In the world of contemporary art, "serious" art is produced primarily with the aim of being collected. As a result, today's art production differs significantly from contemporary forms of production that are primarily intended for consumption(and thus destruction.) A work of art, on the other hand, is not consumed; it is protected from use and consumption. How does a particular work of art deserve the right to be collected and preserved? In this book, Boris Groys considers the criteria of value for collecting and storing works of art, finding them not outside but within the collection and according to its inherent logic.
Just as an individual artwork does not necessarily depict external reality, an art collection in its entirety does not depict external social contexts but follows its own, autonomous logic. Every collection aims at the most exhaustive representation of its specific topic. At the same time, every collection is limited in terms of space and capabilities for maintenance of its items. Ultimately, it is the tension between its goal and the limitations of its ability to achieve it that defines every collection, including art collections.