Diversity and Inclusion in the Start-Up Ecosystem
暫譯: 創業生態系中的多樣性與包容性
Sen, Kakoli, Routray, Surekha, Mitra, Nayan
- 出版商: Springer
- 出版日期: 2024-10-03
- 售價: $6,460
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $6,137
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 183
- 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
- ISBN: 9819953685
- ISBN-13: 9789819953684
This book is about the lack of inclusion in the startup ecosystem for women entrepreneurs in India as well as the world due to which the challenges they face and how we can create inclusive ecosystem for women as well as other marginalised sections of the society. The twelve chapters of the book address a wide range of areas such as how entrepreneurship education may help create higher entrepreneurial intentions and how mentoring can help these first-time entrepreneurs set up, manage, sustain, and scale their startup. The international chapter authors in this book have written from different parts of the world such as Israel, Germany etc. and shared the challenges women or people from other marginalized sections of the society such as People with Disabilities across the world face. Some of the authors have written about sustainable businesses such as Green startups and green finance, revival of age old crafts by way of Diversity and Inclusion, how Covid has impacted women entrepreneurs and others. The chapters also offer action points that government, policy makers, incubators, accelerators, investors, universities can take up and create an integrated and inclusive eco-system that will offer end to end solutions for creating entrepreneurial intention among people from all walks of the society irrespective of gender, age, social status, disabilities, caste or creed.
Anyone who is interested in becoming an entrepreneur or wants to help others who have entrepreneurial intention should read this book and see how it could benefit them as well as where and how they could contribute. Any corporate with an aim to extend their CSR activities and support these startups could learn how some other corporates are doing this. Aspirational women entrepreneurs could read it and find support at the right places.
Dr.Kakoli Sen is Professor of OB & HRM and Dean - School of Business at Woxsen University, Hyderabad. She is also the co-chair of the Centre of Excellence - Diversity, Equity & Inclusion where she has worked on several Inclusion Projects. A Ph.D in Management with 10 years in the Corporate and 17 years in Academics, her professional skills include Academic Leadership, Institutional Advancement, International Collaborations, New Program development and Corporate Communications. She has worked as Regional Training Manager for Intel(R) national project and has done international consultancies in Education sector. She is regularly invited as a Panelist and speaker to various prestigious forums / conferences. Her research interests are women leadership, social entrepreneurship, and diversity & inclusion. She has published research papers and cases in ABDC journals, Richard Ivey and Harvard Business Publishing. Her book "Creating a Culture of Diversity and Inclusiveness in India Inc.- Practitioners Speak" was published by Springer. She also writes articles for ET HR. She teaches and trains in the areas of Organizational Behavior, Human Resource Management and Leadership.
Surekha Routray is a Certified Sustainability Assessor (From UBB, Europe), Certified Valuator (IBBI), and an MBA in Finance and Marketing. She has worked and has expertise in designing and implementing programs with 4 main sectors of the startup ecosystem namely -- agriculture & allied services, animal husbandry, climate & environment, livelihood and diversity & inclusion -- and has worked with more than 100 start-ups. She has an interesting amalgamation of 10+ years of corporate exposure (from India & US), 5+ years academic interfacing and 6+ years of startup ecosystem. She has extensively worked on many national and international projects (US and EU) for promoting social entrepreneurship and diversity & inclusion. She is an ardent promoter of technology that can create large scalesocietal impact. She is also closely working with FPO's and self-help groups in several programs for creating inclusive growth and a sustainable circular economy. She runs the Founder Start School for Women Entrepreneurs and is one of the session experts for the Sustainability Course for Professional being conducted by All India Management Association (AIMA).
