Machine Learning: For Beginners - Your Starter Guide For Data Management, Model Training, Neural Networks, Machine Learning Algorithms (Volume 1)

Ken Richards




"I'll bet the rest of my professional career that the future of your business is big data and machine learning applied to the business opportunities, customer challenges, and things before you." - Eric Schmidt
"Artificial Intelligence, deep learning, machine learning - whatever you're doing if you don't understand it - learn it. Because otherwise you're going to be a dinosaur within 3 years." - Mark Cuban
Discover and learn all about the machine learning. This book cover the basic and fundamental subjects on machine learning and its application.
Are you clueless about what is machine learning about?
Have you ever wonder how can a machine, Deep Blue beats Garry Kasparov, a reigning world champion in chess?
Do you know that a handful of the Fortune 500 companies are using machine learning in new creative ways?
People worry that computers will get too smart and take over the world, but the real problem is that they're too stupid and they've already taken over the world. - Pedro Domingos
Machine learning has been around for more than a decade and yet its usage is still at its infancy and innovating in an interesting way.
Companies are investing heavily in machine learning and are reaping generous rewards. Some of their products have become an essential part of our daily activities such as the navigation system in our vehicles.
"But much of what we do with machine learning happens beneath the surface. Machine learning drives our algorithms for demand forecasting, product search ranking, product and deals recommendations, merchandising placements, fraud detection, translations, and much more. Though less visible, much of the impact of machine learning will be of this type - quietly but meaningfully improving core operations." - Jeff Bezos
In this book, you will understand and learn about the basic of machine learning and its applications, which is the fundamental block of Artificial Intelligence.

In this book, Machine Learning For Beginners - Your Starter Guide For Data Management, Model Training, Neural Networks, Machine Learning Algorithms
  • Learn about the three types of machine learning
  • Learn about the machine learning algorithms such as KNN.
  • Discover the machine learning tools that you could use
  • Learn about data acquisition and data management
  • Learn about model training, validation and application
  • Learn about how neural networks work and usage.
  • And many more..

Final Words:
Perhaps, even if you feel that you may know some of the subjects discussed here, be open and this book a chance. You may find a new perspective, learn something new and pick up some valuable tools that drop off your radar. It's written in an informative way for easy reading.
"The best investment you can make is in yourself" - Warren Buffett
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「我敢打賭,你的業務未來將與大數據和機器學習相結合,應用於商機、客戶挑戰和眼前的事物。」- Eric Schmidt

「無論你在做什麼,如果你不了解人工智慧、深度學習和機器學習,就學習它。否則,你將在三年內成為一個恐龍。」- Mark Cuban



你是否曾經想過,一台機器如何能夠擊敗國際象棋世界冠軍Garry Kasparov,像Deep Blue這樣的機器?

你知道Fortune 500中有幾家公司正在以創新的方式使用機器學習嗎?

「人們擔心計算機變得太聰明並接管世界,但真正的問題是它們太愚蠢並且已經接管了世界。」- Pedro Domingos



「但我們使用機器學習的大部分工作都發生在表面之下。機器學習驅動我們的需求預測算法、產品搜索排名、產品和交易推薦、商品展示位置、詐騙檢測、翻譯等等。雖然不太顯眼,但機器學習的大部分影響將是這種類型的 - 悄悄地但有意義地改善核心業務。」- Jeff Bezos



- 了解三種類型的機器學習
- 學習機器學習算法,如KNN
- 探索可用的機器學習工具
- 學習數據獲取和數據管理
- 學習模型訓練、驗證和應用
- 學習神經網絡的工作原理和應用
- 還有更多...



「你能做的最好的投資就是投資於自己。」- Warren Buffett

