The Microbiology of the Drop-In Biofuel Production

Brar, Satinder Kaur, Osorio Gonzalez, Carlos Saul, Soccol, Carlos Riccardo

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-08-09
  • 售價: $8,300
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$7,885
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 421
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 3031616367
  • ISBN-13: 9783031616365
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


The Microbiology of the Drop-in Biofuel Production is a comprehensive resource that provides basic and applied knowledge, technologies, and regulations of current drop-in biofuel production. This book focuses on liquid drop-in biofuel produced trough biochemical process and all the important aspect like renewable substrates, biochemical routes, genetic modifications, technology innovations, regulation, commercialization as well as the future perspectives to be implemented. Starting with an introductory chapter about the conventional methods to produce drop-in biofuels, the book will guide the reader into the specific biochemical processes for its production, covering aspect like renewable feedstocks, microorganism, classification, and the circular economy around all the production process.

This book provides a detailed overview about the microbiology, regulation and commercialization aspects of drop-in biofuel production and is essential for researchers, students, and professors working in the bioenergy area.





Prof. Satinder Kaur Brar is the James and Joanne Love Chair in Environmental Engineering and Director of One WATER Institute at York University. Her research is on the intersecting areas of environmental engineering and its impact on the overall well-being of the global community. She primarily works in the two converging fields of value-addition of wastes and removal of emerging contaminants. Many national and international awards and honors have been bestowed on her that prove her research mettle. Notable ones being, in 2021, Best paper award, and in 2019, Eddy Principles/Processes Wastewater Medal winner, honored by the Water Environment Federation; in 2017, her research on "Novel and Advanced Hybrid Oxidation and Enzymatic Technologies for Emerging Trace Environmental Contaminants" were awarded the Grand Prize in University Research for Excellence in Environmental Engineering and Science by the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists (AAEES). She was recently inducted into the European Academy of Sciences in 2021 and as well is a member of the College of New Scholars, Scientist and Artists of the Royal Society of Canada, since 2014. She leads the Bioprocessing and NanoEnzyme Formulation Facility (BANEFF) at York University and this unit has successfully led to the training of 72 HQP (including 45 undergraduates and summer interns). Currently, she is supervising 4 PDFs, 2 research associates, one research assistant, 11 Ph.D.s and 2 M.Scs. She has published more than 400 articles, edited 12 books and at least 55 invited talks to her credit.

Dr. Carlos Saul Osorio-Gonzalez is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Civil Engineering Department at York University, Ontario, Canada. His research interest mainly lies in residues valorization, bioenergy production, fermentation technology, sustainability, and biorefinery. Some of his specific research area includes biofuels, enzyme and secondary metabolite production, wastewater treatment, bioremediation and apply statistics. He has been held with several awards and scholarships such as Merit Scholarship Program for Foreign Students-Short-term (PBEEE-3M), Bourses de 2è et 3è cycle pour stage en Centre collégial de transfert de technologies (CCTT), Mitacs Research Award and Mitacs Elevate. He has more than dozen research publications and book chapters in international peer-reviewed journals and books.

Prof. Carlos Ricardo Soccol has a degree in Chemical Engineering from the Federal University of Paraná (1979), a PhD in Enzymatic Genetics, Microbiology and Bioconversion - Universite de Technologie de Compiègne-France (1992). Postdoctoral studies at the Institut ORSTOM/IRD- Montpellier, France (1994 and 1997) and Aix-Marseille Université, France (2000).Biotechnology Business, Germany (2005). English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) -Teacher Education Programme, University of Oxford-UK (2014). Mentor of the First Undergraduate Course in Bioprocess Engineering and Biotechnology in Brazil (2000) and of the Postgraduate Programme in Bioprocess Engineering and Biotechnology, Master's and Doctorate level (1997) at the Federal University of Paraná. Mentor of the Centre for Agroindustrial and Agrifood Biotechnology of Paraná-CENBAPAR (2004). Mentor of the country's first Post-Medium Course in Industrial Bioprocesses and Biotechnology - SENAI-Parana (2008). 10 Parana Science and Technology Award (1996). Best Scientific Achievement of the Year 2001 by Ministry of Sugar of Cuba (MINAZ). Scopus/Elsevier Award (2009). Doctor Honoris Causa Université Blaise Pascal-France (2010), Outstanding Scientist Award- 5th International Conference on Industrial Bioprocesses, Taipei-Taiwan (2012). Elected Full Member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences - Engineering Area (2013). Henri Nestlé Prize in Food Science and Technology (2014). Polytech-Reseau Écoles d'Ingénieurs de France Medal (Paris 2015). Medal and Diploma of Merit, CREA-PR (2016). Scientific and Technological Merit, Legislative Assembly of the State of Paraná (2016). Scientist of the Year - Nanocell Institute (2017), Order of Scientific Merit - Commander Class, MCTIC/ Brazil Presidency of the Republic (2018).The IBA Felow- Mexico (2021). Full Professor of Industrial Biotechnology at the Federal University of Paraná and HDR Professor - École Supériure D'Ingénieurs de Luminy, Aix-Marseille Université-France. Visiting Professor École Polyttechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland (2009-2010) . Visiting Professor Université Lille 1-France (2014). Visiting Professor Université Blaise Pascal - École Polyttechnique-Clermont-Ferrand, France (2015). Coordinator (Master BIODEV) Unesco International Master in Biotechnology (2004-2020). Editor, Journal Biotechnology Research and Innovation. Associated Editor, Nanotechnology for Environmental Engineering, Systems Microbiology and Biomanufacturing. Technical and scientific advisor to various companies, funding agencies and scientific journals in Brazil and abroad. Full Member of the CA-Biotecnologia CAPES (2010-2013). Full Member CA-Biotecnologia CNPq (2012-2015). Vice-Chairman/Central Council International Bioprocess Association (2021-2024 ). Vice-President Brazilian Biotechnology Association (2021 - ) Has experience in Industrial Biotechnology, with an emphasis on the following specialities: Bioprocess Engineering and Applied Biotechnology (Agriculture, Human Health, Animal Health, Industrial Biotechnology, Cosmetics, Environment and Bioenergy). Scale-up of Bioprocesses (Bench, Pilot and Industrial). Bioseparation Engineering, Tissue Culture. Plant projects for biotechnology industries. Bioproduction, among others. He also has experience in transferring technologies to the production sector. To date, he has supervised 25 postdoctoral fellows, 93 doctors, 132 masters and has 1.472 publications/communications, including 34 books, 210 book chapters, 530 full articles published in periodicals, 185 full papers published in event proceedings, 397 abstracts published in event proceedings. He has registered 116 patents, several of which are with companies and have been licensed. His research articles have been cited more than 43,500 times in the Google Scholar Citations database, with an H factor of 101.

