Advances in Hurricane Risk in a Changing Climate

Collins, Jennifer, Done, James, Zhu, Yi-Jie

  • 出版商: Springer
  • 出版日期: 2024-07-16
  • 售價: $6,360
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$6,042
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 291
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 3031631854
  • ISBN-13: 9783031631856
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


Tropical cyclones (including hurricanes) are becoming more destructive. Rising seas are resulting in greater storm surge inundation. More moisture-laden, warmer air is leading to heavier rains. There is also mounting evidence for more powerful winds and a greater incidence of the strongest storms. Do we fully understand these changes, and what will these changes mean for society? Arising from the 2024 Symposium on Hurricane Risk in a Changing Climate, this book contains new research on hurricane behavior, our vulnerability, and how we communicate the risk. This book is essential reading to understand the future of tropical cyclone risk and what it means for society.




Jennifer Collins is a Professor in the School of Geosciences at the University of South Florida. Her research focuses on weather, climate, and society. As a hurricane researcher, Dr. Collins is interested in the interaction between large scale climatic patterns such as the El Niño - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Madden - Julian Oscillation and seasonal and intraseasonal patterns of tropical cyclone activity in multiple oceanic basins. She is currently studying the environmental factors influencing the interannual and intraseasonal variation of hurricane activity in the eastern North Pacific and Atlantic oceans. As well as her work in the physical sciences, she also works in the social sciences as she examines human behavior relating to hurricane evacuation, with a series of papers related to how COVID-19 impacted hurricane evacuation decisions. In addition to her hurricane research, Dr. Collins works in other areas related to weather, climate, and hazards. She works closely on projects with the National Weather Service involving tornadoes and fog. In addition, she collaborates with international researchers and works in the area of climate change. Dr. Collins is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Fellow of the American Meteorological Society (AMS), and Fellow of the American Association of Geographers (AAG).

Dr. James Done is Deputy Director of the Capacity Center for Climate and Weather Extremes at the National Center for Atmospheric Research. He is also Senior Academic Fellow of the Willis Research Network. His climate research extends across a range of extreme weather and climate phenomena. His focus is on understanding the multi-scale physical processes and predictability of extreme events. His strong connections with risk managers in the reinsurance and water sectors enriches his science and ensures societal relevance. In recognition of his reputation as a leader in the field, he was recently invited to testify before the U.S. Congress on extreme weather in a changing climate. Dr. Done received his PhD in Meteorology from the University of Reading, UK in 2003.

Yi-Jie Zhu is an assistant professor of climate science in the Department of Geoscience at Florida Atlantic University. He has been actively studying the spatial and temporal patterns of the tropical cyclone post-landfall intensity decay process. His work involves both observational and model simulations to investigate the physical factors, including the impact of changing climate, that contribute to the destructive wind footprint from hurricanes as they move inland. Yijie is the recipient of the Outstanding Dissertation Award from the University of South Florida and also the Gilbert White Dissertation Award from the Hazards, Risks and Disasters Specialty Group of the American Association of Geographers. Yijie is also a former vice president of the West Central Florida Chapter of the American Meteorological Society.

Dr. Paul Wilson is a Partner at Securis Investment Partners, an independent asset manager based on London, focused exclusively on Insurance Linked Securities. Paul leads Securis' catastrophe and climate research, responsible for integrating the latest science and understanding of risk into Securis' investment decision and portfolio construction. Prior to joining Securis in 2018, Paul was a Vice President in Risk Management Solutions where he led RMS's development of catastrophe models for climate perils and oversaw RMS real-time response to catastrophes globally. Paul has a PhD in Atmospheric Physics and a MSci in Physics both from Imperial College London. Alongside Paul's role at Securis, Paul is a consultant to the World Banks Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance Program and has previously supported the Pacific Catastrophe Risk Insurance Company, a specialist development-insurer providing disaster risk financing to address the critical protection gap for small island states in the South Pacific.


Jennifer Collins是南佛羅里達大學地球科學學院的教授。她的研究專注於天氣、氣候和社會。作為一名颶風研究者,Collins博士對大尺度氣候模式(如厄爾尼諾-南方濤動和馬登-朱利安濤動)與熱帶氣旋活動的季節性和區間性模式之間的相互作用感興趣。她目前正在研究影響東北太平洋和大西洋海域颶風活動年際和區間變化的環境因素。除了在物理科學領域的工作外,她還在社會科學領域工作,研究與颶風撤離相關的人類行為,並發表了一系列與COVID-19如何影響颶風撤離決策相關的論文。除了颶風研究外,Collins博士還在與天氣局合作的龍捲風和霧等天氣、氣候和災害相關領域工作。此外,她還與國際研究人員合作,從事氣候變化領域的研究。Collins博士是美國科學促進協會(AAAS)、美國氣象學會(AMS)和美國地理學會(AAG)的會士。

James Done博士是美國國家大氣研究中心氣候和極端天氣能力中心的副主任,也是Willis研究網絡的高級學術研究員。他的氣候研究涵蓋了各種極端天氣和氣候現象。他的重點是理解極端事件的多尺度物理過程和可預測性。他與再保險和水務部門的風險管理者密切合作,豐富了他的科學研究並確保其對社會的相關性。鑑於他在該領域的領導地位,他最近應邀在美國國會就變化中的極端天氣發表證詞。Done博士於2003年在英國雷丁大學獲得氣象學博士學位。

Yi-Jie Zhu是佛羅里達大西洋大學地球科學系的助理教授。他一直在積極研究熱帶氣旋登陸後強度衰減過程的時空模式。他的工作涉及觀測和模型模擬,以研究包括氣候變化影響在內的導致颶風在內陸移動時產生破壞性風場的物理因素。Yijie是南佛羅里達大學傑出博士論文獎和美國地理學會災害、風險和災害專業組的Gilbert White博士論文獎的獲獎者。Yijie曾是美國氣象學會西中佛羅里達分會的前副主席。

Paul Wilson博士是Securis Investment Partners的合夥人,該公司是一家位於倫敦的獨立資產管理公司,專注於保險連結證券。Paul負責將最新的科學和風險理解融入Securis的投資決策和組合構建中,領導Securis的災害和氣候研究。在2018年加入Securis之前,Paul是風險管理解決方案公司的副總裁,負責開發氣候災害的災難模型,並監督該公司對全球災難的實時響應。Paul在倫敦帝國學院獲得大氣物理學博士學位和物理學碩士學位。除了在Securis的職位外,Paul還是世界銀行災害風險融資和保險計劃的顧問,並曾支持太平洋災害風險保險公司,該公司是一家專門提供發展保險的專業機構。