Imperfect XML: Rants, Raves, Tips, and Tricks ... from an Insider (Paperback)

David Megginson

  • 出版商: Prentice Hall
  • 出版日期: 2004-12-01
  • 定價: $1,240
  • 售價: 1.6$199
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 256
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 0131453491
  • ISBN-13: 9780131453494
  • 相關分類: XML
  • 立即出貨(限量) (庫存=1)





"XML projects succeed or fail for many reasons other than XML. David's book goes beyond the angle brackets, giving a lot of information people need to know when planning and implementing an XML project, when choosing XML technologies, and when betting on XML standards."
--Dr. Ron Daniel, Principal, Taxonomy Strategies, former acting chair of the XML Linking working group and member of the RDF working groups

"Most books in this area are either beginners' guides, in-depth reference works to the foundational standards, or guides to using XML in particular environments or application areas. This book takes a broader approach for non-beginners and describes where XML can be used profitably in the real world. Highly recommended."
--Dr. Marc J. Hadley, Senior Staff Engineer, Web Technologies andStandards division, Sun Microsystems

"Imperfect XML is a thorough and engaging exploration of the issues XML practitioners are likely to face, with considered advice from one of the trailblazing authorities in the field"
--Neil Bradley, XML and Publishing Consultant and author of The XML Companion, The XSL Companion, and the XML Schema Companion

XML projects can fail for all kinds of reasons, from unrealistic overall goals to mishandled low-level technical decisions. Fortunately, one of the world's leading XML consultants is ready to show you how to avoid XML pitfalls on your next project.

Since its invention, David Megginson has been helping to drive XML to new levels. He led the team that developed the SAX streaming API now used worldwide, has been a key contributor to the World Wide Web Consortium, and has served as a consultant to many of the world's leading companies, including Boeing, Reuters, and McGraw-Hill. Drawing on this vast experience, Megginson offers in this book expert solutions and problem-solving guidance for virtually any XML project challenge. You'll discover best practices for planning, budgeting, scheduling, and managing any XML project: content management, data interchange, legacy integration, or Web services. And you'll find technical insights that only an expert like Megginson can offer.

Coverage includes

  • Setting expectations and planning for extensibility: key success factors in XML projects
  • Choosing standards, technical approaches, and architecture
  • Overcoming hidden pitfalls in single-source publishing from XML source
  • Intelligent searching with XML: essential design and implementation strategies
  • Using XML in enterprise integration: practical realities and workarounds
  • Scaling smoothly from demo to production system
  • Making XML fast: real help for overcoming XML performance problems
  • Managing the security risks associated with sending XML data across the Internet
  • Recognizing when XML technology is wrong for your project

From start to finish, Imperfect XML presents a clear-eyed view of XML's advantages and limitations--and technical and management solutions proven to make it work.


Table of Contents:

List of Tables.

List of Figures.



1. The Standards Maze.

    The Advantages of Standardization.

    The Disadvantages of Standardization.

    XML Standards Players.

    XML-Related Specifications.

    Special Topics.

    Final Words on Standards.

2. Planning an XML Project.

    Components of an XML Project.

    XML Project Pitfalls.

    How XML Projects Can Succeed.

    Final Words on Planning.


3. XML Documents.

    Advantages of XML for Documents.

    Disadvantages of XML for Documents.

    Formatting and Production.

    Special Topics.

    Final Words on Documents.

4. XML Data.

    The Advantages of XML Data.

    The Disadvantages of XML Data.

    Common Data Styles.

    Markup Issues.

    Special Topics.

    Final Words on XML Data.

5. XML Networking.

    Advantages of XML Networking.

    Disadvantages of XML Networking.

    XML Networking Styles.

    Special Topics.

    Final Words on XML Networking.


6. XML Searching.

    The Advantages of XML Searching.

    The Disadvantages of XML Searching.

    Markup Considerations.

    Final Words on XML Searching.

7. XML and Legacy Information.

    Advantages of XML for Legacy Information.

    Disadvantages of XML for Legacy Information.

    Special Topics.

    Final Words on XML and Legacy Information.

8. XML Performance and Size.

    Advantages of XML for Size and Performance.

    Disadvantages of XML for Size and Performance.

    Processing Performance.


    Final Words on Performance and Size.

9. Final Words.





XML項目的成功或失敗與XML以外的許多原因有關。大衛的書超越了角括號,提供了人們在計劃和實施XML項目、選擇XML技術和押注XML標準時需要了解的許多信息。-Dr. Ron Daniel博士,Taxonomy Strategies首席,前XML Linking工作組代理主席和RDF工作組成員

這個領域的大多數書籍要麼是初學者指南,要麼是基礎標準的深入參考工作,要麼是在特定環境或應用領域中使用XML的指南。這本書針對非初學者採取了更廣泛的方法,描述了XML在現實世界中可以有利可圖的地方。強烈推薦。-Dr. Marc J. Hadley博士,Sun Microsystems網絡技術和標準部高級工程師

Imperfect XML是對XML從業人員可能面臨的問題進行全面而引人入勝的探索,其中包含了這個領域的先驅權威之一的深思熟慮的建議。-Neil Bradley,XML和出版顧問,The XML Companion、The XSL Companion和XML Schema Companion的作者


自從發明以來,David Megginson一直在推動XML發展到新的水平。他領導開發了現在全球使用的SAX流API的團隊,是世界廣泛網絡聯盟的重要貢獻者,並曾擔任包括波音、路透社和麥格羅希爾在內的許多世界領先公司的顧問。借助這個豐富的經驗,Megginson在這本書中為幾乎任何XML項目挑戰提供了專家解決方案和問題解決指南。您將發現規劃、預算、安排和管理任何XML項目的最佳實踐:內容管理、數據交換、遺留集成或Web服務。而且您將獲得只有像Megginson這樣的專家才能提供的技術見解。

- 設定期望並規劃可擴展性:XML項目的關鍵成功因素
- 選擇標準、技術方法和架構
- 克服從XML源代碼進行單一源發布的隱藏陷阱
- 使用XML進行智能搜索:必要的設計和實施策略
- 在企業集成中使用XML:實際現實和解決方法
- 從演示系統平穩擴展到生產系統
- 使XML變快:克服XML性能問題的真正幫助
- 管理將XML數據跨互聯網傳送時的安全風險
- 辨識XML技術對您的項目不適用的時機

從頭到尾,Imperfect XML提供了對XML的優點和局限性的清晰觀點,以及經過驗證的技術和管理解決方案,使其運作起來。

- 表格列表
- 圖片列表
- 前言
- 第一部分:XML決策