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$299Enterprise JavaBeans, 4/e (Paperback)
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$1,496802.11 Wireless Networks: The Definitive Guide, 2/e (Paperback)
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The Linux Network Administrator's Guide, Third Edition dispenses all the practical advice you need to join a network. Along with some hardware considerations, this highly acclaimed guide takes an in-depth look at all of the essential networking software that comes with the operating system--including basic infrastructure (TCP/IP, wireless networking, firewalling) and the most popular services on Linux systems.
But as the follow-up to a classic, the third edition of the Linux Network Administrator's Guide does more than just spruce up the basics. It also provides the very latest information on the following cutting-edge services:
- Wireless hubs
- OpenLDAP
- FreeS/WAN
- Spam filtering
- OpenSSH
- IPv6
Featuring a litany of insider tips and techniques, the Linux Network Administrator's Guide, Third Edition is an invaluable companion for any network administrator interested in integrating Linux into their Windows environment
Authored by Terry Dawson, Tony Bautts, and Gregor N. Purdy, the Linux Network Administrator's Guide, Third Edition emerged from the Linux Documentation Project (LDP). The LDP's goal is to centralize all of the issues of Linux documentation, ranging from online documentation topics such as installing, using, and running Linux.
Table of Contents:
1. Introduction to Networking
TCP/IP Networks
Linux Networking
Maintaining Your System
2. Issues of TCP/IP Networking
Networking Interfaces
IP Addresses
The Internet Control Message Protocol
3. Configuring the Serial Hardware
Communications Software for Modem Links
Accessing Serial Devices
Using the Configuration Utilities
Serial Devices and the login: Prompt
4. Configuring TCP/IP Networking
Understanding the /proc Filesystem
5. Name Service and Configuration
The Resolver Library
How DNS Works
Alternatives to BIND
6. The Point-to-Point Protocol
PPP on Linux
Running pppd
Using Options Files
Using chat to Automate Dialing
IP Configuration Options
Link Control Options
General Security Considerations
Authentication with PPP
Debugging Your PPP Setup
More Advanced PPP Configurations
PPPoE Options in Linux
7. TCP/IP Firewall
Methods of Attack
What Is a Firewall?
What Is IP Filtering?
Netfilter and iptables
iptables Concepts
Setting Up Linux for Firewalling
Using iptables
The iptables Subcommands
Basic iptables Matches
A Sample Firewall Configuration
8. IP Accounting
Configuring the Kernel for IP Accounting
Configuring IP Accounting
Using IP Accounting Results
Resetting the Counters
Flushing the Rule Set
Passive Collection of Accounting Data
9. IP Masquerade and Network Address Translation
Side Effects and Fringe Benefits
Configuring the Kernel for IP Masquerade
Configuring IP Masquerade
Handling Nameserver Lookups
More About Network Address Translation
10. Important Network Features
The inetd Super Server
The tcpd Access Control Facility
The xinetd Alternative
The Services and Protocols Files
Remote Procedure Call
Configuring Remote Login and Execution
11. Administration Issues with Electronic Mail
What Is a Mail Message?
How Is Mail Delivered?
Email Addresses
How Does Mail Routing Work?
