Windows Server 2008 Security Resource Kit (Paperback)
暫譯: Windows Server 2008 安全資源工具包 (平裝本)
Jesper M. Johansson
- 出版商: MicroSoft
- 出版日期: 2008-02-27
- 售價: $2,040
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $1,938
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 512
- 裝訂: Paperback
- ISBN: 0735625042
- ISBN-13: 9780735625044
Windows Server、資訊安全
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Key Book Benefits
Definitive technical information and expert insights straight from the Windows Server Security Team and leading Microsoft MVPs
Provides in-depth information that every Windows administrator needs to know about helping protect Windows-based environments
Includes best practices from real-world implementations
CD includes additional job aids, including tools, scripts, and a fully searchable version of the entire RESOURCE KIT book
Q&A with Jesper M. Johansson, author of Windows Server 2008 Security Resource Kit
The credentials of the contributors to Windows Server 2008 Security Resource Kit are quite impressive. How important was it to assemble such a group for this title?
In my opinion, it was necessary. Server products are necessarily complex, and security, by its very nature, requires a very broad understanding of the product. Developing that understanding in a single person is possible, but very time consuming and still does not lead to the breadth of perspective that you find in a group of people. No single person can truly understand both what it is like to implement Active Directory in a 50,000 seat organization, and how to run a 50-seat small business network long-term, and neither of them is probably going to also be one of the world's foremost experts on implementing public key cryptography infrastructures. By putting together this world-wide team of experts (representing four countries on three continents) we were able to produce a resource that had far more depth and breadth of knowledge than would otherwise have been possible, and you get the expertise of 12 of the foremost experts on Windows Security in a single package.
What extras are available on the Resource Kit CD?
First, you get a bonus chapter on Rights Management Services, as well as an electronic copy of the entire book. I am very excited about the electronic copy because it provides a searchable way to read the book. These types of books are always used as references and being able to search it is very valuable.
You also get some tools that may come in handy for managing servers. Scripting Guru Ed Wilson wrote some custom PowerShell scripts specifically for this book to manage user accounts and other security related aspects of your deployment. In addition, I wrote a couple of tools for the book. One is my password generator, which I first made available several years ago. It enables you to manage unique administrator account passwords and service account passwords on hundreds or thousands of servers on a network. I also included my elevation tools, which allow you to launch an elevated instance of Windows Explorer, as well as elevating any command you want from the command line. Having worked with User Account Control (UAC) daily for about two years I find that one of the biggest impediments to running under UAC is the multiple prompts you get when you perform many file operations. As an administrator, that is a very common task. Elevating Windows Explorer lets you do those operations with a single elevation prompt, and still leave UAC turned on.
Comparing the two programs, what are some of the fundamental differences between Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2003?
To me, the biggest difference is the fact that while Windows Server 2003 was built under the security best practices of 2002, Windows Server 2008 incorporates all the secure development practices Microsoft learned in the five years since. The field of secure software development has progressed immensely between 2002 and 2007, and incorporating them will make Windows Server 2008 much more able to stand up to the threats we will see in the next five years. By the way, it is with a heavy heart that I say that, as I worked hard on security in Windows Server 2003, but it is true.
Apart from the engineering process, the first thing people will notice is the completely new management model in Windows Server 2008. Instead of installing a lot of separate components, you now deploy roles to the server. This makes a lot of sense because the roles are what you bought the server to fill. By implementing that metaphor in the management tools the risk for misconfiguration is greatly reduced.
The new kernel features are also very important and will make a big difference for many. First, the new virtualization features are fundamentally going to change how we build and run data centers. The improvements in security, reliability, and performance in the kernel features, such as thread scheduling, and in the networking features, such as the new network file system, also are going to be valuable to many.
What do you feel is the biggest security oversight made by network admins?
