AI for Brain Lesion Detection and Trauma Video Action Recognition: First Bonbid-Hie Lesion Segmentation Challenge and First Trauma Thompson Challenge, (腦病變檢測與創傷視頻行為識別的人工智慧:首次Bonbid-Hie病變分割挑戰與首次創傷Thompson挑戰)
Bao, Rina, Grant, Ellen, Kirkpatrick, Andrew
This book constitutes the proceedings of the First BONBID-HIE Lesion Segmentation Challenge and the First Trauma Thompson Challenge, held in conjunction with MICCAI 2023, in Vancouver, BC, Canada, during October 2023.
For BONBID-HIE 2023 Challenge 6 papers have been accepted out of 14 submissions. They span a broad array of approaches leveraging anatomical information about HIE, data augmentation, training strategies, model architecture, and integration with traditional machine learning methods. For the TTC 2023 Trauma Thompson Challenge 4 accepted contributions are included in this book. They deal with advancements in machine learning methods and their practical applications in addressing small and diffuse lesions in HIE segmentation.
本書為第一屆BONBID-HIE病變分割挑戰賽及第一屆創傷湯普森挑戰賽的會議紀錄,這兩項挑戰賽於2023年10月在加拿大卑詩省溫哥華的MICCAI 2023會議期間舉行。
在BONBID-HIE 2023挑戰賽中,共有14篇投稿,最終接受了6篇論文。這些論文涵蓋了多種方法,利用有關HIE的解剖信息、數據增強、訓練策略、模型架構以及與傳統機器學習方法的整合。至於TTC 2023創傷湯普森挑戰賽,本書中包含了4篇被接受的貢獻,這些貢獻涉及機器學習方法的進展及其在解決HIE分割中小型和擴散性病變的實際應用。