Nayan Mitra works and contributes in the space of Sustainability, CSR and Responsible Leadership. She is the series editor of Responsible Business and Sustainable Management by Springer, is the editor of the books 'Corporate Social Responsibility in India: Cases and Development after the Legal Mandate' in India (2017), 'Mandated Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from India' (2019), 'Corporate Social Responsibility in Rising Economies: Fundamentals, Approaches and Case Studies' (2020) with co-editor, Dr. Rene Schmidpeter (Germany) that has been published by Springer International (Switzerland); is Academic Council member and Science Board member in International Academic forums. Dr. Mitra is the recipient of the prestigious Author Award at the Indian CSR Leadership Summit three years in a row: 2017, 2018 and 2019; adjudged as one of the 25 most impactful CSR Leaders in India 2019 and many other international awards for her contribution to CSR and recognised as an Exceptional Woman of Excellence at the Women Economic Forum, 2019 & 2022 (New Delhi, India); the Global Excellence Awards as the Top 40 Female Leaders of the Year, 2020-2021; The Restore Awards, 2021; Womennovator Award 2021; Most Impactful Sustainability Leader Award 2023. She feels deeply for women's issues and is the National President of the Women's Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (WICCI) Sustainable Businesses Council; G-100 for Circular Economy; - where she continuously strives to bring in innovative programmes to contribute to the impact of SDG 5. She is also a pro-bono member of the Advisory Counciland Board of some of the eminent NGOs in India, whose work with women and children has received global recognition.
Gordana Ćoric is senior lecturer of several courses (including dynamic entrepreneurship, business ethics, social entrepreneurship and social innovation, innovativeness, managing growing companies, design thinking, start-up management, etc.) at the VERN University (Zagreb, Croatia). She is also the owner-manager of consultancy and training company Festina lente (business services, counseling, consulting, training programs), where she acts as a trainer, mentor, researcher and program designer. She is a member of various networks of advisors, trainers, and consultants (including crowdfunding academy, business angel's academy, franchising, social impact measurement, lean start-up, beyond (un)employment, social innovation and social entrepreneurship networks, corporate social responsibility, start-up mentors, etc.). Her previous work experience includes workfor the European Foundation for Entrepreneurship Research (EFER, Amsterdam, NL) and World Learning in projects of education of entrepreneurs and economic empowerment of women in Croatia and neighboring countries. She has published over 30 professional, scientific and review papers. She is a PhD candidate at the University Josip Juraj Strossmayer, Faculty of Economics (Osijek, Croatia), and her interest includes the specifics of mentorship of various types of entrepreneurs, in all phases of their development.
