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$529The Elements of Style, 4/e (IE-Paperback)
$523Writing Academic English, 4/e
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Authoritative Answers to All Your NFS and Amd Questions--Specifically for Linux Administrators
This is the most complete, most advanced Linux coverage of NFS and Amd you'll find anywhere. Written by a Linux expert with over a decade of experience with file systems, Linux NFS and Automounter Administration teaches you, step-by-step, all the standard and advanced techniques you need to know to let users share files seamlessly across your Linux network. Hundreds of clear, consistent examples illustrate these techniques in detail—so you stay on track and accomplish all your goals. Coverage includes:
- Configuring NFS on Linux
- Tuning NFS performance
- Securing NFS clients/servers
- Diagnosing and debugging NFS problems
- Getting up to speed on NFS version 4
- Building and maintaining NFS software
- Configuring and building Linux kernels for use with NFS/Amd
- Configuring Amd
- Writing Amd maps
- Maintaining Amd on a daily basis
- Taking advantage of Amd's advanced features
- Using Autofs with Amd
- Building and configuring Automounter software
The Craig Hunt Linux Library
The Craig Hunt Linux Library provides in-depth, advanced coverage of key topics for Linux administrators. Topics include Samba, System Administration, DNS Server Administration, Apache, Security, and Sendmail. Each book in the series is either written or meticulously reviewed by Craig Hunt to ensure the highest quality and most complete coverage for networking professionals working specifically in Linux environments.
這是最全面、最先進的Linux NFS和Amd相關內容,您在任何地方都找不到比這更好的。由一位擁有十多年文件系統經驗的Linux專家撰寫,《Linux NFS和自動掛載管理》逐步教您所有標準和高級技巧,讓使用者在Linux網絡上無縫共享文件。數百個清晰、一致的示例詳細說明這些技巧,讓您保持正確方向,實現所有目標。內容包括:
- 在Linux上配置NFS
- 調整NFS性能
- 保護NFS客戶端/服務器
- 診斷和調試NFS問題
- 快速了解NFS版本4
- 構建和維護NFS軟件
- 配置和構建用於NFS/Amd的Linux內核
- 配置Amd
- 編寫Amd映射
- 日常維護Amd
- 充分利用Amd的高級功能
- 與Amd一起使用Autofs
- 構建和配置自動掛載軟件
The Craig Hunt Linux圖書館
Craig Hunt Linux圖書館提供深入、高級的Linux管理員主題內容。主題包括Samba、系統管理、DNS服務器管理、Apache、安全性和Sendmail。該系列中的每本書都由Craig Hunt撰寫或經過精心審查,以確保網絡專業人士在Linux環境中獲得最高質量和最完整的內容。