The Essential Guide to Web Strategy for Entrepreneurs

Thomas P. Bergman, Stephen M. Garrison




The entrepreneur's no-hype, no-nonsense guide to extending the reach of your business!

  • For companies and people on a limited budget: how to do the most with the least!
  • Contains CD-ROM with tutorials, Web resource directories, and 25+ FREE tools for building a profitable e-Business.
Finally, there's a hype-free, business-focused guide to Web strategy for every entrepreneur. Tom Bergman and Stephan Garrison present intelligent, implementable strategies for extending business' reach, at minimal costs. From start to finish, the focus is on realism -- and on profit. Drawing upon the experiences of real companies, Bergman and Garrison demonstrate how to formulate strategies using existing assets. Coverage includes every aspect of Web strategy, including choosing a Web host, creating content, evaluating Web designs, securing your site, handling transactions, and much more. The book also includes detailed coverage of marketing, organized around the four dimensions that drive any business: price, place, product and promotion. The authors also provide an easy-to-understand glossary of key Web terms. An accompanying CD-ROM contains three key resources for the Web entrepreneur: an up-to-date directory or Web resources containing site descriptions and hyperlinks; tutorials that provide specific, detailed instructions for many of the tasks discussed in the book, and more than 25 free tools for building Web-based businesses.

Tom Bergman currently teaches entrepreneurship and business use of technology at the University of Oklahoma; he holds a Ph.D. from the same university. Bergman previously worked for Arthur Andersen & Co., and is author of The Business Student Writer's Manual and Guide to the Internet (Prentice Hall). Stephen Garrison, Professor at the University of Central Oklahoma, has written eight college textbooks. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of South Carolina.

Table of Contents

CD-Rom Contents.


1. Responsible Email Targeting.

Opt-In or Opt-Out? Why Not Spam? Email List Development. Buying Lists. Renting Lists. Building Lists.

2. Powerful Promotions Through Email.

Direct Email Marketing. Similarities. Differences. Email Promos. Email Newsletters. Timing. Piggyback Email Marketing. Viral Marketing.

3. Improved Operations through Increased Email Use.

Making the Most of Email in Your Business. Personal Email Systems. LAN-Based Email Systems. PC-Based Personal Email Systems. ASP-Based Email Systems. Choosing the Right Personal Email System. Mailing Lists. Alternative Mailing List Tools. What Can You Do with a Mailing List? Choose the Mailing List Tool that Best Fits Your Strategy. Privacy in Business Email.

4. The Role of the Web in Your Business Information System.

Choosing the Right Kind of Network. Intranet. Extranet. Virtual Private Networks. Improving Operations. High-Touch Web-Based Customer Service Through High Tech. Think Warmer! Order Tracking: Let Customers Save You Money by Doing It Themselves! Customer Help: Just Answer the Question!!!

5. Using a Brochure Web Site to Tell Your Story as it Evolves.

About Us. Contact Us. Industry Overview. Product Pages: The Unique Selling Proposition. Entry or Home Page. Making a Good First Impression. What Not to Do. Telling Visitors Whose Site They are Visiting. Providing Easy Access to Interior Pages in the Web Site.

6. Web-Based Electronic Commerce.

Security First. Hacker Attacks on Your PC. Hacker Attacks on Your Web Site. Damage or Loss of Business Data. Catalog Web Site: Is Online Ordering Right for Your Business? Do Your Customers Want to Order Online? Will Your Business System Support Online Sales? Subscription Web Site: Will Customers Pay You for Access? Download Web Site: If You Can Download it, Do it! Application Service Provider (ASP) Web Site.


7. First Principles for Getting Started Using the Internet in Your Small Business.

The Project Must be Fast. The Project Must be Easy. The Project Must be Inexpensive. The Project Must be Safe. Lawyer Time!

8. Mailing List Marketing: Choose the Right Tool and Develop a List.

Three Choices in Mailing List Tools: How They Work. PC-Based Mailing Lists. Free Mailing Lists. Fee-Based ASP Mailing Lists. Acquire Email Lists. Rent a List. Build a Prospect List: Think Incrementally.

9. Mailing List Policies and Procedures: Getting it Right.

Overview Of Procedures. Determine the purpose and goals of your mailing list application. Manage your email lists. Subscribe New Members to Your Discussion Group or Newsletter. Unsubscribe Members who Wish to Leave Your Discussion Group or Stop Receiving Your Newsletter. Honor Remove Requests. Delete Bounced Messages. Manage the messages you send. Determine an Appropriate Frequency for Sending Email. Design the Message. Send Messages. Archive Messages. Manage responses. Handling Email Responses. Moderate Discussion Postings. Assess Mailing List Performance.

10. Developing a Web Infrastructure.

Get Connected to an ISP. Acquire a Domain Name of Your Own. Rent Host Space. Host Space. Data Transfer Allowance. Microsoft FrontPage and FTP Support. Web Site Statistics. Email Services from Your Host Service Provider. Choose an E-commerce Service Provider. Shopping Cart Systems. Secure Web Hosting. Online Payment Processing.