Dr. Rahul Saini is currently working as Post-Doctorate at Lassonde School of Engineering, York University, Ontario, Canada. He is currently working on optimizing the method for enhanced conversion of pulp waste into Renewable Natural gas. His main research interest is in fermentation, bioremediation, value addition and waste valorization into renewable and sustainable compounds. He has published several scientific research and review articles in international peer-reviewed journals and authored review articles as well as many book chapters. Additionally, he has received numerous awards and scholarships such as Graduate Aptitude Test and Engineering, Life Science (JRF/LS), MITACS research award and MITACS Elevate Postdoctoral Fellowship.


Prof. Satinder Kaur Brar是約克大學環境工程的James and Joanne Love講座教授,也是One WATER Institute的主任。她的研究主要關注環境工程與其對全球社區整體福祉的影響。她主要從事兩個交匯領域的研究,即廢物增值和新興污染物的去除。她獲得了許多國家和國際獎項和榮譽,證明了她的研究能力。其中值得一提的是,2021年獲得了最佳論文獎,2019年獲得了由水環境聯合會頒發的Eddy Principles/Processes Wastewater Medal,2017年她的研究“新興微量環境污染物的新型和先進混合氧化和酶技術”獲得了美國環境工程和科學學院(AAEES)頒發的環境工程和科學卓越大獎。她最近於2021年被歐洲科學院錄取,並且自2014年以來一直是加拿大皇家學會新學者、科學家和藝術家學院的成員。她領導著約克大學的生物處理和納米酶配方設施(BANEFF),該設施成功培訓了72名高質量人才(包括45名本科生和暑期實習生)。目前,她指導著4名博士後研究員、2名研究助理、1名研究助理、11名博士和2名碩士研究生。她發表了400多篇文章,編輯了12本書,並至少發表了55次邀請演講。

Dr. Carlos Saul Osorio-Gonzalez是加拿大安大略省約克大學土木工程系的博士後研究員。他的研究興趣主要集中在殘留物增值、生物能源生產、發酵技術、可持續性和生物精煉等領域。他的具體研究領域包括生物燃料、酶和次生代謝物的生產、廢水處理、生物修復和應用統計。他曾獲得多個獎項和獎學金,如外國學生優秀獎學金短期計劃(PBEEE-3M)、第二和第三階段研究生獎學金(CCTT)、Mitacs研究獎和Mitacs Elevate獎。他在國際同行評審期刊和書籍上發表了十多篇研究論文和章節。

Prof. Carlos Ricardo Soccol擁有巴拉那聯邦大學化學工程學位(1979年),法國康比埃訥科技大學酶遺傳學、微生物學和生物轉化博士學位(1992年)。在法國蒙彼利埃的ORSTOM/IRD研究所(1994年和1997年)和法國艾克斯-馬賽大學(2000年)進行博士後研究。在德國進行生物技術業務(2005年)。在牛津大學英語作為教學媒介(EMI)教育計劃中獲得教育師資培訓(2014年)。他是巴西第一個生物過程工程和生物技術本科課程(2000年)和巴拉那聯邦大學生物過程工程和生物技術碩士和博士課程(1997年)的導師。他是巴拉那州農業和農食品生物技術中心(CENBAPAR)的導師(2004年)。他是該國第一個工業生物過程和生物技術後中期課程的導師-巴拉那州國家工業學院(2008年)。他獲得了10項巴拉那科學和技術獎(1996年),古巴糖業部(MINAZ)2001年度最佳科學成就獎,Scopus/Elsevier獎(2009年),法國布萊斯·帕斯卡大學名譽博士學位(2010年),台灣台北第五屆國際工業生物過程大會傑出科學家獎(2012年)。他於2013年當選為巴西科學院工程領域的正式會員。他獲得了亨利·內斯特萊食品科學與技術獎(2014年)和法國工程學院網絡Polytech-Reseau Écoles d'Ingénieurs de France獎章(巴黎2015年)。他獲得了CREA-P頒發的功勳獎章和證書。