The Palgrave Handbook of Non-State Actors in East-West Relations

Marton, Péter, Thomasen, Gry, Békés, Csaba

  • 出版商: Palgrave MacMillan
  • 出版日期: 2024-09-29
  • 售價: $16,930
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$16,084
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 913
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 3031405455
  • ISBN-13: 9783031405457
  • 無法訂購



The Handbook introduces to readers (accessibly for specialist and non-specialist scholars, students and layman audiences) the diverse universe of non-state actors (NSAs) that have played or are currently playing a significant role in the context of East-West relations (from 1945 to the present). With a view to the oft-seen political debates about which non- state actors may be independent or controlled by particular states, and in what ways they may be useful or harmful to the interests of particular actors, this volume is interested in analysing and assessing the relationship of NSAs to key state actors in the context of the politics of East-West relations. Key state actors in this context include more than just the United States (on the one hand) and the Soviet Union or Russia (on the other hand). To offer a structured overview, the volume explores possible typologies of the relationships conceivable between NSAs and states. New concepts and organising principles are presented, to support a process-tracing analysis of the evolution of proxy ships, partnerships and other types of connections between states and non-state actors. Degrees, sources and types of control and influence are considered. Further, the Handbook's chapters also examine NSAs' impact on the dynamics of interstate conflict and cooperation in the East-West dimension. The systematic examination of the relationship between states and NSAs in East-West relations proposed here is the first undertaking of its kind. International scholarship in political science and strategic analyses have so far neglected to develop an analytical framework and a truly nuanced understanding that could capture the intricate and multilevel relationships that exists between NSAs and states in this context.




Péter Marton holds a PhD in International Relations and is currently Associate Professor at Corvinus University in Budapest, Hungary, and Adjunct Professor at McDaniel College Budapest. His fields of research include Security Studies, Foreign Policy Analysis and Global Public Health. He has published, inter alia, in Defence Studies, Communist and Post-Communist Studies, the Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society, the Journal of Contemporary African Studies and New Perspectives. He is co-editor of the Palgrave Encyclopedia of Global Security Studies.

Gry Thomasen is Research Director at BASIC (British American Security Information Council). Dr Thomasen holds a PhD in Cold War history from the University of Copenhagen and was awarded a postdoc grant from the Carlsberg Foundation to undertake research into nuclear non-proliferation history at the Danish Institute for International Studies. Dr Thomasen has previously been Visiting Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Cold War History Research Centre in Budapest and a Visiting Researcher at the Centre for Science and Security Studies, King's College, London. Most recently, she has published in the International Journal, International History Review and Marine Policy. She has also authored numerous policy reports and policy briefs providing advice to governments.

Csaba BÉKÉS is a Professor of History at Corvinus University of Budapest and a Research Professor Emeritus in the Centre of Social Sciences, Budapest. He is the founding director of the Cold War History Research Center, Budapest ( and a recurring visiting professor at Columbia University, New York. His main field of research is Cold War history, East-West relations, the history of détente, Hungarian foreign policy after World War II and the role of the East Central European states in the Cold War. He has widely published on these topics in Hungarian, English and German; he is also a contributor of the three volume The Cambridge History of the Cold War (2010). He is a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Cold War Studies and Cold War History. His numerous books include The 1956 Hungarian Revolution. A history in documents. (Co-ed.) (2002); Hungary and the Warsaw Pact, 1954-1989; Soviet Occupation of Romania, Hungary, and Austria 1944/45-1948/49 (Co-ed.) (2015); Hungary's Cold War: International Relations from the End of World War Two to the Fall of the Soviet Union. (2022).

András Rácz is Senior Research Fellow at the Berlin-based German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP). Dr. Rácz holds a Ph.D. in Modern History from the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary. Before joining the DGAP in 2019, he was Associate Professor at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University in Budapest and Security Policy Analyst of the policy think tank Political Capital. Between 2014-2016, he was a Senior Research Fellow of the Finnish Institute of International Affairs in Helsinki. Earlier, he worked inter alia as senior research fellow at the former Hungarian Institute of InternationalAffairs and as visiting researcher at the Transatlantic Academy of the German Marshall Fund in Washington D.C. His fields of expertise include the security and defence policy issues of Russia and the post-Soviet region, as well as relations of Russia and Central-Europe, in addition to the foreign policy of Hungary.


彼得·馬頓(Péter Marton)擁有國際關係博士學位,目前是匈牙利布達佩斯科爾維努斯大學的副教授,以及麥克丹尼爾學院布達佩斯的兼任教授。他的研究領域包括安全研究、外交政策分析和全球公共衛生。他曾在《防衛研究》、《共產主義與後共產主義研究》、《蘇聯及後蘇聯政治與社會期刊》、《當代非洲研究期刊》和《新視野》等期刊上發表過文章。他是《帕爾格雷夫全球安全研究百科全書》的共同編輯。

格里·托馬森(Gry Thomasen)是英美安全資訊委員會(BASIC)的研究主任。托馬森博士擁有哥本哈根大學的冷戰歷史博士學位,並獲得卡爾斯堡基金會的博士後獎學金,在丹麥國際研究所進行核不擴散歷史的研究。托馬森博士曾擔任布達佩斯冷戰歷史研究中心的訪問博士後研究員,以及倫敦國王學院科學與安全研究中心的訪問研究員。最近,她在《國際期刊》、《國際歷史評論》和《海洋政策》上發表了文章。她還撰寫了多份政策報告和政策簡報,為政府提供建議。

查巴·貝克斯(Csaba BÉKÉS)是布達佩斯科爾維努斯大學的歷史教授,並且是布達佩斯社會科學中心的名譽研究教授。他是布達佩斯冷戰歷史研究中心的創始主任(,並且是哥倫比亞大學的定期訪問教授。他的主要研究領域是冷戰歷史、東西方關係、緩和歷史、二戰後的匈牙利外交政策以及東中歐國家在冷戰中的角色。他在匈牙利語、英語和德語上廣泛發表有關這些主題的文章;他也是三卷本《劍橋冷戰史》(2010)的貢獻者。他是《冷戰研究期刊》和《冷戰歷史》編輯委員會的成員。他的多部著作包括《1956年匈牙利革命:文件中的歷史》(合編)(2002);《匈牙利與華沙公約,1954-1989》;《蘇聯佔領羅馬尼亞、匈牙利和奧地利1944/45-1948/49》(合編)(2015);《匈牙利的冷戰:從二戰結束到蘇聯解體的國際關係》(2022)。

安德拉斯·拉茨(András Rácz)是位於柏林的德國對外關係委員會(DGAP)的高級研究員。拉茨博士擁有匈牙利厄爾特大學的現代歷史博士學位。在2019年加入DGAP之前,他曾是布達佩斯帕茲曼彼得天主教大學的副教授,以及政策智庫政治資本的安全政策分析師。在2014年至2016年間,他是芬蘭國際事務研究所的高級研究員。早期,他曾在前匈牙利國際事務研究所擔任高級研究員,並在華盛頓特區的德國馬歇爾基金會跨大西洋學院擔任訪問研究員。他的專業領域包括俄羅斯及後蘇聯地區的安全與防衛政策問題,以及俄羅斯與中歐的關係,還有匈牙利的外交政策。