Put a slightly different way, the area where I see the most room for improvement is in security posture management. Administrators are far too focused on vulnerabilities and on the types of "hardening" tweaks that were useful in the 1990s, when software shipped wide open by default. Today, those things are not nearly as important as it is to manage the security posture of your servers. Far too many administrators still believe in the perimeter and fail to recognize that just about every organizational network today is semi-hostile, at best. The biggest security oversight is not to analyze and manage the threats posed to servers by other actors on the network. The Security Resource Kit goes into depth in discussing what I refer to as Network Threat Modeling, as the analysis phase of Server and Domain Isolation – probably the most powerful security tool in the arsenal today. Yet, the proportion of networks that use these tools is infinitesimal.
What are your thoughts on the constant hype surrounding potential security flaws in Vista?
As I have written elsewhere ( I fail to see any data backing up the argument. Certainly, there have been flaws in Vista – and anyone who expected it to be flawless was unrealistic – but the improvements are tremendous over Windows XP. Windows Vista has about half as many critical problems as Windows XP in the same time-frame. I'm not sure that it would have been reasonable to expect it to perform much better than that given how large and complex modern software is and how fast the security landscape is moving.
Therefore, I have to think that the reasons for the hype are something other than data. The popular press seems to operate on the assumption that complaining about Microsoft generates advertising revenue, and they are probably correct. The fact of the matter today is that a significant portion of the software industry, specifically the security portion, has built its business almost exclusively on selling software that purports to protect Microsoft's customers from Microsoft's screw-ups. It is simply terrifying to it, and a grave threat to its business model, that Microsoft should actually manage to produce software, and particularly operating systems, that are so secure they do not need most of the products that portion of the industry sells.
The popular press, being a largely advertising funded business, has happily latched on to this perception and boosted the unsubstantiated claims of Windows Vista's vulnerability to the benefit of their major advertisers. It is truly a sick eco-system that harms the customer in both the short and long term. The threats today, as I mentioned above, are trending toward the types of things that the security software industry cannot protect against. The new threats are against people, and the focus needs to shift to helping people make better security decisions and take responsibility for their own actions. Unfortunately, the current unsubstantiated hype about Windows Vista is not about protecting customers, it is about selling unnecessary security software and inculcating users and IT managers alike in the belief that they must buy third party software to run Windows safely; a belief that, with a few notable exceptions, such as anti-virus software, is falsified by the data. In fact, the hype has even lead to a huge growth industry in malicious, fake, security software. I have seen a lot of people lured by the hype into buying security software that is not security software at all, but simply malware in disguise. The average consumer, inundated with hype, is unable to make out what to really believe. This sick ecosystem is harmful and the press and the pundits are not helping, but only increasing the hype.
In your opinion, which network faces the biggest security risk today: the small office with multiple power users or large corporation with a large LUA base?
The unmanaged networks. I have seen very well managed and very secure networks in both small and large organizations, and I have seen poorly managed and very insecure networks in both as well. It is not really a matter of size but of how much time and effort is put into the security aspects of it. One of the largest weaknesses seems to be training. Security today is about end-points. The attacks are against people far more prevalent than those against technology and vulnerabilities. We need to, as an industry, understand how to push the security out to the assets that we are trying to protect. In the past we have centralized security because it was a way to centralize management of security. The challenge now is to de-centralize security, while still permitting centralized management. This is a non-trivial task, but it must be done. As a starting point, I dare every IT manager to start analyzing the risks to his or her network, and specifically, what it is they want the network to be used for. Once you understand what it is you want the network to provide you have a chance to work on making it provide that and nothing else. To me, that is the most important thing we can do. A properly staffed IT group, with adequate training and resources to train its users, an organizational mandate to protect the organization's assets, and a keen understanding of the business they serve will build a network that is adequately secured regardless of the size of the network. Windows Server 2008 certainly provides some very powerful technologies to help you manage security in your network, but while that is a necessary component, it is insufficient by itself. At a very base level, it is about the people and the processes you have, more than about the technology. Technology will help, but it is just a tool that your people will implement using a process that helps or hurts.
