using additional open source GIS tools in conjunction with PostGIS.


無論您是在進行國會選區的調查、管理銷售區域、規劃城市公車時刻表,還是分析當地癌症發病率,空間思考為資料庫使用者開啟了無限的可能性。PostGIS 是一個免費的開源空間資料庫擴展工具,可以幫助您回答那些僅使用關聯資料庫無法解答的問題。它的功能集與專有替代方案相當或更勝一籌,讓您只需幾行 SQL 代碼即可創建具位置感知的查詢和功能。

《PostGIS in Action》是第一本專門針對 PostGIS 的書籍。它將幫助新手和有經驗的使用者撰寫空間查詢,以解決現實世界中的問題。對於有傳統關聯資料庫經驗的讀者,本書提供了基於向量的地理資訊系統(GIS)背景,讓您能夠快速進入資料的分析、視覺化和地圖繪製。進階使用者將學習如何優化查詢以達到最佳速度、簡化幾何形狀以提高效率,並創建專門針對其應用的自定義函數。本書還討論了 PostgreSQL 8.4 中的新功能,並提供了使用其他開源 GIS 工具與 PostGIS 結合的教程。