Yanire Braña is Guest Lecturer at Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA. She is President and Founder of MET Community, a non-profit organization that supports and promotes women entrepreneurship around the globe through mentoring, training, and networking activities. MET Community started back in 2008, with a few volunteers, and now has grown to over 60-people strong organization calling ten different countries their home. Most of the work is focused on the Americas region. Yanire has extensive experience - over 20 years - in change management, training, mentoring and innovation. Her former employers include the Work Bank Group, Inter-American Development Bank, Banco Popular, Accenture, and Booz Allen. Yanire holds a Law degree from University of Deusto, Spain; Master's degree in International Relations from University of the Basque Country, and an MBA with concentration in eBusiness from IE Business School. She studied Business Sustainability in the University of Cambridge. In addition, she holds certifications in Strategy from London Business School; Innovation Strategies from Harvard Business School; and Organizational Consulting & Change Leadership from Georgetown University. Yanire has been recognized by United Nations, Forbes, and has been recently nominated as one of the TOP 60 Women in the legal industry in Iberia and also one of the Top 100 members and Global Chairs for the G100 Club founded by Dr Harbeen Arora.
Dr. Kakoli Sen 是 Woxsen 大學(Hyderabad)的組織行為與人力資源管理教授及商學院院長。她同時也是卓越中心 - 多樣性、公平與包容的共同主席,參與了多個包容性專案。她擁有管理學博士學位,擁有 10 年的企業經驗和 17 年的學術經歷,專業技能包括學術領導、機構發展、國際合作、新課程開發及企業傳播。她曾擔任 Intel(R) 國家專案的區域培訓經理,並在教育領域進行國際顧問工作。她經常受邀作為小組成員和演講者參加各種知名論壇和會議。她的研究興趣包括女性領導力、社會企業家精神以及多樣性與包容性。她在 ABDC 期刊、Richard Ivey 和 Harvard Business Publishing 發表了研究論文和案例。她的著作《在印度企業中創造多樣性與包容性的文化 - 實踐者的聲音》由 Springer 出版。她也為 ET HR 撰寫文章。她教授和培訓的領域包括組織行為、人力資源管理和領導力。
Surekha Routray 是一名認證的可持續性評估師(來自歐洲 UBB)、認證評估師(IBBI),並擁有財務和市場營銷的 MBA。她在設計和實施與創業生態系統的四個主要領域(即農業及相關服務、畜牧業、氣候與環境、生計及多樣性與包容性)相關的計劃方面擁有專業知識,並與超過 100 家初創企業合作。她擁有超過 10 年的企業經驗(來自印度和美國)、5 年的學術接觸和 6 年的創業生態系統經驗。她在許多國內和國際專案(美國和歐盟)中廣泛參與,推動社會企業家精神和多樣性與包容性。她熱衷於推廣能夠創造大規模社會影響的技術。她還與 FPO 和自助團體密切合作,推動創造包容性增長和可持續的循環經濟。她運營女性創業者創始人學校,並擔任全印度管理協會(AIMA)舉辦的專業可持續性課程的會議專家之一。
Nayan Mitra 在可持續性、企業社會責任(CSR)和負責任領導力領域工作並貢獻。她是 Springer 出版的《負責任商業與可持續管理》系列的編輯,編輯了《印度的企業社會責任:法律要求後的案例與發展》(2017)、《強制性企業社會責任:來自印度的證據》(2019)、《新興經濟體的企業社會責任:基本原則、方法與案例研究》(2020),與共同編輯 Dr. Rene Schmidpeter(德國)共同出版,該書由 Springer International(瑞士)出版;她是國際學術論壇的學術委員會成員和科學委員會成員。Mitras 博士連續三年獲得印度 CSR 領導峰會的著名作者獎:2017、2018 和 2019;在 2019 年被評選為印度 25 位最具影響力的 CSR 領導者之一,並因其對 CSR 的貢獻獲得多項國際獎項,並在 2019 和 2022 年的女性經濟論壇上被認可為卓越女性;2020-2021 年全球卓越獎的 40 位女性領導者;2021 年的 Restore 獎;2021 年的 Womennovator 獎;2023 年的最具影響力可持續性領導者獎。她對女性問題深感關切,並擔任印度女性商會(WICCI)可持續商業委員會的全國主席;G-100 循環經濟委員會;她不斷努力引入創新計劃,以促進可持續發展目標 5 的影響。她還是一些在女性和兒童工作方面獲得全球認可的著名 NGO 的顧問委員會和董事會的無償成員。
Gordana Ćorić 是克羅埃西亞薩格勒布 VERN 大學多門課程(包括動態創業、商業倫理、社會企業家精神和社會創新、創新性、管理成長型公司、設計思維、初創企業管理等)的高級講師。她還是顧問和培訓公司 Festina lente 的擁有者和經理(業務服務、諮詢、顧問、培訓計劃),在該公司擔任培訓師、導師、研究員和計劃設計師。她是各種顧問、培訓師和顧問網絡的成員(包括眾籌學院、商業天使學院、特許經營、社會影響測量、精益創業、超越(失業)就業、社會創新和社會企業家精神網絡、企業社會責任、初創企業導師等)。她的工作經驗包括在歐洲創業研究基金會(EFER,阿姆斯特丹,荷蘭)和世界學習機構從事教育企業家和促進克羅埃西亞及鄰國女性經濟賦權的專案。她已發表超過 30 篇專業、科學和評論論文。她是克羅埃西亞奧西耶克經濟學院的博士候選人,研究興趣包括各類型企業家在其發展各階段的導師特點。
Yanire Braña 是美國華盛頓特區喬治城大學的客座講師。她是 MET Community 的創始人和總裁,這是一個支持和促進全球女性創業的非營利組織,通過導師、培訓和網絡活動來實現。MET Community 成立於 2008 年,最初只有幾名志願者,現在已發展成為一個擁有超過 60 名成員的組織,遍及十個不同國家。大部分工作集中在美洲地區。Yanire 擁有超過 20 年的變革管理、培訓、導師和創新經驗。她的前雇主包括世界銀行集團、泛美開發銀行、Banco Popular、埃森哲和 Booz Allen。Yanire 擁有西班牙德烏斯托大學的法律學位;巴斯克國立大學的國際關係碩士學位,以及 IE 商學院的電子商務 MBA。她在劍橋大學學習商業可持續性。此外,她還擁有倫敦商學院的戰略認證;哈佛商學院的創新策略認證;以及喬治城大學的組織諮詢與變革領導認證。Yanire 曾獲得聯合國、福布斯的認可,並最近被提名為伊比利亞法律行業的 60 位女性之一,以及 Dr. Harbeen Arora 創立的 G100 俱樂部的 100 位成員和全球主席之一。