Mail Routing on the Internet
12. sendmail
Installing the sendmail Distribution
sendmail Configuration Files
sendmail.cf Configuration Language
Creating a sendmail Configuration
sendmail Databases
Testing Your Configuration
Running sendmail
Tips and Tricks
More Information
13. Configuring IPv6 Networks
The IPv4 Problem and Patchwork Solutions
IPv6 as a Solution
14. Configuring the Apache Web Server
Apache HTTPD Server-An Introduction
Configuring and Building Apache
Configuration File Options
VirtualHost Configuration Options
Apache and OpenSSL
15. IMAP
IMAP-An Introduction
Cyrus IMAP
16. Samba
Samba-An Introduction
17. OpenLDAP
Understanding LDAP
Obtaining OpenLDAP
18. Wireless Networking
The Standards
802.11b Security Concerns
Appendix: Example Network: The Virtual Brewery
《Linux 網路管理員指南》第三版提供了您加入網路所需的所有實用建議。除了硬體考量外,這本備受推崇的指南深入探討了隨作業系統附帶的所有基本網路軟體,包括基本基礎設施(TCP/IP、無線網路、防火牆)以及 Linux 系統上最受歡迎的服務。
但作為經典作品的後續版本,《Linux 網路管理員指南》第三版不僅僅是更新基本內容。它還提供了以下尖端服務的最新資訊:
- 無線集線器
- OpenLDAP
- FreeS/WAN
- 垃圾郵件過濾
- OpenSSH
- IPv6
《Linux 網路管理員指南》第三版包含大量內部提示和技巧,是任何希望將 Linux 整合到其 Windows 環境中的網路管理員的寶貴夥伴。
本書由 Terry Dawson、Tony Bautts 和 Gregor N. Purdy 撰寫,源自 Linux 文檔專案(LDP)。LDP 的目標是集中所有 Linux 文檔的問題,涵蓋從安裝、使用到運行 Linux 的在線文檔主題。
1. 網路介紹
- 歷史
- TCP/IP 網路
- Linux 網路
- 維護您的系統
2. TCP/IP 網路問題
- 網路介面
- IP 位址
- 網際網路控制訊息協定
3. 配置串行硬體
- 語音連接的通訊軟體
- 存取串行設備
- 使用配置工具
- 串行設備與 login: 提示
4. 配置 TCP/IP 網路
- 理解 /proc 檔案系統
5. 名稱服務與配置
- 解析器庫
- DNS 的運作方式
- BIND 的替代方案
6. 點對點協定
- Linux 上的 PPP
- 運行 pppd
- 使用選項檔
- 使用 chat 自動撥號
- IP 配置選項
- 連結控制選項
- 一般安全考量
- PPP 認證
- 調試您的 PPP 設定
- 更高級的 PPP 配置
- Linux 中的 PPPoE 選項
7. TCP/IP 防火牆
- 攻擊方法
- 防火牆是什麼?
- IP 過濾是什麼?
- Netfilter 和 iptables
- iptables 概念
- 為防火牆配置 Linux
- 使用 iptables
- iptables 子命令
- 基本 iptables 匹配
- 一個範例防火牆配置
- 參考資料
8. IP 計費
- 為 IP 計費配置內核
- 配置 IP 計費
- 使用 IP 計費結果
- 重置計數器
- 刷新規則集
- 被動收集計費數據
9. IP 偽裝與網路地址轉換
- 副作用與附帶好處
- 為 IP 偽裝配置內核
- 配置 IP 偽裝
- 處理名稱伺服器查詢
- 更多關於網路地址轉換的資訊
10. 重要的網路功能
- inetd 超級伺服器
- tcpd 存取控制功能
- xinetd 替代方案
- 服務與協定檔案
- 遠端程序調用
- 配置遠端登錄與執行
11. 電子郵件的管理問題
- 郵件訊息是什麼?
- 郵件如何送達?
- 電子郵件地址
- 郵件路由是如何運作的?
- 網際網路上的郵件路由
12. sendmail
- 安裝 sendmail 發行版
- sendmail 配置檔案
- sendmail.cf 配置語言
- 創建 sendmail 配置
- sendmail 數據庫
- 測試您的配置
- 運行 sendmail
- 提示與技巧
- 更多資訊
13. 配置 IPv6 網路
- IPv4 問題與臨時解決方案
- IPv6 作為解決方案
14. 配置 Apache 網頁伺服器
- Apache HTTPD 伺服器簡介
- 配置與建置 Apache
- 配置檔案選項
- VirtualHost 配置選項
- Apache 與 OpenSSL
- 故障排除
15. IMAP
- IMAP 簡介
- Cyrus IMAP
16. Samba
- Samba 簡介
17. OpenLDAP
- 理解 LDAP
- 獲取 OpenLDAP
18. 無線網路
- 歷史
- 標準
- 802.11b 安全問題