Guile NCurses Library
暫譯: Guile NCurses 函式庫

The NCurses Team

  • 出版商: Samurai Media Limite
  • 出版日期: 2015-11-11
  • 售價: $1,010
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$960
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 126
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 9888381636
  • ISBN-13: 9789888381630
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)



The goal of Ncurses is to simplify the task of programming for character-cell terminals. A character-cell terminal is a combination of a display that shows text in a monospaced font and the keyboard and mouse that connect to it. These days, there are three common types of terminals. Actual hardware terminals, such as the DEC VT220 or the Boundless Technologies VT525, are dedicated thin clients that interact with a networked computer via a serial port. These are still somewhat common in legacy applications or industrial applications where computers would be too expensive or too fragile, but, they are rapidly becoming extinct. Second are the consoles of text-mode operating systems, such as the console of GNU/Linux when used without X/Windows or the command prompt of FreeDOS. The third type is the terminal emulation programs that some windowing systems have. The best known terminal emulation program is probably XTerm, which does a good emulation of a VT220 terminal.
The Ncurses library attempts to create a standardized solution for these problems.
  • A program needs to know which keys are pressed and when.
  • A program needs to know a terminal’s capabilities. Can text be bold, italic, or in color?
  • A program needs to know how to exploit a terminal’s capabilities. How does a program tell the terminal to move the cursor, to change text color, or to erase the screen?


Ncurses 的目標是簡化字符單元終端的程式設計任務。字符單元終端是顯示以等寬字體顯示文本的顯示器,以及連接到它的鍵盤和滑鼠的組合。如今,終端主要有三種常見類型。實際的硬體終端,例如 DEC VT220 或 Boundless Technologies VT525,是專用的瘦客戶端,通過串行埠與網絡計算機互動。這些在遺留應用或工業應用中仍然相對常見,因為在這些情況下,計算機可能過於昂貴或過於脆弱,但它們正迅速變得稀少。第二種是文本模式操作系統的控制台,例如在不使用 X/Windows 的情況下使用的 GNU/Linux 控制台或 FreeDOS 的命令提示符。第三種是某些視窗系統擁有的終端模擬程式。最著名的終端模擬程式可能是 XTerm,它很好地模擬了 VT220 終端。

Ncurses 函式庫試圖為這些問題創建一個標準化的解決方案。
- 程式需要知道哪些鍵被按下以及何時被按下。
- 程式需要知道終端的功能。文本可以是粗體、斜體或顏色嗎?
- 程式需要知道如何利用終端的功能。程式如何告訴終端移動光標、改變文本顏色或清除螢幕?