11. Build Your Web Development Toolkit.

HTML. MS FrontPage. WSFTP. Graphics Tools.

12. Web Design Principles and Procedures.

Decide What Exactly You Want from Your Web Site. Decide on a Structure for Your Site and Develop a Rough Site Plan. Decide What Interactive Elements You Need. Decide What Graphics You Want to Include. Write the Text for Each Page in Your Site. Determine Your Budget and Timeframe for the Project. Establish Your Web Infrastructure. Collect Your Toolkit. Discuss Your Site Plan with at Least Three Developer Candidates and Obtain Written Proposals. “What is the smallest job you have done in the past year?” “Who does the work: you or a staff member, and is your staff member an employee or a sub-contractor?” “What development tools do you use?” “When could you start and finish my job?” “What questions do you have for me?” Evaluate the Developer Proposals and Select Your Developer. Monitor the Development Progress. Establish Procedures for Ongoing Site Maintenance.

13. Constructing the Elements of a Web Site.

Template Pages. Page Headers. Page Footers. Menubars. Don't Get Cute: Use Words Rather than Icons. Make the Menubar Small and Put it Where it Goes. Put The Whole Menubar on Every Page in the Web Site. Repeat the Menubar at the Bottom of All Pages that Require the Visitor to Scroll down to Get to the End. Make Sure Your Menubar Takes Visitors to the Action Page with a Single Click. Site Map. Interactive Forms. Content Mailers. Discussion Forums. Newsletter/Discussion Group Subscriptions. Order Forms and Shopping Carts. Search Components. Appointment Scheduling. Connections to Other Services.

14. Supporting and Refining Your Web Site.

Managing Graphics For Maximum Impact. Reuse and Resize Images. Use the Right Image Format and Optimize. Animated GIFs. Flash Animations. Using Enhancements to Promote Stickiness. Chat Rooms. Message Boards. News Feeds. Counters. DHTML and CSS. Streaming Audio and Video. Developing and Maintaining Content. List the Kind of Content You will Provide. Determine Who will Develop the Content. Consider How You will Maintain Control over Quality. Consider How Often and to What Extent Content will Need to be Updated. Estimate the Host Space You will Need to House the Content. Determine the Various Levels of Access to Content you Wish to Provide. Determine the Extent of Your Distribution Plan. Developing an E-Commerce Back-end.

15. Generating Traffic.

Helping Prospects Find You. Choosing an Appropriate Domain Name. Choosing an Appropriate Host Service. Managing Search-Engine Positioning. DirectHit. Pay-per-Click Services. Reciprocal Links. Special-Interest Directory Listings. Driving Prospects to Your Site. Banner Ad Systems. Email Promos and Newsletters. Conventional Advertising. Affiliate Systems. Integrated Marketing System.


16. Internet Marketing Basics.

Personal Service Businesses. Big-Decision Businesses. Shopping Destinations.

17. Developing an Email Marketing Plan and Budget.
18. Developing a Web Marketing.

Plan and Budget. Keeping Tabs on Traffic. Budgeting.




  • 適用於預算有限的公司和個人:如何以最少的成本做最多的事情!

  • 附帶CD-ROM,內含教學、網路資源目錄和25多個免費工具,幫助您建立一個有利可圖的電子商務業務。

終於,有一本針對每位企業家的不炒作、以業務為導向的網路策略指南。Tom Bergman和Stephan Garrison提出了明智可行的策略,以最低成本擴展業務範圍。從頭到尾,重點都放在現實主義和利潤上。根據真實公司的經驗,Bergman和Garrison展示了如何利用現有資產制定策略。內容包括網路策略的各個方面,包括選擇網路主機、創建內容、評估網頁設計、保護您的網站、處理交易等等。該書還詳細介紹了營銷的各個方面,圍繞著推動任何業務的四個維度:價格、地點、產品和促銷。作者還提供了一個易於理解的關鍵網路術語詞彙表。附帶的CD-ROM包含三個對於網路企業家來說至關重要的資源:一個最新的網路資源目錄,其中包含網站描述和超鏈接;教學,提供了書中討論的許多任務的具體詳細指示;以及超過25個用於建立基於網路的業務的免費工具。

Tom Bergman目前在俄克拉荷馬大學教授創業和業務使用技術,他擁有該大學的博士學位。Bergman曾在安達信會計師事務所工作,並且是《商學生寫作手冊和互聯網指南》(Prentice Hall)的作者。 Stephen Garrison是俄克拉荷馬中央大學的教授,他已經撰寫了八本大學教科書。他擁有南卡羅來納大學的博士學位。



I. 開始進入電子商務。

1. 負責任的電子郵件定位。


2. 通過電子郵件進行強大的促銷活動。


3. 通過增加電子郵件使用改善業務運營。


4. 網路在您的業務信息系統中的角色。


5. 使用簡介網站來講述您的故事。
