Problem-solving in High Performance Computing: A Situational Awareness Approach with Linux (Paperback)

Igor Ljubuncic



Problem-Solving in High Performance Computing: A Situational Awareness Approach with Linux focuses on understanding giant computing grids as cohesive systems. Unlike other titles on general problem-solving or system administration, this book offers a cohesive approach to complex, layered environments, highlighting the difference between standalone system troubleshooting and complex problem-solving in large, mission critical environments, and addressing the pitfalls of information overload, micro, and macro symptoms, also including methods for managing problems in large computing ecosystems.

The authors offer perspective gained from years of developing Intel-based systems that lead the industry in the number of hosts, software tools, and licenses used in chip design. The book offers unique, real-life examples that emphasize the magnitude and operational complexity of high performance computer systems.

  • Provides insider perspectives on challenges in high performance environments with thousands of servers, millions of cores, distributed data centers, and petabytes of shared data
  • Covers analysis, troubleshooting, and system optimization, from initial diagnostics to deep dives into kernel crash dumps
  • Presents macro principles that appeal to a wide range of users and various real-life, complex problems
  • Includes examples from 24/7 mission-critical environments with specific HPC operational constraints




- 提供內部人士對於具有數千台伺服器、數百萬個核心、分佈式數據中心和PB級共享數據的高性能環境所面臨挑戰的觀點。
- 詳細介紹從初始診斷到深入分析核心崩潰轉儲的分析、故障排除和系統優化。
- 提出適用於各種用戶和各種真實複雜問題的宏觀原則。
- 包含來自24/7關鍵任務環境的例子,具有特定的高性能計算操作限制。