獲得規劃和實施 Windows Server 2008 安全功能的權威參考,並獲得來自微軟最有價值專家(MVP)和微軟 Windows Server 安全團隊的專家見解。這本官方微軟資源包提供了深入的技術資訊和工具,幫助保護您的 Windows® 基礎客戶端、伺服器角色、網路和網際網路服務。領先的安全專家解釋了如何規劃和實施全面的安全性,特別強調新的 Windows 安全工具、安全物件、安全服務、使用者身份驗證和存取控制、網路安全、應用程式安全、Windows 防火牆、Active Directory® 安全性、群組政策、審核和修補管理。該資源包還提供基於實際實施的最佳實踐。您還將獲得必備的工具、腳本、範本和其他關鍵工作輔助工具,包括整個資源包的電子書在 CD 上。
提供來自 Windows Server 安全團隊和領先微軟 MVP 的權威技術資訊和專家見解
提供每位 Windows 管理員需要了解的深入資訊,以幫助保護 Windows 基礎環境
CD 包含額外的工作輔助工具,包括工具、腳本和整本資源包的可搜尋版本
與《Windows Server 2008 安全資源包》作者 Jesper M. Johansson 的問答
《Windows Server 2008 安全資源包》的貢獻者資歷相當令人印象深刻。組建這樣一個團隊對於這本書有多重要?
在我看來,這是必要的。伺服器產品本質上是複雜的,而安全性本身需要對產品有非常廣泛的理解。在單一個人身上發展這種理解是可能的,但非常耗時,並且仍然無法達到一群人所能提供的廣度。沒有任何一個人能真正理解在一個 50,000 座位的組織中實施 Active Directory 的情況,以及如何長期運行一個 50 座位的小型商業網路,而他們中的任何一個人也不太可能是實施公鑰加密基礎設施的世界頂尖專家之一。通過組建這個來自四個國家的全球專家團隊,我們能夠產出一個資源,擁有比其他情況下更深更廣的知識,您可以在一個包裝中獲得 12 位 Windows 安全領域的頂尖專家的專業知識。
資源包 CD 上還有哪些額外內容?
您還將獲得一些可能對管理伺服器有幫助的工具。腳本專家 Ed Wilson 為這本書編寫了一些自定義的 PowerShell 腳本,以管理使用者帳戶和其他與安全相關的部署方面。此外,我為這本書編寫了幾個工具。其中一個是我的密碼生成器,我幾年前首次提供。它使您能夠在數百或數千台伺服器上管理唯一的管理員帳戶密碼和服務帳戶密碼。我還包括了我的提升工具,這些工具允許您啟動 Windows 檔案總管的提升實例,以及從命令行提升任何您想要的命令。經過大約兩年的日常使用者帳戶控制(UAC),我發現運行 UAC 的最大障礙之一是執行許多檔案操作時出現的多次提示。作為管理員,這是一個非常常見的任務。提升 Windows 檔案總管讓您可以用單一的提升提示執行這些操作,並且仍然保持 UAC 開啟。
比較這兩個程式,Windows Server 2008 和 Windows Server 2003 之間有哪些基本差異?
在我看來,最大的差異在於,Windows Server 2003 是在 2002 年的安全最佳實踐下構建的,而 Windows Server 2008 則整合了微軟在隨後五年中學到的所有安全開發實踐。安全軟體開發的領域在 2002 年到 2007 年之間進步巨大,整合這些實踐將使 Windows Server 2008 更能抵禦未來五年內出現的威脅。順便提一下,我說這話時心情沉重,因為我在 Windows Server 2003 的安全性上付出了很多努力,但這是事實。
除了工程過程,第一件人們會注意到的事情是 Windows Server 2008 中全新的管理模型。您不再安裝許多獨立的組件,而是將角色部署到伺服器上。這是非常合理的,因為角色就是您購買伺服器的目的。通過在管理工具中實施這種隱喻,錯誤配置的風險大大降低。
換個說法,我看到的改進空間最大的是安全姿態管理。管理員過於專注於漏洞和 1990 年代有用的“加固”調整,當時軟體預設是完全開放的。今天,這些事情不再像管理伺服器的安全姿態那麼重要。太多的管理員仍然相信周邊防護,卻未能認識到當今幾乎每個組織的網路都是半敵對的。最大的安全疏忽是未能分析和管理其他網路參與者對伺服器構成的威脅。安全資源包深入討論了我所稱的網路威脅建模,作為伺服器和域隔離的分析階段——這可能是當今最強大的安全工具。然而,使用這些工具的網路比例微乎其微。
您對圍繞 Vista 潛在安全漏洞的持續炒作有何看法?
