The Yearbook of International Sports Arbitration is the first academic publication aiming to offer comprehensive coverage, on a yearly basis, of the most recent and salient developments regarding international sports arbitration, through a combination of general articles and case notes. The present volume covers decisions rendered by the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), and national courts significant international and domestic between 2018-2020.
It is a must-have for sports lawyers, arbitrators, and researchers engaged in this field. From the ECtHR's landmark ruling in the Mutu & Pechstein case, through the Russian doping scandal, to the first Sun Yang award, it features in-depth articles on important issues raised by international sports arbitration, as well as independent commentaries by academics and practitioners on the most significant international and domestic decisions rendered in the period under review.
Dr. Antoine Duval is Senior Researcher at the T.M.C. Asser Instituut in The Hague and heads the Asser International Sports Law Centre.
Prof. Antonio Rigozzi teaches international arbitration and sports law at the University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland, and is the partner in charge of the sports arbitration practice at Lévy Kaufmann-Kohler, a Geneva-based law firm specializing in international arbitration.
這本書對於從事此領域的體育律師、仲裁員和研究人員來說是必備之作。從歐洲人權法院(ECtHR)在Mutu & Pechstein案件中的里程碑式裁決,到俄羅斯興奮劑醜聞,再到首個Sun Yang裁決,本書深入探討了國際體育仲裁所提出的重要議題,並提供了學者和實務者對於回顧期間內作出的最重要國際和國內裁決的獨立評論。
Antoine Duval博士是海牙T.M.C. Asser研究所的高級研究員,並負責Asser國際體育法中心。
Antonio Rigozzi教授在瑞士納沙泰爾大學教授國際仲裁和體育法,並且是位於日內瓦的專注於國際仲裁的律師事務所Lévy Kaufmann-Kohler的體育仲裁業務負責合夥人。