輕鬆學會 Android Kotlin 實作開發:精心設計 24個 Lab 讓你快速上手, 3/e
VIP 95折
Arduino X ESP32 專題製作與應用:App Inventor 手機控制篇
VIP 95折
An iOS Developer's Guide to SwiftUI: Design and build beautiful apps quickly and easily with minimum code
VIP 95折
React and React Native - Fifth Edition: Build cross-platform JavaScript and TypeScript apps for the web, desktop, and mobile
VIP 95折
Mastering Kotlin for Android 14: Build powerful Android apps from scratch using Jetpack libraries and Jetpack Compose
VIP 95折
Android 性能優化入門與實戰
VIP 95折
.NET MAUI Cross-Platform Application Development - Second Edition: Build high-performance apps for Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows using XAML and Bla
快速精通 iOS 17 程式設計:從零開始活用 Swift 與 SwiftUI 開發技巧
VIP 95折
Swift 語言程序設計 — 基於 Swift 5.8 和 Xcode 15
VIP 95折
MATLAB for Machine Learning - Second Edition: Unlock the power of deep learning for swift and enhanced results
App Inventor 2 程式設計與應用:開發 Android App 一學就上手, 6/e
VIP 95折
Android 自動化測試實戰:Python + Appium + unittest
VIP 95折
Android 圖形顯示系統
VIP 90折
The Android Malware Handbook: Detection and Analysis by Human and Machine (Paperback)
VIP 95折
Android UI Development with Jetpack Compose - Second Edition: Bring declarative and native UI to life quickly and easily on Android using Jetpack Comp
SwiftUI 完全開發
App Inventor 2 輕鬆學 : 手機應用程式簡單做, 2/e (暢銷回饋版)
App Inventor 樂高機器人程式設計 (舊名: 用 App Inventor 玩轉樂高機器人 創客實戰演練)
零負擔 Android 程式設計之旅:Kotlin 與 Jetpack 實踐指南(iThome鐵人賽系列書)【軟精裝】
VIP 95折
iOS 17 Programming for Beginners : Unlock the world of iOS Development with Swift 5.9, Xcode 15, and iOS 17 - Your Path to App Store Success, 8/e (Paperback)
主題螺旋式學習:App Inventor 2 手機程式設計- 最新版 - 附 MOSM E行動學習一點通:評量.影音.加值
Processing for Android: Create Mobile, Sensor-Aware, and Xr Applications Using Processing (Paperback)
VIP 95折
Frida Android SO 逆向深入實踐
雲端視覺化 Android App 開發技術 實戰演練 (舊名: 雲端視覺化 Android App 開發技術:App Inventor 2)
程式邏輯訓練從 App Inventor 2 中文版範例開始, 2/e
VIP 95折
IOS Development at Scale: App Architecture and Design Patterns for Mobile Engineers
Android 開源專案「真」實戰啟航:瀏覽器 App EinkBro 開發者帶你逐步從 UI 設計、UX 提升到多功能實現秘技全解析(iThome鐵人賽系列書)【軟精裝】
Android App 效能改善:48個掌握 App 運行流暢的技巧(iThome鐵人賽系列書)【軟精裝】
VIP 95折