Coding Democracy: How Hackers Are Disrupting Power, Surveillance, and Authoritarianism
暫譯: 編碼民主:駭客如何顛覆權力、監控與威權主義

Webb, Maureen, Doctorow, Cory

  • 出版商: Summit Valley Press
  • 出版日期: 2020-03-17
  • 售價: $1,420
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,349
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 416
  • 裝訂: Hardcover - also called cloth, retail trade, or trade
  • ISBN: 0262043556
  • ISBN-13: 9780262043557
  • 相關分類: 駭客 Hack
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)


Hackers as vital disruptors, inspiring a new wave of activism in which ordinary citizens take back democracy.

Hackers have a bad reputation, as shady deployers of bots and destroyers of infrastructure. In Coding Democracy, Maureen Webb offers another view. Hackers, she argues, can be vital disruptors. Hacking is becoming a practice, an ethos, and a metaphor for a new wave of activism in which ordinary citizens are inventing new forms of distributed, decentralized democracy for a digital era. Confronted with concentrations of power, mass surveillance, and authoritarianism enabled by new technology, the hacking movement is trying to "build out" democracy into cyberspace.

Webb travels to Berlin, where she visits the Chaos Communication Camp, a flagship event in the hacker world; to Silicon Valley, where she reports on the Apple-FBI case, the significance of Russian troll farms, and the hacking of tractor software by desperate farmers; to Barcelona, to meet the hacker group XNet, which has helped bring nearly 100 prominent Spanish bankers and politicians to justice for their role in the 2008 financial crisis; and to Harvard and MIT, to investigate the institutionalization of hacking. Webb describes an amazing array of hacker experiments that could dramatically change the current political economy. These ambitious hacks aim to displace such tech monoliths as Facebook and Amazon; enable worker cooperatives to kill platforms like Uber; give people control over their data; automate trust; and provide citizens a real say in governance, along with capacity to reach consensus. Coding Democracy is not just another optimistic declaration of technological utopianism; instead, it provides the tools for an urgently needed upgrade of democracy in the digital era.



黑客的名聲不佳,常被視為陰暗的機器人操控者和基礎設施的破壞者。在《編碼民主》中,莫琳·韋布(Maureen Webb)提供了另一種觀點。她主張,黑客可以是重要的顛覆者。黑客行為正逐漸成為一種實踐、一種精神,以及一種隱喻,代表著一波新的行動主義,普通公民正在為數位時代發明新的分散式、去中心化的民主形式。面對權力集中、大規模監控以及新技術所促成的威權主義,黑客運動正試圖將民主「擴展」到網路空間。

韋布前往柏林,參加黑客界的旗艦活動——混沌通信營(Chaos Communication Camp);前往矽谷,報導蘋果與FBI的案件、俄羅斯網軍的意義,以及絕望農民對拖拉機軟體的黑客攻擊;前往巴塞隆納,會見黑客團體XNet,該團體幫助將近100名在2008年金融危機中扮演重要角色的西班牙銀行家和政治人物繩之以法;還有哈佛和麻省理工學院,調查黑客的制度化。韋布描述了一系列驚人的黑客實驗,這些實驗可能會徹底改變當前的政治經濟。這些雄心勃勃的黑客行為旨在取代Facebook和Amazon等科技巨頭;使工人合作社能夠打擊像Uber這樣的平台;讓人們掌控自己的數據;自動化信任;並讓公民在治理中真正發聲,具備達成共識的能力。《編碼民主》不僅僅是另一個對技術烏托邦的樂觀宣言;相反,它提供了在數位時代迫切需要的民主升級工具。