On Top of the Cloud: How CIOs Leverage New Technologies to Drive Change and Build Value Across the Enterprise (Hardcover)

Hunter Muller

  • 出版商: Wiley
  • 出版日期: 2012-01-24
  • 定價: $2,145
  • 售價: 1.9$399
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 272
  • 裝訂: Hardcover
  • ISBN: 1118065824
  • ISBN-13: 9781118065822
  • 相關分類: Apple Developer
  • 立即出貨 (庫存=1)




Praise for On Top of the Cloud

"21st-century CIOs have a dual responsibility: driving down costs and creating new business value. Managing this seeming dichotomy is the domain of top business executives everywhere, and CIOs everywhere are learning to step it up. The original research contained in Hunter's book serves as a practical road map for IT strategy in today's ultra-competitive markets."—Randy Spratt, EVP, CIO, and CTO, McKesson Corporation

"This is a thoughtfully written book, and the timing is perfect. Hunter really understands the challenges confronting transformational CIOs in today's markets, and he captures the choices they face as they work to create value for their organizations while driving down the costs of doing business in the modern world. The wealth of information contained in this book makes it truly valuable to career IT leaders and future CIOs alike."—Mark Polansky, Senior Client Partner and Managing Director, Information Technology Center of Expertise, Korn/Ferry International, North America

"The cloud involves more than just technology. It's really more of a new business model. Hunter grasps the central truth about cloud computing, and that's why this is a valuable book. Hunter understands the issues and conveys them in a conversational tone that is truly refreshing."—Dave Smoley, SVP and CIO, Flextronics International

"You may think this is a book about technology; well it's not. It's a book about leadership, packed with stories about real leaders finding new customers and markets, transforming the way their organizations work, and adding value—with the next generation of technology as the enabler. The cloud holds real potential. Read this book to see how top CIOs are positioning their companies."—Tony Leng, Managing Director, Diversified Search

"Hunter has the unique ability to distill the best thinking of world-class CIOs into something you can act on. If you are a technology executive trying to find the right balance between generating business value and managing IT costs, this is the right book for you. On Top of the Cloud will be especially useful for transformational CIOs tasked with developing their company's strategies for technology-driven business growth."—Randy Krotowski, CIO, Global Upstream, Information Technology, Chevron Corporation



「21世紀的CIO有著雙重責任:降低成本和創造新的商業價值。管理這種看似矛盾的任務是全球頂尖企業高管的領域,而各地的CIO都在學習如何應對。亨特的書中包含的原創研究為當今競爭激烈的市場中的IT戰略提供了實用的路線圖。」——蘭迪·斯普拉特(Randy Spratt),麥克森公司執行副總裁、CIO和CTO

「這是一本深思熟慮的書,時機恰到好處。亨特真正理解當今市場上變革性CIO所面臨的挑戰,並捕捉到他們在為組織創造價值的同時降低業務成本的選擇。這本書中包含的豐富信息使其對職業IT領導者和未來的CIO都具有真正的價值。」——馬克·波蘭斯基(Mark Polansky),康富國際北美地區高級客戶合作夥伴兼信息技術中心董事總經理

「雲端不僅涉及技術,更是一種新的商業模式。亨特抓住了關於雲計算的核心真理,這就是為什麼這本書具有價值。亨特理解這些問題,並以談話的口吻傳達出來,真正令人耳目一新。」——戴夫·斯莫利(Dave Smoley),Flextronics International高級副總裁兼CIO

「你可能會認為這是一本關於技術的書,但事實並非如此。這是一本關於領導力的書,充滿了關於真實領導者如何尋找新客戶和市場、改變組織運作方式並增加價值的故事,而下一代技術則是實現這一切的推動者。雲端具有真正的潛力。閱讀這本書,了解頂尖CIO如何定位他們的公司。」——托尼·倫格(Tony Leng),Diversified Search董事總經理

「亨特有著將世界一流CIO的最佳思維提煉成可行動的獨特能力。如果你是一位技術高管,試圖在產生商業價值和管理IT成本之間找到合適的平衡,這本書就是適合你的。《站在雲端之巔》對於負責制定公司技術驅動業務增長戰略的變革性CIO尤其有用。」——蘭迪·克羅托夫斯基(Randy Krotowski),雪佛龍公司全球上游信息技術CIO