The Sages Manual of Strategy and Leadership

Johnson, Shaneeta M., Qureshi, Alia P., Schlussel, Andrew T.

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-09-17
  • 售價: $5,290
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$5,026
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 783
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 3031623584
  • ISBN-13: 9783031623585
  • 無法訂購


This book is an essential guide for practicing surgeons, equipping them with the necessary skills and expertise to lead medical practices and healthcare organizations. Acting as a roadmap, it engages surgeons in leadership development, enabling them to acquire the knowledge needed to advance within healthcare leadership. Specifically designed for surgeons interested in healthcare leadership, the book addresses a critical gap in the development of surgical professionals into influential and effective surgical leaders. This manual will prepare the surgeon for all aspects of surgical leadership; it prepares surgeons to excel in areas such as practice development, national reputation building, organizational leadership, and fostering a culture of positive change within institutions.

In a field where relevant resources are scarce, this book provides a clear path for practicing surgeons to acquire the necessary skills and expertise for effective leadership. The text begins by focusing on self-leadership, covering topics such as defining one's practice type, navigating promotions across systems, and determining the scope of practice. The subsequent section delves into leading others, addressing critical areas like managing work environments, policy formulation, administration, and consensus-building. Finally, the book explores leading systems, emphasizing the importance of understanding local contexts, building efficient organizational structures, and optimizing healthcare delivery processes.





Shaneeta M. Johnson, MD, MBA, FACS, FASMBS, Department of Surgery, Morehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA, USA

  • Shaneeta Johnson MD, MBA, FACS, FICS, FASMBS is a Professor of Surgery, Chief of Minimally Invasive, Robotic, and Bariatric Surgery, and Program Director of the General Surgery Residency Program at Morehouse School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia. She is currently a Senior Fellow of Global Health Equity at the Satcher Health Leadership Institute and has previously served as Interim Chair of Surgery. She earned a Master's of Business Administration from Brandeis University and has held leadership and advisory roles for national & international organizations, government regulatory bodies, professional societies, and legislative bodies. She is the current Chair of the Society of American Gastrointestinal & Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) Sustainability in Surgical Practice Committee and serves on the SAGES Board of Directors.

Alia Qureshi, MD, Department of Surgery, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, OR, USA

  • Alia Qureshi MD, FACS is an associate professor of general surgery and a leading expert in malignant and benign foregut disease and its surgical management. She is a graduate of the Kellogg Leadership Agility Program at Northwestern School of Business Management. She has served as the Program Director for the Minimally Invasive Fellowship and Interim Chair of Minimally Invasive and Bariatric Surgery. She is currently Surgical Chair of the Clinical Integration Council at Oregon Health and Sciences University. She has served as the SAGES Chair of the Diversity Leadership and Professional Development Committee and was part of the creation of the Fundamentals of Leadership Course at SAGES. Dr Qureshi has a strong interest in leadership science.

Andrew Schlussel, DO, Department of Surgery, Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center, Augusta, GA, USA

  • Andrew Schlussel, DO, FACS, FASCRS, is a Colon and Rectal Surgeon who earned his degree from Nova Southeastern University College of Osteopathic Medicine. He spent 15 years on Active Duty in the U.S. Army, leading small team surgical units in three combat deployments, earning multiple awards including two Meritorious Service Medals and a Combat Medical Badge. Currently, he serves as the Chair of the Military Committee for the Society of Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons and is the incoming president of the Association of Out Surgeons and Allies.

David Renton, MD, Department of Surgery, OSU East Hospital, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA

  • David Renton MD, MSPH, FACS is the Chief of Surgery of The Ohio State Wexner Medical Center East Hospital. He also holds the position of Associate Chief Quality Officer for Perioperative Services, overseeing all procedural areas in the enterprise. He is Chair of the SAGES Technology Assessment and Value Analysis Committee and a former winner of the SAGES Brandeis Award.

Daniel B. Jones, MD, FACS, Department of Surgery, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ, USA

  • Daniel B. Jones, MD, MS, FACS is the Benjamin Rush Endowed Chair of Surgery, Rutgers School of Medicine, Newark, NJ, USA. At Rutgers, Dr Jones currently serves as Assistant Dean. Dr Jones earned a Master of Science in Healthcare Leadership and Management at UTD. He attended certificate programs in leadership at Harvard and in healthcare policy at Brandeis. Dr Jones is Past President of both the Association for Surgical Education (ASE) and the Society of American Gastrointestinal & Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES).


Shaneeta M. Johnson, MD, MBA, FACS, FASMBS, 位於美國喬治亞州亞特蘭大市的莫爾豪斯醫學院外科系教授,同時也是微創、機器人和肥胖外科的主任以及普通外科住院醫師培訓計畫的計畫主管。她目前擔任薩奇健康領導學院全球衛生公平的高級研究員,並曾擔任過外科系的代理主任。她在布蘭迪斯大學獲得工商管理碩士學位,並在國內外組織、政府監管機構、專業學會和立法機構擔任領導和顧問職務。她目前是美國胃腸內視鏡外科學會(SAGES)可持續外科實踐委員會的主席,並擔任SAGES董事會成員。

Alia Qureshi, MD, 位於美國俄勒岡州波特蘭市的俄勒岡健康科學大學外科系副教授,是惡性和良性前腸疾病及其外科治療的領先專家。她畢業於西北大學商學管理學院的凱洛格領導敏捷性計畫。她曾擔任微創研究員計畫主管和微創和肥胖外科的代理主任。她目前是俄勒岡健康科學大學臨床整合委員會的外科主席。她曾擔任SAGES多元領導和專業發展委員會的主席,並參與了SAGES領導力基礎課程的創建。Qureshi醫生對領導科學有濃厚的興趣。

Andrew Schlussel, DO, FACS, FASCRS, 位於美國喬治亞州奧古斯塔市的查理諾伍德退伍軍人醫療中心的結腸和直腸外科醫生,畢業於諾瓦東南大學骨科醫學院。他在美國陸軍服役15年,領導小型外科團隊在三次戰鬥部署中,獲得多項獎項,包括兩枚功績服務獎章和一枚戰鬥醫療徽章。目前,他擔任美國胃腸內視鏡外科學會的軍事委員會主席,並將成為外科醫生協會和盟友協會的新任主席。

David Renton, MD, MSPH, FACS,位於美國俄亥俄州哥倫布市的俄亥俄州立大學東醫院的外科主任。他還擔任手術品質主管副首席官,負責監督企業中的所有程序區域。他是美國胃腸內視鏡外科學會技術評估和價值分析委員會的主席,並曾獲得SAGES布蘭迪斯獎。

Daniel B. Jones, MD, MS, FACS,位於美國新澤西州紐華克市的羅格斯新澤西醫學院的外科系本傑明·拉什講座教授。在羅格斯大學,Jones博士目前擔任助理院長。Jones博士在德州達拉斯大學獲得醫療領導和管理碩士學位。他參加了哈佛大學的領導證書課程和布蘭迪斯大學的醫療政策證書課程。Jones博士曾擔任外科教育協會(ASE)和美國胃腸內視鏡外科學會(SAGES)的主席。