正如我在其他地方所寫的(,我無法看到任何數據支持這一論點。當然,Vista 中存在缺陷——任何期望它完美無瑕的人都是不切實際的——但與 Windows XP 相比,改進是巨大的。在同一時間範圍內,Windows Vista 的關鍵問題大約只有 Windows XP 的一半。我不確定在考慮到現代軟體的龐大和複雜性以及安全環境的快速變化的情況下,期望它表現得更好是否合理。
流行媒體作為一個主要依賴廣告資金的商業,樂於附和這種看法,並提升了對 Windows Vista 脆弱性的無根據主張,以惠及他們的主要廣告商。這確實是一個有害的生態系統,對客戶在短期和長期內都造成了傷害。正如我上面提到的,今天的威脅正趨向於安全軟體產業無法防護的類型。新的威脅針對的是人,重點需要轉向幫助人們做出更好的安全決策並對自己的行為負責。不幸的是,當前對 Windows Vista 的無根據炒作並不是為了保護客戶,而是為了銷售不必要的安全軟體,並使使用者和 IT 管理員都相信他們必須購買第三方軟體才能安全運行 Windows;這種信念,除了少數幾個例外(如防病毒軟體),數據證明是錯誤的。事實上,這種炒作甚至導致了惡意假安全軟體的巨大增長產業。我見過很多人因為炒作而購買根本不是安全軟體的安全軟體,而是偽裝的惡意軟體。普通消費者在炒作的轟炸下無法辨別真正的信念。這個有害的生態系統是有害的,媒體和專家並沒有幫助,反而加劇了炒作。
在您看來,今天哪種網路面臨最大的安全風險:擁有多位高效能使用者的小型辦公室,還是擁有大量 LUA 基礎的大型企業?
無管理的網路。我在小型和大型組織中都見過管理良好且非常安全的網路,也見過管理不善且非常不安全的網路。這不僅僅是規模的問題,而是投入在安全方面的時間和精力。最大的弱點似乎是培訓。今天的安全性關乎端點。攻擊針對的是人,遠比針對技術和漏洞的攻擊更為普遍。我們需要作為一個行業,了解如何將安全推廣到我們試圖保護的資產上。在過去,我們將安全集中化,因為這是一種集中管理安全的方式。現在的挑戰是去中心化安全,同時仍允許集中管理。這是一項非平凡的任務,但必須完成。作為起點,我敢挑戰每位 IT 管理員開始分析他或她的網路風險,特別是他們希望網路用於什麼。一旦您了解您希望網路提供什麼,您就有機會使其提供該功能,而不是其他功能。對我來說,這是我們能做的最重要的事情。一個適當配置的 IT 團隊,擁有足夠的培訓和資源來培訓其使用者,並有組織的任務來保護組織的資產,對其服務的業務有深刻理解,將建立一個無論網路大小都能充分安全的網路。Windows Server 2008 確實提供了一些非常強大的技術來幫助您管理網路安全,但這雖然是必要的組成部分,但僅靠這一點是不夠的。在最基本的層面上,這關乎您擁有的人和流程,而不僅僅是技術。技術會有所幫助,但它只是您的員工將使用的工具,並通過幫助或傷害的流程來實施。