Pathways to Community Engagement in Education: Collaboration in Diverse, Urban Neighbourhoods

Hands, Catherine M.


This book takes a comprehensive look at community engagement strategies in education to demonstrate the diverse nature of school-community relations and their value to promote their effective development. The author brings twenty years of experience in various educational settings in Ontario and California to examining community involvement policies and their interpretation, as well as school-community collaboration in practice. Chapters include recent research on school-community collaboration from the perspective of teachers, school district leaders, administrators, and support staff within two school districts in a low-income and culturally diverse urban community. The book also includes perspectives from community members involved in organizations across the city with a mandate to work with youth. In a time where students' academic, social, and emotional support needs are on the rise, this book offers a valuable resource for strengthening school-community relations and demonstrating the power of collaboration.


Catherine M. Hands is Professor of Education Administration and Leadership at Brock University, Canada. She has worked with Canadian and American school districts, teachers' unions, and the Ontario Ministry of Education as a researcher and consultant. Her research interests include school-community relations, family involvement in schooling, educational leadership, values and ethics in education, social justice, professional learning communities, and education reform.


Catherine M. Hands 是加拿大布洛克大學的教育行政與領導教授。她曾擔任研究員和顧問,與加拿大和美國的學區、教師工會以及安大略省教育部合作。她的研究興趣包括學校與社區的關係、家庭參與教育、教育領導、教育中的價值觀與倫理、社會正義、專業學習社群以及教育改革。