Adversary-Aware Learning Techniques and Trends in Cybersecurity
暫譯: 對抗者意識的學習技術與網路安全趨勢
Dasgupta, Prithviraj, Collins, Joseph B., Mittu, Ranjeev
Joseph B. Collins heads the Intelligent Distributed Systems Section in the Information Management & Decision Architectures Branch of the Information Technology Division at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL). He received his Ph.D. in Physics from Brown University and has worked at NRL for over 30 years where he has investigated, designed and developed intelligent decision support systems as components of Navy simulation, command and control, and test and evaluation architectures. Over his career he has authored a variety of papers, conference publications, and book chapters. A recurring theme in his work for the Navy is the integration of sensor data and other information with analytical and physics-based models to arrive at intelligent decisions.
Ranjeev Mittu is the Branch Head for the Information Management and Decision Architectures Branch within the Information Technology Division at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory. Mr. Mittu leads a multidisciplinary group of scientists and engineers that conduct research in visual analytics, human performance assessment, decision support systems, and enterprise systems development. His research expertise is in multi-agent systems, artificial intelligence, machine learning, data mining, and pattern recognition and anomaly detection. He has a track record for transitioning technology solutions to the operational community, and received a technology transfer award at NRL in August 2012 for his contributions to USTRANSCOM. He has authored one book, coedited five books, and written numerous book chapters and conference publications and received an MS in Electrical Engineering from The Johns Hopkins University. He is currently participating in (1) The Technical Cooperation Program (TTCP) which promotes scientific exchange between New Zealand, UK, Australia, Canada and USA; (2) the NATO Information Systems Technology Panel; and (3) the DoD Reliance 21 C4I Community of Interest. He has previously served as a Subject Matter Expert for the Joint IED Defeat Organization (2007-2008), participated as a member of the Netcentric Systems Test working group in collaboration with the U.S. Army Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training, and Instrumentation (PEO STRI), and served on NRL's Invention Evaluation Board (IEB) to evaluate technologies and concepts for potential filing with the USPTO (2006-2008).
Prithviraj (Raj) Dasgupta 是美國海軍研究實驗室(U.S. Naval Research Laboratory)資訊科技部門分散式系統組的計算機工程師,位於華盛頓特區。他的研究興趣包括人工智慧、多代理系統、博弈論和機器學習。從2001年到2019年,他擔任內布拉斯加大學奧馬哈分校(University of Nebraska, Omaha)計算機科學系的教授,並創立及指導了CMANTIC機器人實驗室。他的實驗室獲得超過400萬美元的聯邦資金,並在機械工程和電氣工程、外科手術和生物力學等多個學科之間建立了成功的多大學合作。他在其研究領域的主要期刊和會議上發表了超過150篇論文,並擔任主要人工智慧會議的程序委員會成員,包括AAAI、IJCAI和AAMAS;IEEE會議ICRA、IROS和ICARSC;並定期為機器學習、多代理系統和機器人領域的頂尖期刊審稿。他指導了多位博士、碩士和本科生,並持續參與高中生的STEM輔導活動。Dasgupta博士是IEEE的資深會員。他於2017年獲得內布拉斯加大學奧馬哈分校的最高研究獎ADROCA。他在加州大學聖巴巴拉分校(University of California, Santa Barbara)獲得計算機工程博士和碩士學位,並在印度的賈達夫普爾大學(Jadavpur University)獲得計算機科學工程學士學位。
Joseph B. Collins 是海軍研究實驗室(Naval Research Laboratory, NRL)資訊科技部門資訊管理與決策架構分支的智能分散系統組負責人。他在布朗大學(Brown University)獲得物理學博士學位,並在NRL工作超過30年,期間調查、設計和開發智能決策支持系統,作為海軍模擬、指揮與控制以及測試與評估架構的組成部分。在他的職業生涯中,他撰寫了各種論文、會議出版物和書籍章節。他在海軍工作的重點主題是將傳感器數據和其他信息與分析和基於物理的模型整合,以達成智能決策。
Ranjeev Mittu 是美國海軍研究實驗室(U.S. Naval Research Laboratory)資訊科技部門資訊管理與決策架構分支的分支負責人。Mittus先生領導一個多學科的科學家和工程師團隊,進行視覺分析、人類表現評估、決策支持系統和企業系統開發的研究。他的研究專長包括多代理系統、人工智慧、機器學習、數據挖掘以及模式識別和異常檢測。他在將技術解決方案轉移到操作社區方面有良好的記錄,並於2012年8月因對USTRANSCOM的貢獻而獲得NRL的技術轉移獎。他著有一本書,合編五本書,並撰寫了多篇書籍章節和會議出版物,並在約翰霍普金斯大學(The Johns Hopkins University)獲得電機工程碩士學位。他目前參與(1)技術合作計劃(Technical Cooperation Program, TTCP),促進新西蘭、英國、澳大利亞、加拿大和美國之間的科學交流;(2)北約資訊系統技術小組;以及(3)國防部Reliance 21 C4I利益社群。他曾擔任聯合IED擊敗組織的主題專家(2007-2008),作為美國陸軍模擬、訓練和儀器執行辦公室(PEO STRI)合作的網絡系統測試工作組成員,並在NRL的發明評估委員會(IEB)任職,以評估技術和概念,考慮向美國專利商標局(USPTO)申請專利(2006-2008)。